WaPo Editorial Board Really Hopes Virginia’s Second Amendment Sanctuary Counties Won’t Follow Through With Their Promises

This sounds like our betters at the Washington Post are whistling past the graveyard. Not also the scare quotes around the word sanctuaries in the editorial title. Sheriffs and other law enforcement officers are sworn to uphold and enforce duly enacted laws. For a sheriff to refuse to enforce a protective order handed down by … Read more

After Hours of Testimony, Lynchburg, Virginia City Counsel Rejects 2A Sanctuary Status

Scores of people spoke in advance of the vote, a process that went on until 2:00am. In the end the council voted down the proposal to declare the city of Lynchburg a Second Amendment sanctuary by a margin of 5-2. Despite the motion limiting the number of speakers, 120 people signed up to speak during … Read more

Virginia Gov. Northam’s Capitol Square Gun Ban Has Increased the Chances of Violence on Monday

By John Stokes If you want to see first-hand how America could conceivably slip back into the kind of political violence we saw in the 1970’s, then you should take a look at what’s currently unfolding in Virginia. It’s one of the best case studies in recent years of how social-media-fueled rumors, changing demographics, the … Read more

Virginia’s Legislature Has Become a Fact-Free Gun Zone

By Dennis Petrocelli, MD If the Bloomberg-financed gun confiscation crowd gets anything right, it is their consistently beguiling messaging. In the same way that The Force in Star Wars bends the will of the weak-minded, confiscationists use language that requires us first to disabuse the public of their empty rhetoric before we can actually discuss the facts about … Read more

Wilkinson: The Gun Sanctuary Movement is Anti-Democratic

“Looking at a map of Virginia,” [Erich] Pratt and [Philip] Van Cleave wrote, “it becomes clear that only a few, geographically small, yet heavily populated, jurisdictions have declined to stand up against the current threats to the Virginia and United States Constitutions.” In other words, the “heavily populated” parts of Virginia do not have the … Read more

The UK’s Guardian Stokes Fear of Armed Insurrection in Virginia and the Start of the ‘Boogaloo’

The effort to discredit those in Virginia who happen to disagree with the flood of anti-gun laws being pushed by newly-empowered Democrats is well under way. Anyone challenging the gun-grabbing proposals under consideration in the state legislature is being portrayed as a racist, a white supremacist, or an anti-government militia type. Or some blend of … Read more

UPDATE: Virginia Legislature Bans Guns in the Capitol

UPDATE: Surprising absolutely no one, the newly Democrat-controlled Virginia legislature has voted to ban firearms in the capitol building and legislative office buildings. As the AP reports . . . “The overall goal here is to protect and ensure the safety of our members and of the people that are in our building coming and … Read more

Roberts: All This Talk of Gun Control and Confiscation is Hysterical Overreaction and a Phantom Fear

The Arizona Republic‘s Laurie Roberts thinks a statewide sanctuary bill for Arizona is just a bunch of kooky talk. It’s just an insane response to a non-threat. There’s nothing to worry about and no one wants to take away anyone’s guns. And if the tables were turned, there would be no shortage of smirking columnists … Read more

City of Virginia Beach, Site of May Shooting, Joins the State’s Sanctuary Movement

By Jeff Hulbert Virginia Beach, the state’s largest city, has formally added its voice to the chorus of Old Dominion gun rights supporting jurisdictions that are demanding a halt to sweeping new infringement proposals that are widely regarded statewide as unconstitutional. The Virginia Beach City Council—with one member absent—voted 6-to-4 to send a resolution to … Read more