USA Today ‘Extremism’ Beat: How Second Amendment Supporters Become Nazis (Allegedly)

By Lee Williams USA Today’s “extremism” reporter Will Carless has extremists on the brain. He’s written about extremist cops, extremist podcasts, extremist militia groups, extremist videos, extremist Facebook groups and now, extremist gun show recruiters. Before he joined Gannett’s flagship newspaper about a year ago, Carless was the extremist guy at the Center for Investigative … Read more

Why Are Michael Bloomberg’s Anti-Gun ‘Journalists’ Writing for USA TODAY?

Earlier this month, I wrote a story that showed how USA Today had partnered with Bloomberg’s anti-gun propaganda factory, The Trace, for an investigative series – a collaboration which violated more than a few of the Gannett-owned newspaper’s ethical principles. Now, it appears that the relationship between Bloomberg’s anti-gun activists and USA TODAY has grown … Read more