Amazon and Their Seattle Employees Got Behind Gun Control, Defunding Police…Now They’re Abandoning Their Offices

By Larry Keane Seattle is the home of Amazon’s corporate headquarters, employing more than 80,000 people. It’s also one of the nation’s epicenters of crime, rioting, and looting that erupted in 2020 which remains concerns today. The online sales behemoth that embraces gun control and defunding police is now witnessing the effects of those policies. Amazon … Read more

Retailers Rushing Standard Capacity Magazines Into Washington State Ahead of July 1 ‘Hi Cap’ Ban

The Washington state legislature passed a “high capacity” magazine ban last week. The bill is now on Washington Governor Jay Inslee’s desk, but he’s already stated that he’ll be only too happy to sign it into law. That means that as of July 1, the manufacture, importation, distribution, sale or offering for sale magazines that … Read more

Washington House Passes ‘High Capacity’ Magazine Ban, Bill Goes To Governor’s Desk

Late last night, the Washington State House passed a “high capacity” magazine ban bill. As reports, “SB 5078 prohibits the sale of gun magazines with a capacity of more than 10 rounds, along with the manufacturing, distribution, possession, import or purchase of high-capacity magazines in Washington state.” The bill now goes to Governor Jay … Read more

Politicians Lied: Washington’s Gun Control Laws Have Made Life in Seattle, King County More Dangerous

From the CCRKBA . . . Monday’s “Shots Fired” report from the King County (WA) Prosecutor’s Office on the number of gun-related homicides and injuries last year is more proof that gun control laws and anti-rights initiatives adopted over the past few years in Washington State have been abject failures, the Citizens Committee for the … Read more

Seattle Armed Felon Arrest Shows Washington’s Gun Control Laws Have Failed

From the CCRKBA:

The arrest of an armed convicted felon by Seattle Police this week shouldn’t surprise anyone other than those who supported a pair of gun control initiatives pushed by a billionaire-backed Seattle gun control group, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.

“When the gun prohibition lobby spent more than $10 million to pass Initiative 594 back in 2014, we warned voters it wouldn’t prevent criminals from getting guns,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “That measure mandated so-called ‘universal background checks,’ but the wealthy elitists bankrolling the initiative didn’t want to admit criminals don’t bother with background checks.

“When the same bunch spent millions more to pass Initiative 1639 two years ago, creating new restrictions on gun owners,” he recalled, “we told voters it wouldn’t keep guns out of criminal hands, we were right again.

“The only thing the gun control crowd in Seattle has accomplished is to make it harder for honest citizens to exercise their constitutional rights, and they know it,” Gottlieb said.

A quick glance at news archives revealed an arrest by Seattle police this past April of another felon with a gun, and in August 2019, yet another case involving a felon with a gun made local news. In July 2019, a Seattle man was indicted on federal gun charges for being a felon in possession of four handguns and eight rifles.

“You don’t disarm bad people by penalizing good people with regressive feel-good laws,” Gottlieb observed. “You don’t make honest citizens safer by making it harder for them to fight back while police budgets are being threatened and good men and women in law enforcement are literally being pushed out of their jobs. And now the Seattle City Council is reportedly considering ways to de-criminalize some crimes, which will only encourage, rather than discourage, people who break the law.

“This latest arrest of an armed felon is symptomatic of a much bigger problem,” he stated. “Utopian wishful thinking is no substitute for genuine common sense, and living in a state of denial doesn’t change that. We challenge the gun prohibition lobby to admit it was wrong so we can all work together on real solutions that focus on bad guys committing crimes instead of good guys exercising their rights.”


With more than 650,000 members and supporters nationwide, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms ( is one of the nation’s premier gun rights organizations. As a non-profit organization, the Citizens Committee is dedicated to preserving firearms freedoms through active lobbying of elected officials and facilitating grass-roots organization of gun rights activists in local communities throughout the United States.

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Seattle’s Rising Body Count Shows – Again – That Gun Control Doesn’t Work

From the CCRKBA: A Wednesday report in the Seattle Times offers more proof that restrictions placed on law-abiding Washington State gun owners, plus a tax on gun and ammunition sales in Seattle, have dramatically failed to reduce violent crime as promised, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said. In 2014, … Read more

Washington State Pols Only Care About Gun Control for Law-Abiding Citizens

By Larry Keane The crisis in Seattle is revealing gun control politicians are only interested in enforcing gun laws on the law abiding. When it comes to actual criminals, they’ve abandoned their citizens. Video surfaced of “Raz the Warlord” of Seattle’s infamous Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) or recently renamed the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest … Read more

Ineffective Government and Failure to Uphold Existing Laws Result in Dead Citizens

The good news is Washington State now has some of the toughest gun control laws in the country. And Seattle’s tax on firearm and ammunition sales is bringing in loads of cash to fight “gun violence.” Oh, and it was illegal for either of the two suspects in this shooting to even touch a gun, … Read more

Federal Judge Uphold’s CA ‘Assault Weapons Ban – TTAG Weekly Gun Law Roundup

This is TTAG’s weekly roundup of legal and legislative news affecting guns, the gun business and gun owners’ rights.  California District Court Upholds “Assault Weapon” Ban We can’t know for sure what was going on behind the scenes at the Supreme Court in 2008 when Heller was decided. In addition to striking down DC’s categorical ban … Read more