Legalizing Weed Has Resulted In Fewer Illegal Guns Found and Confiscated in New York City

Under NYPD enforcement guidelines outlined in a March 31 memo that cited the new pot [legalization], cops are banned from searching a vehicle’s trunk just because they smell pot during a traffic stop. The “sweeping changes” — which took effect immediately — also prohibit cops from searching anyone just for toking up “almost anywhere that cigarette smoking is … Read more

Marijuana Legalization, Use and What it Means for Your Gun Rights

By Chris Rabby What does “legal” and medical marijuana law do to your gun rights, you and many gun owners ask? The short answer is that the feds won’t allow a dealer to sell a pot-card holder a gun, and they shouldn’t possess one. Florida and some other states have decided to legalize low-dose marijuana/THC for … Read more

More Half (Baked) ‘Truth’ about Guns and Marijuana

I love the Bill of Rights. I love the fact that this country was formed as an idea by people far smarter than me, who were wise beyond their lifetimes. I’m also a big fan of photography. At a young age, I had a Nikon camera and I loved to take a photograph. That’s why … Read more