Walmart Sells Concealed Carry Clothing

WalMart is now selling a jacket specifically designed for concealed carry. While clothing designed for concealed carry has been available commercially for decades, WalMart’s move into the CCW clothing market indicates the ongoing “mainstreaming” of American gun ownership. From Rothco’s Lightweight Concealed Carry Jacket has 2 inner pockets for concealed carry, one on each … Read more

Walmart: Now More Dangerous Than Ever?

When it comes to personal defense, situational awareness saves lives. Avoid stupid places, stupid people and stupid activities and you’ll avoid stupid prizes the great majority of the time. In that vein, we have covered how big box store parking lots act as magnets for crime. Walmart stores in particular face pressure from local police … Read more

Walmart Removes .22 LR Purchase Limits. The End of The Great Ammo Drought of .22?

Regular readers will know that I’ve been monitoring the availability of .22 rimfire ammunition at Wal-Mart stores for some time. On Wednesday, I was surprised to discover four buckets of Golden Bullet .22 Long Rifles at the local Wal-Mart, with 1400 rounds each. They were on sale for $73.64 or 5.26 cents per round. What really caught … Read more

Buying Firearms in the Age of Uncertainty.

All the results are in. The science is settled. No bout a-doubt it. What am I talking about? Global Warming? Nope. The Rise of Socialism? Not a chance. My being footloose and fiancé-free? Well, true, but not what’s on the plate here. No, fellow-TTAGers, I’m speaking of us living in the Age of Uncertainty. Well, to be completely accurate AN Age of Uncertainty, since these things seem to come about once every generation or so. You know…integrate…disintegrate…integrate…you get the picture. At this point in our history, it seems that there’s less we can count on (aside from death and taxes), but even those hallowed institutions seem fraught with Heisenberg’s best. (Death panels and sunsetting tax breaks anyone?) Nowhere is this more apparent than in the realm of firearms. And why wouldn’t it be?

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And How Was Your Day? (7.12.10)

Walmart. Everyone buys ammo at Walmart. Yeah, well, “everyone” doesn’t live in Rhode Island. You know how your neighborhood Walmart is clean and tidy and staffed by people who give a damn (even if they’re just pretending)? Not in my area code. But that’s how it is with passionate pursuits: they take you places where you wouldn’t go on a bet.

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Why is Ammunition So Expensive: UPDATE

I just got back from a little trip to civilization (Dallas). On my way back, I felt the urge to check out a store with a HUGE selection of guns. The billboards weren’t lyin.’ Wiley’s Guns offers an impressive collection of firearms, from ARs and AKs to the tiniest derringers. They also stock ammo. LOTS of ammo. And they have lots in stock. I plan to do a full review of this little gun store in the middle of nowhere, Texas in a couple of weeks (when I can get back there and do it justice). In the meantime, I wanted to report a couple of things heard – and overheard – regarding ammunition and availability. Keep in mind, until we here at TTAG can verify this information, consider this data as nothing more than speculative statements from unverified sources. But it does have that ring of plausibility.

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Has Walmart Stopped Selling Ammo? Or Has the U.S. Ammo Shortage Gone Critical?

I’m not an alarmist. If it’s conspiracy theories you want, talk to Oliver Stone. I’m NOT your guy. I prefer to dig for facts and work patiently and carefully towards an operational theory. Then run up the flagpole a few times and/or test it to destruction. You won’t catch me runnung around crying “the oceans are rising! The oceans are rising!” So I mention this bit of local news with mixed feelings. After all, this is raw data—no interviews, no in-depth reporting and no confirmed quotes from management. But TTAG’s on the job. We will get to the bottom of this as soon as humanly possible. So, lemme tell you what happened to me this evening . . .

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South Carolina Church Sponsors Gun Buy-Back

Is it me or does this seem like a really bad idea? I mean, sure, removing illegal or broken ass guns from a community is a good thing. But if you reward people for turning them in—as opposed to punishing them or offering them amnesty—common sense suggests you’re going to INCREASE the number of illegal … Read more