Walmart Reverses Course, Returns Gun and Ammo Inventory to Store Floors

On Thursday, Walmart announced that they were removing all firearms and ammunition from their stores out of concern over civil unrest and possible post-election violence. Yesterday, they did an about face, and began returning the ballistic inventory to their retail floors. Walmart Inc said on Friday it has begun returning firearms and ammunitions to the … Read more

DEAL ALERT: Walmart is Clearing Out Handgun and Rifle Ammunition

Honey-do’s can be beneficial. I was asked to grab some nasal spray on my way home from work this afternoon so I swung into Walmart. Like many, I don’t necessarily like shopping at big blue, but in my town it’s between this place and Walgreens and, if anything this place still sells guns. Even if … Read more

Hunter: Carrying A Gun Doesn’t Make Americans as Worthy of the Responsibility as Cops or Soldiers

The quote of the day is presented by I don’t say (that America’s relationship to guns has to change) as some sort of anti-gun absolutist. There was a time in my life, about 15 years ago, when I regularly carried a firearm for protection. My friend and client, Brenda Paz, had been murdered for helping … Read more

Couple Who Survived El Paso Shooting Sues Walmart Over Inadequate Security

Well this is awkward. Earlier this week, Walmart caved to the braying anti-gun chorus and announced that they’re ending the sales of handgun ammunition (and apparently .223/5.56 as well) in their stores. They also asked their customers to refrain from carrying sidearms openly. That will undoubtedly mean fewer armed people in Walmart stores. Law abiding … Read more

Walmart Sells Concealed Carry Clothing

WalMart is now selling a jacket specifically designed for concealed carry. While clothing designed for concealed carry has been available commercially for decades, WalMart’s move into the CCW clothing market indicates the ongoing “mainstreaming” of American gun ownership. From Rothco’s Lightweight Concealed Carry Jacket has 2 inner pockets for concealed carry, one on each … Read more