With Texas, More Than Half The Nation Will Soon Be a Second Amendment Sanctuary

By Lee Williams All it takes is the stroke of a pen – one pen to be precise. When Texas Governor Greg Abbott signs HB 2622 into law, which he’s expected to do any moment, more than half of the country will become a Second Amendment sanctuary. According to Noah Davis of sanctuarycounties.com and its … Read more

What the Media Won’t Report: Nearly Half the Country is Now a Second Amendment Sanctuary

by Lee Williams There are few stories the mainstream media enjoys more than “trend” stories. Whether it’s plant-based fake meat, live-streamed workouts, celebrity podcasts or TicTok and other new apps, the media revels in reporting the latest trends that are sweeping the country – at least most of the time. However, if the trend involves … Read more

Ralph Northam Blackface Posters Showing Up All Over Virginia

It looks like there’s no stopping the guerrilla activist movement that Virginia locals have started in response to state Democrats’ push for more restrictions on their Second Amendment rights. First reported in the Culpeper Star-Exponent, flyers and posters featuring the blackface and klan image from Governor Ralph Northam’s college yearbook are showing up all around … Read more

Virginia Governor Ralph Northam is the Modern Lord Dunmore, Coming for Virginians’ Guns

The Bluecoats are coming! The Bluecoats are coming! In 1775 the Redcoats marched to seize colonists’ arms at Lexington and Concord and the Americans repulsed them. The inhabitants of Boston were ordered to turn in their guns, which were seized by British General Gage. The Continental Congress cited this perfidy in the Declaration of Causes … Read more

Virginia Governor Northam’s Eastern Shore Home Folks Mystified by His 2A Betrayal

By Jeff Hulbert Virginia Governor Ralph Northam may have great aspirations for his radical gun control plans for 2020, but “his people” aren’t having any of it. “Ralph Northam has stirred up a hornet’s nest,“ declared Jerry Pinkston, as he braced against the cold wind blowing across the plaza at the Accomack County Administration Building. … Read more

The Virginia County That Gave Us George Washington Declares Itself a 2A Sanctuary [VIDEO]

By Jeff Hulbert In a unanimous vote, Stafford County, Virginia — a richly historical region that was once the boyhood home of George Washington — has voted overwhelmingly to become the latest Second Amendment sanctuary in the Old Dominion.   The 7-0 vote announcement was met with thunderous applause in the packed Board of Supervisors … Read more

On the Anniversary of the Boston Tea Party, More Americans are Declaring ‘We Will Not Comply’

By Jeff Hulbert Alongside the swirl of headlines about the Second Amendment sanctuary movement in Virginia, there are the echoes of other courageous American patriots who have battled lawless tyrants in their time. The wailing, gun-confiscating leftists of 2019 need to know this: declarations of “We will not comply!” in America are as old as … Read more

CCRKBA: Virginia Lawmakers Threatening Sanctuary Counties is ‘World-Class Hypocrisy’

By CCRKBA The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today said Virginia state lawmakers who threaten to withhold state funds from “Second Amendment Sanctuary” counties that refuse to enforce gun control laws that pass in Richmond are “practicing world-class hypocrisy.” “After weeks of rhetoric about alleged ‘quid pro quo’ efforts by … Read more

Virginia’s Democrats: Send In The National Guard to Enforce New Gun Laws

Sanctuary resolutions, which originally began in Illinois in early 2018, have swept the nation.  However, no state has outdone Virginia in quickly passing these “don’t tread on me” resolutions.  And now, Virginia Democrats have decided to push back, threatening those sanctuary jurisdictions and law enforcement agencies who refuse to enforce their new gun control laws. … Read more