Judge Phillip Journey – One Man’s Fight to Fix the NRA, and Why Gun Owners Should Join the Fight

I recently had an opportunity to talk to Judge Phillip Journey, a very busy man who doesn’t seem to be capable of turning down an opportunity to fight for good. Not only is he a judge, a business owner, and a gun rights advocate, but he’s also a long-time NRA reform advocate and a current … Read more

The NRA Convention is Threatened Again as Many of the Largest Industry Exhibitors Pull Out

The National Rifle Association has a lot of problems on its hands. Aside from the now familiar allegations of cronyism and corruption, the NRA was forced to cancel its annual meeting and exhibits in Nashville last year. That was a huge financial hit for the association, given that the the event routinely draws 65,000 to … Read more

New York Attorney General Updates Her Complaint Against NRA With New Allegations of Mismanagement, Lack of Board Oversight

Just over a year ago, New York Attorney General Letitia James — who had labeled the National Rifle Association a terrorist organization during her election campaign — filed suit against the National Rifle Association for alleged violations of New York law governing the management of non-profits chartered there. She asked the court to dissolve the … Read more

NRA Drops Federal Court Counterclaim Suit, Will Battle New York AG in State Court

By Michael R. Sisak, AP The National Rifle Association has dropped a lawsuit accusing New York’s attorney general of suing the gun rights group last year out of political hostility, opting to challenge her through counterclaims in the same court where her case is playing out. NRA lawyers filed court papers Friday voluntarily dismissing their … Read more

Save the Second’s NRA Board Term Limit Push is On – Deadline December 2

As the National Rifle Association’s recent tax filing revealed, NRA EVP and CEO Wayne LaPierre got a big salary bump last year. This, during a time of unprecedented charges of cronyism, self-dealing and lavish spending on travel and wardrobe. Not to mention the drain on the association funds as a result of fighting a flurry of … Read more

Marion Hammer Mounts a Scorched Earth Attack on NRA’s Detractors and Other Gun Rights Groups

The quote of the day is presented by Guns.com Former NRA President and current Florida lobbyist consultant Marion Hammer took to the pages of the Washington Times to torch almost everyone in the gun rights community who isn’t named Wayne LaPierre. Call us cynical, but this poison pen letter reads more as an act of desperation … Read more

BREAKING: Dell’Aquila Files Multi-Million Dollar Class Action Lawsuit Against Wayne LaPierre, NRA and NRA Foundation

David Dell’Aquila is the National Rifle Association donor who has been leading a grassroots effort to oust EVP and CEO Wayne LaPierre and other senior NRA officers. In a conversation with him last month, he laid out his four-phase strategy for bringing about those management changes with the goal of cleaning up NRA operations and … Read more

EDITORIAL: It’s Time to Defund the NRA

The National Rifle Association — America’s oldest civil rights organization — is in an existential crisis today brought on by mismanagement, cronyism, and self-dealing by its leadership. Every week brings forth a new allegation, a new bit of evidence that the the NRA’s leaders are more interested in lining their own pockets and enjoying the … Read more

NRA’s Big Dollar Donors Holding Onto Their Cash, Rebelling Against LaPierre and Cronies

Imagine the irony that is the fact that The New York Times has had some of the best coverage of the National Rifle Association’s ongoing soap opera. The latest chapter involves big dollar donors rebelling against the NRA’s Executive Director Wayne LaPierre and his cronies at HQ in Fairfax. Reports say that a handful of … Read more