Polymer80 Closes Its Doors After Mounting Legal Troubles

Polymer80, at one time the largest manufacturer of 80% receiver kits for home gun builders, has shut down operations, becoming a casualty of the anti-Second Amendment agenda. The company caved to insurmountable legal defense and settlement costs that have plagued Polymer80 to the tune of millions.  “In order to be able to stop hemorrhaging we … Read more

NWSSE: GEMTECH Integra Uppers

Somehow we managed to miss GEMTECH‘s new Integra integrally-suppressed AR uppers at the NRA Annual Meetings this year, but my pal “CASES4CASES” found them at the Northwest Shooting Sports Expo. By pinning and welding a monocore suppressor to the end of a ~10″ barrel, GEMTECH achieves a 16.1″ “barrel” length and you avoid the hassles … Read more