Sullum: Conservatives’ Attitudes About Marijuana Prohibition Beginning to Align With Their Attitudes About Gun Prohibition

The marijuana that alarmed [Officer Jeronimo] Yanez also figured in public comments about the [Philando Castile] shooting by Dana Loesch, a conservative radio host who at the time was a spokeswoman for the National Rifle Association (NRA). Castile’s death seemed to be a clear case of an innocent man who was killed for exercising his … Read more

Marijuana Legalization, Use and What it Means for Your Gun Rights

By Chris Rabby What does “legal” and medical marijuana law do to your gun rights, you and many gun owners ask? The short answer is that the feds won’t allow a dealer to sell a pot-card holder a gun, and they shouldn’t possess one. Florida and some other states have decided to legalize low-dose marijuana/THC for … Read more