Virginia’s Democrats: Send In The National Guard to Enforce New Gun Laws

Sanctuary resolutions, which originally began in Illinois in early 2018, have swept the nation.  However, no state has outdone Virginia in quickly passing these “don’t tread on me” resolutions.  And now, Virginia Democrats have decided to push back, threatening those sanctuary jurisdictions and law enforcement agencies who refuse to enforce their new gun control laws. … Read more

Virginia Gov. Northam’s Gun Control Push Now in Doubt After Blackface/KKK Revelation

Pity Poor Ralph Shearer Northam, Virginia’s Democrat governor. Back in his medical school days, he appeared either in blackface or dressed as a Klansman (it’s not clear which) in a photo he selected for his yearbook page. And now that the photo has gone public, even Democrats are calling for him to resign. Governor Northam — … Read more