As you’ve probably already read, TTAG will be out in force, covering the NRA Annual Meeting and Exhibits like GSR on a competition shooter’s hand. Or something. A number of the TTAG Armed Intelligencia have asked if we could have a meet-up for those of you attending, or who live in the greater Pittsburgh area. Which sounds like a great idea to us. (Truth to tell, in this age of the Internet, most of your humble correspondents have not met, face to face. Unless you count Apple’s FaceTime. Still. Whatever.)
TTAG Podcast Episode 2: Jon Wayne Taylor Talks Guns, Gear and Politics
In this week’s TTAG podcast, writer Jon Wayne Taylor joins RF and me to talk the Smith & Wesson M&P9 M2.0 Compact, the latest from Las Vegas, bump fire stock regulation, the Ryker Fist Grip, school carry in California and much, much more. So grab an adult beverage, kick back and enjoy. Your browser does not … Read more