College Campus Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

College student Jacob says he carried these items “today” which makes me wonder…does he mean he carried on campus? And if so, is it one of those “gun-free zone” places (yeah it probably is)? Considering how gun-free zones are soft targets, it’s a Good Thing that he has his GLOCK 42 loaded with Underwood ammo.

Ammo Review: Lehigh & Underwood Make .32 ACP Great Again If you’re shooting to meet FBI specifications for projectile penetration — 12″ to 18″ in 10% ballistic gelatin — you’ll find that the .32 ACP cartridge is a tough nut to crack. Ball ammo, whether round- or flat-nosed, cast lead or jacketed, overpenetrates and does little in the way of tissue damage while it’s … Read more