To paraphrase my favorite line in any B52’s song, WELL IT ISN’T! And remember: we’re just talking about the difficulty of actually shooting the bird. Not the difficulty of convincing her indoors that you need a little Tom-killing time. Actually, I’m not talking about hunting turkeys (much, really). It’s the mono-monikered “Myhre” writing for who’s gabbing (gobbling?) about it. Larry (for it is he) has some valuable words of advice on surmounting the whole “you have to shoot the bird to kill it” challenge. “The kill zone on a turkey is about the same diameter and length as a wooden pencil. That would be his spinal column. Perch on top of that pencil a large marble. That would be the brain cavity . . .
5 Good Reasons Why You Really Need to Hunt Spring Turkey This Year
It’s something I hear on a regular basis: turkey hunting turkey hunting is boring. Naysayers tend to drone on about the dullness of the kill, the small amount of meat and, in some cases, their apparent dislike of shotguns (yes, really). Well, spring turkey season is almost upon us and I’m here to give you … Read more