AMERICA’S MURDER CITY: Cook County (IL) Gun Cases Not Prosecuted Locally, Feds Aren’t Prosecuting Either

For at least 12 years running, the Windy City in Illinois has captured the crown as America’s Murder City with the most homicides. When one couples the “no snitch” culture with the gang culture and add in defunding the police and prosecutors who don’t prosecute, criminals know they can work without consequences. Now, in a … Read more

The Numbers That Support Arguments for More Gun Control Just Don’t Add Up

By Rob Morse Gun Prohibitionists call for more gun control every time a criminal uses a firearm. Like a bunch of short attention span headline surfers, we pass more gun control laws every year without bothering to ask if they actually work. When you stand back and look, however, you can’t help but notice that the … Read more

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Surrounds Himself With 149 Police Bodyguards While ‘Defunding the Police’ For The Little People

Chicago’s new Mayor Brandon “Big Brain” Johnson has long advocated for defunding the police along with more gun control for law-abiding citizens. And while he has allowed almost two thousand police officer positions to go unfilled as part of cutting back law enforcement in the Windy City one area inside Chicago Police headquarters has experienced … Read more

Myrick: Fearmongering Is Spiking Ratings and Spurring Gun Sales

Sadly, far-right politicians and media figures have habitually stoked fear and manufactured moral panics as a political strategy to amp up their base. And it’s having an effect: For decades, Gallup polls have consistently found that Americans believe crime is going up, whether it is or not. The cost of this paranoia-propaganda machine? Real human lives — … Read more

As Chicagoans Die In the Streets, Mayor Lori Lightfoot Dances and Sings on TikTok [VIDEO]

Lori Lightfoot has done a lot for the city of Chicago. She’s presided over a 74% decline in arrests, a police department so understaffed that it couldn’t respond to over 50% of the highest priority 911 calls last year, and Murder City, USA has achieved over 555 homicides so far this year…with almost three months … Read more

‘Police Reforms’ Mean More Illegal Guns on The Streets, Soaring Crime Rates

From the CCRKBA . . . The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today blasted so-called “police reforms” in various American cities for hindering law enforcement efforts to remove contraband guns from the streets, thus enabling criminals to illegally circulate firearms to convicted felons or underage thugs, contributing to a violent … Read more

New York City’s Eric Adams Teams Up With Chicago’s Lori Lightfoot In A Race To The Bottom

It’s generally considered well worthwhile to seek the advice of others with more experience when taking on a new job. By seeking the counsel of an accomplished, recognized authority in a particular field, you can avoid costly mistakes and benefit from the lessons others have already learned. That’s why it’s so baffling that New York … Read more

Psycho Killer Qu’est-ce que c’est: Video Shows New York City Serial Attacker Shooting Homeless Man

New York City has a major crime issue, caused in part by policies of the previous Mayor Bill DeBlasio and Soros-funded prosecutor Alvin Bragg. Now the Big Apple has suffered another bruise, this time caused by a psychotic murderer who ambushes the homeless by shooting them as they sleep. NYPD has released video of the … Read more

Could Media Reports of More Violent Crime Create a Different Standard of Proof in Self-Defense Cases?

It seems like we are inundated with reports of violent crime in the media. We regularly hear about someone who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. This kind if news once took days to spread, but today it spreads in a matter of hours, if not minutes…and then the misinformation follows in … Read more