Vox Provides a Helpful Primer on Firearms, Ammunition and Such for Their Gun-Grabbing Readers

The quote of the day is presented by Guns.com The anti-gun left and their stenographers in the media know less about guns and the laws that regulate them in this country than Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez knows about astrophysics. Call me crazy, but I think it should be harder to buy an AR-15 than it is to buy … Read more

Everyday Carry Gear is Really Just a Form of Masculine Cosplay

The scribes at Vox never seem to disappoint. The young adult infotainment site has turned its wonderstruck gaze on the world of EDC gear, what they derisively refer to (with scare quotes) as “readiness.” In their view, it’s all just a slightly less paranoid version of prepping. Though not everyone in the [EDC] community is … Read more

Vox’s German Lopez: Now’s The Time to Get Serious About Licensing, Gun Bans and Confiscation

There’s literally no issue in America that the galaxy brains at Vox can’t address with a, uh, liberal application of bigger, more intrusive, increasingly authoritarian government action and spending. And few of those issues inspire more ambitious thinking on the part of the Voxen than that pesky, uniquely American “problem” of civilian gun ownership. Gun … Read more

Vox Clutches its Pearls in Exposé of Gun-Oriented Instagram Influencers

The Voxen aren’t pleased with the fact that firearms industry influencers are making money on Instagram. Their exposé is no doubt intended to call attention to the fact that the Facebook-owned platform is being used to promote products like guns, safes and other icky products that appeal to deplorables…and prompt the Zuckerdrones to put a … Read more

Vox: 1,917 Mass Shootings in America Since 2012 Sandy Hook Shooting

The Vox.com home page is shrouded in ominous shades of pitch black and an odd carnelian red more reminiscent of dirty oranges than the crimson red one would expect. Their opening salvo looms large when you open the page: After Sandy Hook we said never again. And then we let 1,917 mass shootings happen. From … Read more