Vehicles As Weapons: Phoenix Police Shoot Man Attempting to Run Down His Girlfriend [VIDEO]

Some people just don’t have the Christmas spirit. Others can get downright surly – or homicidal during the holidays. Just such a thing happened early on Christmas day as Phoenix cops say a man tried to run over his girlfriend and some others with his SUV.  He even returned for a second round, but a … Read more

Grocery Store Parking Lot Altercation: Mob Attacks, Defender Uses His Car as a Weapon [VIDEO]

Those of us who can carry should carry whenever possible. Especially during these times of increased street violence. A July 4th incident at a Kroger grocery store in Columbus, Ohio illustrates why.  A video showed an incident in which a mob accosted an armed individual. When the gun owner tried to de-escalate by escaping, one … Read more