New York Times Make the Case for Urban Residents Exercising Their Second Amendment Rights

These everyday killings received far less attention than the mass murder at the parade. But they are the standard for American gun violence: More than 95 percent of gun homicides this year have been shootings with one to three victims. Today, we want to help you understand where and why most everyday gun violence happens. … Read more

When Public Officials Fail to Keep Crime in Check, Citizens Will Arm Themselves, Whether It’s Legal or Not

  When “people do not feel protected by the police,” [Philadelphia DA Larry] Krasner notes, they may “view the risk of being caught by police with an illegal gun as outweighed by the risk of being caught on the street without one.” Before he was elected, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg expressed a similar concern. … Read more

Firearm Safety: Being a Good Mother in a Bad Neighborhood

By Marcie Young No matter what country, state, or city you live in, every neighborhood has pros and cons. Most big cities in the United States tend to have “good” areas and “bad” ones, though it is unclear to me exactly what differentiates one from the other. What I do know is that too many … Read more

TTAG Morning Digest: ChiCom Small Arms, Social Network Sales and The Punisher’s Stance

The ChiComs are building their small arms around four different 5.8mm rounds . . . China Is Now Making Some of the Most Powerful Guns on the Planet China’s People’s Liberation Army has traditionally relied on foreign and Communist bloc weapons manufactured in China under license—or not. Now, however, as the PLA undergoes an unprecedented … Read more