Newspaper Blames Gun Shop, Not Biden for Illegal Handgun Purchase

Gannett’s flagship newspaper USA TODAY claims in a recent story that if a Delaware gun shop had “done its job” in 2018, Hunter Biden would never have been able to illegally purchase the .38 Special Colt Cobra revolver, which led to his three felony convictions. “By law, handguns can be sold by shops only to … Read more

Media Fact Check: How Fake News Happens

C.A. Bridges, a “digital producer” for Gannett’s USA TODAY Florida network, wrote basically the same story on May 12 and May 28, which claimed that Florida has experienced more mass shootings than any other state. Unfortunately for Bridges and his readers, both stories were wrong, incredibly biased and typical of the fake news that permeates … Read more

What’s the Definition of a Mass Shooting? Anti-Gun Groups Play Loose With the Numbers

When it comes to reporting news on shootings and gun deaths, the numbers don’t lie…or do they? It’s hard to say when the numbers and measurements don’t even match and groups with an agenda twist the definitions of “mass shooting” to help inflate the numbers. There were 648 mass shootings in 2020, according to the … Read more

Why Are Michael Bloomberg’s Anti-Gun ‘Journalists’ Writing for USA TODAY?

Earlier this month, I wrote a story that showed how USA Today had partnered with Bloomberg’s anti-gun propaganda factory, The Trace, for an investigative series – a collaboration which violated more than a few of the Gannett-owned newspaper’s ethical principles. Now, it appears that the relationship between Bloomberg’s anti-gun activists and USA TODAY has grown … Read more

USA TODAY Teams Up With Bloomberg’s Anti-Gun Agitprop Arm For An Investigative Series

By Lee Williams The editor’s note posted at the end of the stories says all you need to know: “For this project, USA TODAY partnered with The Trace, a nonprofit newsroom dedicated to improving public understanding of gun violence, increasing accountability and identifying solutions.” For those of you who may not have heard of The … Read more

FBI Seeks Personal Information on Readers of ‘USA Today’ Florida Shooting Story

Did you read this article on USA Today in the 35 minutes after 8:00 PM on February 2nd? If so, the FBI has subpoenaed the publisher for your IP address and phone number in an attempt to identify you. While the subpoena simply states that the information “relates to a federal criminal investigation being conducted … Read more

LIKE LOCUSTS: Gun Owners Stripping Shelves of Guns and Ammo Nationwide

While some still try to sell gun control after nationwide rioting, looting and a few high-profile police misconduct cases, Americans aren’t buying it. Instead, they’re buying guns and ammo at a record pace. In fact, they are buying so much that gun shops simply can’t keep product on the shelves. In the Chicagoland suburbs, one … Read more

USA Today: Yes, HR 5717 Would Ban Civilian Owned ‘Assault Weapons’

Lots of gun owners, gun rights supporters and gun rights organizations have taken note of Rep. Hank “Cappy” Johnson’s HR 5717. We wrote about that abomination which is chock full of wonderful surprises like national gun owner licensing, a ban on suppressors, federal red flag confiscations and more. MAC wrote about it on his Facebook … Read more

Proof That a Dedicated Core of Gun Rights Supporters Can Make a Significant Difference

Check the map (here) of cities, counties and states that have declared themselves Second Amendment Sanctuaries. A new green area seems to go up almost every day. This is really starting to freak them out. Especially after Viginia’s “assault weapons” ban and magazine confiscation bill went down in flames. You can almost read the alarm … Read more