Silencer Review: Griffin Armament Recce 5 Mod 4 [VIDEO]

As Griffin Armament continuously refines and improves its designs and develops new technology, it has been very good about applying these improvements not only to its new products, but to its existing product line. One example is the Recce 5, which has been a solid choice among dedicated 5.56 suppressors for nearly a decade and … Read more

Eating Our Own: The Fine (Not So) Young Cannibals of the Gun Industry

Whether through articles or posts on social media the gun industry has an unfortunate tendency to readily and joyously eat its own. Toss a proverbial hot topic into the ring and suddenly it’s lions versus Christians with the lone Christian being represented by some poor guy who was “just saying.” It’s a topic worth addressing … Read more

Springfield Armory Uses Cryptic Imagery for Their New Product Tease

Springfield Armory has a countdown clock at their “Fiercely Defend” web page teasing a yet-to-be-announced new product. In the background is a major urban city. Under the caption appears the text, “It’s a jungle out there.” We don’t know who Springfield Armory is targeting with this promotion, but frankly, I’m interested. What could they have … Read more

TTAG’s 10 Most Popular Posts of 2018

There’s apparently a rule written somewhere mandating that the week between Christmas and the start of the new year must feature reflections on the year that’s ending. Far be it from us to flout a long-held publishing convention like that. The most popular content here at TTAG has long been our brutally honest, no-holds-barred gun … Read more

Shot Placement: Ink, Piercings, and Unnatural Hair, Oh My!

We’re taking a slight departure from the world of hunting this week although technically this topic does apply to the hunting side of the industry. It’s simply an issue more prevalent on the tactical side. My July was a bit crazy. Almost the entire month was comprised of back-to-back business trips in different states all … Read more

Shot Placement: Women Who Hunt (and Shoot)

Yesterday I found myself caught in a conversation I’ve had countless times over the years. A volunteer RSO at my local sportsmen’s club had shown up while I was running a few guns for work and he was more interested in talking than shooting. After awhile – I would shoot a mag, he would start … Read more

Shot Placement: Thrill of the Hunt

Last fall I found myself sitting in a field of prickly Blue-Eyed grass using a young Foothill Pine for concealment; I’d hiked in while it was still dark to find a place to wait before the sun rose. During the pre-dawn hours the mountains were barely-visible dips and peaks around me and the dark gave … Read more

Shot Placement: Hogs, Hogs, Hogs

Hog hunting has enjoyed Most Popular Hunt status for some time now. And of course, when people think feral hogs they tend to think Texas. It’s certainly true the Lone Star State has more than its share of the destructive pests, but they’re now a widespread menace. In honor of the arrival of summer and … Read more

VIDEO: Holstered Pistol Discharges… Negligent or Accident?

This video was submitted anonymously by a reader in Nevada. It shows a firearm that had been holstered discharging when the carrier bent over to pick something up. We’re told that the gun in question was a GLOCK 43. The holster was a GCode INCOG. The bullet penetrated the carrier’s groin in a through-and-through wound … Read more