TTAG Podcast Episode 2: Jon Wayne Taylor Talks Guns, Gear and Politics

In this week’s TTAG podcast, writer Jon Wayne Taylor joins RF and me to talk the Smith & Wesson M&P9 M2.0 Compact, the latest from Las Vegas, bump fire stock regulation, the Ryker Fist Grip, school carry in California and much, much more. So grab an adult beverage, kick back and enjoy. Your browser does not … Read more

TTAG Limited Edition Founder’s T-Shirt Now Available

Okay, campers, our long-promised, long-awaited TShirts, caps (and soon-to-be-available other goodies) are finally online and ready for your credit card purchases. Click here for the TTAG Store. Don’t hold back. Tell us what you think. Even better, buy something. Rest assured that the money you spend here will not go to build mosaic handball courts for the … Read more

The First TTAG Meet-up @ The NRA Confab

As you’ve probably already read, TTAG will be out in force, covering the NRA Annual Meeting and Exhibits like GSR on a competition shooter’s hand. Or something. A number of the TTAG Armed Intelligencia have asked if we could have a meet-up for those of you attending, or who live in the greater Pittsburgh area. Which sounds like a great idea to us. (Truth to tell, in this age of the Internet, most of your humble correspondents have not met, face to face. Unless you count Apple’s FaceTime. Still. Whatever.)

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TTAG upgrades – Editing Your Comments (Yourself)

We love TTAG’s Armed Intelligentsia. We love it even more when you feel moved to comment on something you read—as long as you avoid flaming. But in the big-league, razzle-dazzle, live-on-the-razor’s edge, take-your-life-in-your-hands world of blog commenting, sometimes there’s a slip betwixt the “publish button” and the lip. In plain(er) English, you hit “send” and just as the key travels back up to neutral on the old keyboard, you realize “butwaitI’mnotreadytosendthatIneedtomakesomechanges.”


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TTAG is Growing, but Icon See You Very Well…

The good news: TTAG is growing by leaps and bounds. New writers. New readers. Lots of readers making comments. It’s all good. And aside from a few tech glitches lately (our downtime Friday night/Saturday morning was due to a router problem at our server farm), everything’s been working smoothly. Which brings me to a comment of my own.

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