WaPo: It’s ‘Cockamamie Conspiracy Theories’ That Are Derailing David Chipman’s Confirmation

The Washington Post on Sunday penned a plaintive editorial blaming gun owners for David Chipman’s uphill confirmation process. In the opinion of the paper’s learned editors, Chipman’s past as an ATF agent and his work with the gun control group Giffords makes him the perfect candidate to lead the federal firearms regulatory agency into the … Read more

Shannon Watts Shrieks and the WaPo Jumps…All Because of a Lego-Inspired GLOCK

Gun control advocates are quick to point the finger any time a mass shooting or a tragedy takes place. Somehow the firearm is always responsible for the outcome, even when the perp obtained the firearm used legally. It’s never the criminal’s fault. It’s always down to the chunk of metal…the tool that was used. So, naturally, … Read more

Washington Post: You Can’t Improve Police Conduct Without Stricter Gun Control Laws

Our friends in the anti-gun media know an opportunity when they see one. While the murder of George Floyd didn’t involve a firearm in any way, shape or form, the Washington Post’s Robert Gebelhoff has engaged in a bit of pretzel-like logical contortion in order to argue that you can’t expect to reform the nation’s … Read more

WaPo: Failure to Vote for Gun Control Means You Want Children Slaughtered

“Assault-style weapons and large-capacity magazines are the weapon of choice of mass murderers precisely because of their capability to kill the most people in the shortest time. Mass shootings account for a minority of gun fatalities, but the use of assault weapons greatly increases the rates of death and injury as well as the severity … Read more