Seattle Homeowner Uses Rifle to Fend Off 4 Attackers in Early Morning Home Invasion Attempt

Remember, no one needs more than ten rounds of ammunition to protect themselves. If you think you do, you’re doing it wrong. We’ve been reliably informed of that fact by the Civilian Disarmament Industrial Complex and all of the smartest people for years now on a regular basis. Magazine capacity limits are dubious in their … Read more

Law Enforcement Report Reveals the Failure of the Washington’s Gun Control Laws

From the CCRKBA . . . A new report released Monday by the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPC) offers ample evidence that two extremist gun control initiatives, along with additional legislation pushed by Democrat lawmakers has failed miserably, and should be repealed, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear … Read more

From D.C. to Olympia, Politicians – Guarded by Guns – Presume to Tell You How You’re Allowed to Defend Yourself and Your Family

By Cody J. Wisniewski Even as he lives under constant armed protection, President Biden is open about his desire to take away Americans’ most effective means of protecting their own lives. Biden even joked about it recently, mocking ordinary citizens’ ownership of certain firearm magazines: “What—do you think the deer you’re hunting wear Kevlar vests? … Read more

Center to Keep and Bear Arms Sues Washington Over ‘High Capacity’ Magazine Ban

Fromt the Mountain States Legal Foundation . . . The American People have a natural, constitutionally protected right to choose the self-defense tools they need to protect their lives and loved ones. To uphold that right, a group of plaintiffs represented by Mountain States Legal Foundation’s Center to Keep and Bear Arms (CKBA) and Cooper & … Read more

Brownells ‘Mag Dump’ Raises Funds to Fight Washington State Magazine Ban in Court

From Brownells . . . In response to the standard-capacity magazine ban passed in Washington state, Brownells will donate $2.00 to the Washington-based Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) for every aluminum Brownells AR-15 magazine sold. SAF is currently planning to file a lawsuit against the state of Washington on behalf of gun owners in the state. … Read more

Retailers Rushing Standard Capacity Magazines Into Washington State Ahead of July 1 ‘Hi Cap’ Ban

The Washington state legislature passed a “high capacity” magazine ban last week. The bill is now on Washington Governor Jay Inslee’s desk, but he’s already stated that he’ll be only too happy to sign it into law. That means that as of July 1, the manufacture, importation, distribution, sale or offering for sale magazines that … Read more

Enforcement of Washington’s ‘High Capacity’ Magazine Ban is a Danger to Minority Communities

Sharyn Hinchcliffe, a civil rights advocate, was at the rally to represent the nonpartisan Seattle and Tacoma “Pink Pistols” Chapter. The organization started as a group to train those in the LGBTQ community to learn how to shoot guns, as well as raise awareness that people in those communities are able and trained to shoot. … Read more

Washington State’s ‘High-Capacity’ Magazine Ban Could Cost You $5,000

The Neighbor online is reporting on Washington State’s push, for the fourth straight year, to ban the sale, manufacture or possession of magazines with more than 10 rounds in Washington state. Sponsored by Washington Sen. Marko Liias, D-Lynnwood,Senate Bill 5078 builds on efforts in the state legislature to slap stricter limits on ammunition sales. Gun control advocates say … Read more