Who’s Going to Tell David Hogg That Guns Save Lives? [GRAPHIC IMAGE]

David Hogg desperately wants his fifteen minutes of fame to continue. When Senator Marco Rubio tweeted a religious message last Friday, December 7th, the media’s favorite anti-gun teen just couldn’t help himself. Furiously tapping away at his keyboard, Hogg tweeted back “Who is going to be the one to tell Marco Rubio that Bible verses … Read more

Some Chick on Twitter: Poor People Are Too Uneducated to Own Guns

When David Hogg took to Twitter on November 28, 2018 and stated “congress ought to create a federal tax on gun sales to fund gun violence research” fellow Parkland student and gun rights supporter Kyle Kashuv had an immediate answer. Kashuv tweeted back “David, please realize that this penalizes people from low income areas that … Read more

Life’s Latest Little Irony: Peace-loving Lefties Wish Palin Dead.


If you’re a member of the TTAGencia, you’ve heard a lot lately about the outrage (Outrage, I say!) on the Left side of the aisle regarding who’s behind the Safeway Massacre in Arizona. The Left claims that Sarah Palin is to blame, due to her website map that used crosshairs to indicate which races the Tea Partiers were targeting in the recent midterm elections. They also blame the Tea Party, Conservative rhetoric, and anybody who doesn’t think in lock-step with them. But is that fair?

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