Walmart Generally Not Enforcing Their New Open Carry Ban

Anti-gun activists and the media (BIRM) rejoiced at Walmart’s announcement last week “requesting” that customers not open carry in their store.  Now, the New York Times has a piece detailing how, in Texas at least, Walmart has chosen not to enforce its “request” that customers not open carry firearms. From The Times: Retailers Walk Thin … Read more

Walmart’s a Charter Member of Everytown for Gun Safety’s ‘Responsible Firearms Retailer’ Partnership

Walmart’s status as a charter member in good standing of Everytown for Gun Safety’s Responsible Firearms Retailer Partnership program almost went unnoticed. Except an eagle-eyed member of the Tennessee Firearms Association caught it in recent days on the Walmart Corporate Policies and Guidelines page. Funny, Walmart didn’t mention that association in their public announcement earlier … Read more

Walmart Update: The NRA Rebukes, Bargain Hunters Pounce…Is Dick’s Next?

Walmart sort of slipped their announcement ending sales of handgun and “short barrel” ammo under the Hurricane Dorian news yesterday, but plenty of folks have heard about it now. The NRA wasted no time rebuking the megacorporation for selling out to the gun grabbers. In visiting a couple of Walmart stores here in Central Illinois, store … Read more

Walmart CEO Supports ‘Common Sense’ Gun Control

Dick’s Sporting Goods should serve as a giant warning sign of the perils of practicing corporate gun control advocacy. To the tune of $150 million. And Levi’s. And Delta Airlines ($40 million annually). Now Walmart’s CEO is making noises that sound like he wants to sail those same perilous seas, too, signaling his company’s support … Read more

Man Shoots Himself in Groin in Walmart Meat Department

According to various news sources including Fox News and, one of the People of Walmart managed to shoot himself in the groin Tuesday evening: The man was in a Walmart store near Watson and Yuma roads [in Arizona] around 6:30 p.m., when the semiautomatic handgun began to slip as he carried it unholstered in the … Read more

Video Shows Knife-Wielding Suspect Shot By Deputies, But Was It A Good Shoot?

Sheriff’s deputies in Fort Morgan, Colorado shot and killed a reportedly suicidal homicide suspect in a Walmart parking lot in June. Just released video of the incident shows the lawmen lighting up Dustin Montano – even before he emerged from his car. Unfortunately, the video will likely raise questions about how deputies handled the situation. … Read more

Hero CCW Pastor Who Shot Carjacker Comes Forward

The pastor in Washington State who stopped a one-man crime wave by shooting a carjacker has come forward with his first-hand account. The incident last week made the national news. Moreover, it showed once more how the only thing that stops bad people with evil in their hearts is a good guy with a gun. … Read more

A Modest Proposal Concerning Dick’s Sporting Goods, Walmart and All the Rest

Uproar has ensued since Dick’s Sporting Goods announced they would no longer sell guns to customers under the age of 21. They would furthermore no longer carry AR-15 pattern rifles (or any other similar semi-automatic rifle) nor high-capacity (whatever that means) magazines. The policy is also being enacted at Field and Stream, the outdoor-themed subsidiary … Read more

Oregon Man Sues Walmart, Dick’s Over New 21-And-Over Long Gun Requirement

Well that didn’t take long. Tyler Watson of southern Oregon heard the news that both Dick’s Sporting Goods and Walmart had decided to implement their own 21-and-up age requirement to purchase a long gun after the retailers came under pressure from anti-gun groups and their willing stenographers in the media following the Parkland shooting. So … Read more