Law Enforcement Report Reveals the Failure of the Washington’s Gun Control Laws

From the CCRKBA . . . A new report released Monday by the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPC) offers ample evidence that two extremist gun control initiatives, along with additional legislation pushed by Democrat lawmakers has failed miserably, and should be repealed, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear … Read more

FPC, SAF Sue to Block Washington’s New Gun Control Laws Minutes After Inslee Signed Them Into Law

Yesterday, Washington Governor Jay Inslee signed three new gun control bills into law including a broadly written “assault weapons” ban. As the AP wrote . . . Washington Gov. Jay Inslee signed a trio of bills meant to address gun violence Tuesday, one banning the sale of certain semi-automatic rifles, one imposing a 10-day waiting period … Read more

Seattle Home Owner Shoots, Kills Burglar

Gun ownership has been under sustained assault in Washington State for the last two years. With an “assault weapons” ban that basically redefined all semi-autos as weapons of war, outlawing private gun sales, raising the age to buy a gun and “safe storage” mandates, the state’s push to emulate the success of California has made life … Read more

Washington Staters Deserve Real Solutions, Not Bans Offering False Promises

By Duane Liptak Lawmakers in Olympia are convinced they’ve found the solution to solving the crime problem. Reducing crime, they seem to agree, is just a matter of reducing the capacity of how many rounds of ammunition can go into a magazine. They just can’t seem to agree what that number should be. The fallacy is … Read more