Shooting Spree At Chesapeake, VA Walmart Leaves Six Plus Killer Dead; Report Claims Shooter Was a Store Manager

Reports say a Walmart store manager in Chesapeake, Virginia went off the deep end and began shooting people inside the store last night. The shooter used a handgun to kill six and wound a number of others before being shot and killed himself. WAVY reports the incident began in the back of the store during … Read more

Two Open Carriers In Kansas City Walmart Store Broke No Laws

A few days after a mass shooting at an El Paso Walmart store, a man walked into a Wally World in Springfield, Missouri wearing load bearing equipment and a slung AR. While he reportedly did nothing more than walk around and film himself with his phone, the reaction was pretty much what you’d expect after … Read more

BREAKING: 18 People Reportedly Shot in El Paso Walmart Store

UPDATE: UPDATE: El Paso Police are updating the public on the shooting. They say that there is no active shooter and no imminent threat. Police still urge residents to stay clear of the area. WATCH LIVE UPDATES: — Iris Lopez (@IrisLopezKVIA) August 3, 2019 Police report one person in custody and “multiple fatalities.” … Read more