Virginia Man Finally Returns Home After Hellish Island Vacation

For those who are keeping track, three of the five Americans being held in Turks and Caicos for accidentally having stray ammo in their bags, have now been released with hefty fines and time served. Last week, Tyler Wenrich, a 31-year-old emergency medical technician from Louisa County, Virginia, returned home the same day it was … Read more

Pennsylvania Dad Set for Release After Turks and Caicos Sentencing, Four Other Americans Still Detained

The months-long saga for at least one American trapped on the island of Turks and Caicos (TCI) after airport security there discovered loose rounds of ammunition in his travel bag seems to be finally coming to end. A TCI judge today issued a suspended 52-month sentence to Bryan Hagerich, a Pennsylvania father of two and … Read more

Paradise Lost: Another American Arrested in Turks and Caicos for Ammo in Bag

Another American tourist was arrested at Howard Hamilton International Airport in Turks and Caicos on Monday after ammunition was allegedly found in their luggage during a routine security check, according to the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police and Breitbart. This latest arrest brings the total number of Americans facing charges for ammunition possession in … Read more

TRAVEL ADVISORY: Paradise Lost, Avoid Turks and Caicos

The Second Amendment Foundation offers this warning to all U.S. gun owners: Do Not Travel to the Turks and Caicos Islands, a British Overseas Territory located southeast of the Bahamas. And if you have already made plans, reconsider your destination. SUMMARY: Since November 2022, at least eight American tourists have faced “firearms prosecutions” for inadvertently … Read more