Stoeger Presents “The Opener” a New Short Film on One Duck Hunting Tradition

For the hunters (or to some, the Fudds) among us who live for this time of the year when crops are being cut, the mercury is falling, deer have shed their velvet and are preparing for the rut and the first ducks begin their migrations south, this is THE time of year we live for. … Read more

Street Justice: Chicago Carjacker Picks Wrong Victim, Epic Beatdown Caught On Camera [VIDEO]

When Chicago Police — according to their own stats — only solve 5.8% of serious crimes, it can leave victims more inclined to administer some street justice to bad guys doing bad things. Last Saturday, a viral video on Twitter captured what happened when a ne’er-do-well with a knife tried to relieve a motorist of … Read more

Security Camera Captures Gun Store Owner Opening Fire On Thieves Who Came in Shooting [VIDEO]

Firearm trainers typically tell their students never try to draw down on a bad guy when his or her gun is pointed at you. However, all of that goes out the window when the criminal has already opened fire. That’s exactly what happened in a Paraguay gun store last month as a pair of armed … Read more

More Carjackers Failing, Including a Shoot-Out With Police [VIDEO]

Carjackings have spiked across America’s big cities, especially those with Soros-funded prosecutors who don’t prosecute criminals. As a result, Philly’s dealing with nearly ten per day. Chicago criminals makes Philly’s look like amateurs. Young people think it’s an easy way to pick up a new ride without working too hard. Sometimes, though, it doesn’t go … Read more

VIDEO: Philly’s Mayor Becomes Gun Salesman of the Week After (Another) Lawless Weekend

Leave it to the UK’s Daily Mail to report what the American mainstream media won’t. This weekend in Philadelphia, a lawless mob literally drove donuts around a police squad car and the cops did nothing. What’s more, the same video shows a huge number of the mob hopping on the squad car and taunting the … Read more

Good Guy With a Gun Mistakenly Shot and Killed By Phoenix Police [VIDEO]

A recent officer-involved-shooting in Phoenix presents a host of lessons we can all learn from. A responding police officer there mistakenly shot a good guy with a gun as he held a pair of shoplifters at gunpoint. Both parties made mistakes, but William Brookins, 39, paid for his well-meaning good Samaritanism with his life. Brookins, … Read more

Dramatic Video Shows LAPD SWAT Officer Shot During Standoff

The Los Angeles Police Department has released some dramatic bodycam footage of a standoff that took place on March 16th. In it, an LAPD SWAT cop was shot twice by the suspect using a shotgun, once in his tactical vest and another time wounding him in the neck and face area. Fortunately, he’ll survive. As … Read more

Maintain Your Shooting Range or You’ll Burn, Baby, Burn [VIDEO]

This is why good gun range management and maintenance is so important, boys and girls. Unless you enjoy flash fires, of course. Based on the officers’ uniforms, it appears this took place in the city of Aracaju, Brazil. Take a look (the action starts at about 1:20): It’s not clear what that mat in front … Read more

TactaCam’s New Spotter LR (and More)

Tactacam has been on my radar for a while now. After all, if you want to videotape what you shoot, it’s a good product for it – and now they have a spotting scope camera that’s well worth a closer look. The Tactacam Spotter LR was officially new in August, but it’s now gaining traction … Read more