An Open Letter to Gun Owners from NSSF

There’s only one way to put it – gun owners, hunters, outdoorsmen and women, firearm and ammunition industry members and Second Amendment supporters across the country made their voices loudly heard last night and gave a resounding victory to President-elect Donald Trump and pro-Second Amendment Members of Congress in the U.S. House of Representatives and … Read more

At a Loss: Voters Still Have No Idea What Harris Stands For, Neither Does She

Kamala Harris said in a recent tweet she will be “president for all Americans.” However, like most of what she serves up on her public Twitter account, her tweet is long on smiles and handshakes but short on actual information.  There is no credible source for whatever it is Harris intends to do if she is elected … Read more

Decision 2024: The Choice is Clear, Gun Owners Must Oppose Kamala Harris and Her Extreme Anti-Gun Agenda

Kamala Harris has made it an easy choice for gun owners on November 5. Harris has a decades-long track record of attacking the Second Amendment and supporting gun bans and gun confiscation. Harris is an Anti-Second Amendment Extremist In 2008, the U.S. Supreme Court decided District of Columbia v. Heller. The case concerned a challenge to … Read more

Shoot The Vote Urges Gun Owners To Make 2024 “Too Big to Rig”

Elections have consequences, a term all too familiar in today’s polarized political landscape. The stakes have never been higher for conservatives and law-abiding gun owners as we weather attack after attack on liberty and the ability to take personal responsibility for our safety and that of our loved ones. With the gravity of the matter … Read more

Care About Your Gun Rights? Make Sure You Vote

Concerns over stolen elections, manipulated elections and a system that is arguably plagued with flaws and accusations aside, sheer numbers of supporters is the best chance we have of ensuring the candidate of our choice wins an election at every level. A new report from a grassroots voter registration group demonstrates the tremendous importance of … Read more

Virginia Gun Owner Alert: Urgent Action Needed to Support Gun Bills

Gun owners in Virginia have a chance to be heard and the Virginia Citizen’s Defense League (VCDL) urges it’s members and all firearms owners to contact their state delegate about a series of gun bills going up for a subcommittee vote later TODAY. They sent the message out late last night on their VA-ALERT system. … Read more

Georgia Run-Off: Loeffler Warns Warnock is ‘Radically Anti-Gun’

With the January 5th Georgia run-off and its enormous importance looming, it’s important to remember something: Senator Kelly Loeffler’s challenger, Raphael Warnock, is anti-gun. Loeffler has warned of Warnock’s anti-gun stance (via AJC): “Raphael Warnock is the most radically anti-gun candidate in America who for decades has actively fought to roll back the 2nd Amendment and … Read more

THIS NOVEMBER: It Comes Down To People Who Love America vs. People Who Loathe America

Unless you’re a really low-information voter, you probably know there’s an election coming up in about three months. This November, our election boils down to a contest between people who love America and people who hate America. Clearly, if you like guns and value your right to self-defense, you should vote early…in jurisdictions that make … Read more