Retro Polymer: HK’s VP70Z, GLOCK’s P80, & IM Metal’s HS2000

I still remember coming of age as a shooter when the polymer revolution happened. I went from shooting K-Frame S&W Revolvers and Beretta Wonder-Nines to those crazy Austrian Polymer Pistols that everyone thought wouldn’t catch on. It really was an interesting time as the polymer gun did, in fact, catch on. But GLOCK wasn’t the … Read more

Obscure Object of Desire: HK VP70Z Pistol

The Heckler & Koch GmbH Volkspistole Modell 1970 Zivil, otherwise known as the VP70Z was the firearms industry’s first commercially mass produced polymer framed striker fired pistol. It beat GLOCK by twelve years and actually had a higher capacity, too. Volkspistole by the way literally translates to “people’s pistol.” The VP70Z was designed in the … Read more