Lipseys Goes Full Wheel Gun At SHOT Show 2025

Last year, I completely missed the Lipseys booth, and they ended up showing off the UC revolvers. The 432UC ended up being my favorite gun of 2024, so this year, I made sure to swing by and check out their exclusives. This year was a big year for Lipseys exclusives and a big one for … Read more

Taurus Releases The 608 Competition 8-Shot 357 Magnum Revolver

Taurus has unveiled the new 608 Competition 8-Shot .357 Mag., in what the company describes as its first-ever purpose-built competition-ready wheel gun. The new 608 is based on the Georgia manufacturer’s legacy 8-shot Model 608, a medium-framed stainless steel revolver. According to Taurus, the 608 Competition was designed with input from high-level competition shooters and … Read more

A Tale of a Revolver’s Decline and the Rebirth from the Prancing Pony

Colt is a name that’s synonymous with the .38 Special six-shot snub nose wheel gun. Going all the way back to 1927, with the introduction of their D-Framed Detective Special, Colt made a series of variations of this gun as it went through four generations during the twentieth century. After attempting to recover from a … Read more

Smith & Wesson’s K-Frame .38 Special Masterpieces

The Smith & Wesson Model 14 Target Masterpiece and Model 15 Combat Masterpiece are by far some of Big Blue’s best old school blued steel K-Frame .38 Special goodness. These guns were from a bygone era, back when gasoline was leaded, television was the Big Three Networks, and spare ammo on a cop’s duty belt … Read more

The Guns of the Highway Patrol: A Three-Way Six-Incher Showdown:

There was once a time when your average Highway Patrolman anywhere in the U.S. carried a six shooter, but not just any six shooter. Oh no, they carried six-inch blasters chambered in the mythical cartridge known as the .357 Magnum. Yes boys and girls, there was once a time when the cops tasked with patrolling … Read more

Original Wheel Gun Showdown: Smith & Wesson Model 686 vs Colt Python

Two classics going head to head. Yes, I know, the Colt Python and the Smith & Wesson Model 686 have been compared ad nauseam, especially since the Python was reborn. This is slightly different since both guns are originals; the Colt was made in 1978 and the S&W was made in 1988. I am not … Read more

Is The Revolver Dead? Is That a Trick Question?

That was the question asked back in 1989. The Era of the Wondernine was upon us. Higher capacity 9mm semi-autos that held 15 or  17 rounds was becoming the new standard. Technological wonders from Smith & Wesson, Ruger, GLOCK, SIG SAUER, HK, Beretta, and others were hitting store shelves and could been seen in police … Read more

Freddy’s EDC Ruger GP100: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Freddy Hendon of Junction City, Kansas sends in his Kansas EDC for Everyday Carry. Old school. You have to love a guy who packs a Ruger GP-100 revolver. After all, it’s a pretty nice shooter and if you run out of rounds, it makes a pretty good blunt weapon. And it’ll still shoot great afterward. … Read more

Grandfather’s Advice: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

  From Norseman: “When I was a young man and I was graduating from 8th grade, my Grandfather took me aside and gave me three gifts and some advice that I have headed ever since. He told me that a man always kept three things on him. A knife, a watch, and silver in his … Read more