Home State Blowback: John Cornyn is Loudly Booed at the Texas Republican Convention Over His Gun Control ‘Compromise’

As we’ve been covering here at The Truth About Guns, there’s an effort afoot by a group of Senate Republicans to give Second Amendment opponents something they dearly want: more gun control laws (and a rare election year win). Not only did they apparently make no effort to get anything in return for their “compromise,” but … Read more

This Is All Bill Clinton’s Fault

By Lee Williams Senators Chris Murphy, (D-Conn.), and John Cornyn, (R-Texas), have met in secret recently – behind closed doors – to negotiate a way to expand federal background checks. Citing the 2019 mass murder that killed eight people and wounded 25 near Odessa, Texas, Cornyn believes the deaths could have been avoided if the … Read more

Why Is Texas Sen. John Cornyn Working With Democrats to Outlaw Private Gun Sales?

While John Cornyn’s home state is on the brink of enacting constitutional carry and doing away with government hurdles to keeping and bearing arms in Texas, the Senator is hard at work in Washington, meeting with members of the Senate’s gun control caucus, trying to reach an agreement on outlawing private gun sales. What else … Read more

Texas Sen. Cornyn Announces RESPONSE Act to ‘Prevent (Mass) Attacks and Make Communities Safer’

Today in the Senate I will be introducing the Restoring, Enhancing, Strengthening, and Promoting Our Nation’s Safety Efforts – or RESPONSE – Act. This bill will include a number of provisions to prevent attacks and make our communities safer. The RESPONSE Act creates nationwide task forces to investigate and prosecute those who are illegally selling … Read more

U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas: Don’t Tread On Me, Felipe

“It was inappropriate for President Calderon to lecture Americans on our own state and federal laws. Arizona’s immigration law has been amended to make clear it does not authorize racial profiling by law enforcement. Moreover, the Second Amendment is not a subject open for diplomatic negotiation, with Mexico or any other nation.” Sorry it’s taken us … Read more