WSJ: Walmart Removes All Guns and Ammo In Case of Post-Election Looting

Walmart is preparing its stores around the country for the possibility of mostly peaceful protests that could break out next week depending on the results of Tuesday’s election. From the Wall Street Journal: “We have seen some isolated civil unrest and as we have done on several occasions over the last few years, we have … Read more

Why We Carry: Oklahoma Deputy Dumps Disturbed, Violent Suspect at Texas Walmart

It’s a common question we get and it isn’t limited to non-gun-people: Why do you carry a gun every day? Having your EDC as an actual, honest-to-God EDC is a foreign concept, even to some people within the gun world. Sure, they go plinking or they hunt, but they don’t carry. If you carry every … Read more

Vedder Holsters Daily Digest: No Guns for Kids, HK Fires its CEO and the Air Force Goes for PMAGs

Some lessons are just too politically incorrect dangerous to learn . . . Cease and desist order issued for preschool under fire for gun shop field trip The state of Georgia has ordered a cease and desist order against a Woodstock school that took first and second-graders on a field trip to a gun shop that … Read more