SHOT Show Range Day: JR-15 Miniatured, 22LR AR-15 for the Kiddos

We first saw the JR-15 at last year’s SHOT Show and I thought it was pretty freakin’ awesome! This year, they’re about ready to start shipping and I was able to put a few mags through the scaled-down AR at Range Day. Yes! My only critical comment / suggestion after seeing it last year was … Read more

SHOT Show: An AR-15 Rifles For The Kiddos From WEE1 Tactical

Sure to get the antis’ knickers in a bunch, the new JR-15 from WEE1 Tactical is a scaled-down AR-15 chambered in .22 LR with a couple kid-focused features built in. The JR-15 weighs under 2.5 lbs, has a unique safety that gives parents some extra control over the rifle, and has magazines available in 1-, … Read more