Wayne LaPierre’s NY Corruption Trial Starts Monday, Jan. 8

The public face of the National Rifle Association’s leadership, Wayne LaPierre, goes on trial Monday in Manhattan. New York’s hyper-political Attorney General Latitia James seeks to remove LaPierre and others, alleging that they violated state and federal laws with their “diversion” of funds for questionable purposes like travel, clothing and more. From MSN: Wayne LaPierre, … Read more

The Shoe Finally Drops on the NRA and the Outcome is Far From Certain

When allegations of corruption, unchecked spending and self-dealing at the NRA finally broke into the open last year following the virtual street fight at the Indianapolis convention, we called the situation exactly what it has turned out to be; an existential threat to the organization. The situation was that serious because, due to inertia, inattention, … Read more