Wilson Combat Announces the New Subcompact EDC X9 3.25″ 9mm Pistol

From Wilson Combat . . . The Wilson Combat EDC X9 9mm defensive handgun is now available with a 3.25” subcompact barrel and slide assembly. This rendition of the EDC X9 is a very fast-handling defensive carry gun. The hand-fitted 3.25” stainless-steel barrel design has the same match-grade accuracy potential as the larger EDC X9 … Read more

What I’m Carrying Now: A Wilson Combat EDC X9S and an Inkosi

Chris writes . . . I keep my EDC pretty light: Gun is a Wilson EDC X9S. Holster is from LSI Knife is a Chris Reeve Inkosi Sunglasses are from Oakley Watch is a Rolex Daytona   [This post is part of our series, What I’m Carrying Now. If you’d like to submit a photo and … Read more

Question of the Day: What Was the Gun-Related Highlight of Your Year?

Psychologists claim experiences are more important that things. Don’t buy your kids expensive stuff; do something with them they’ll remember forever. Fair enough — for children. For adults, it’s a false dilemma. For example, this is the year I bought a Theater of Magic pinball machine and a Wilson Combat EDC X9. The first . … Read more

Question of the Day: Got Mouse Gun?

Gun guru David Kenick’s rule for concealed carry: pack the largest, most comfortable gun you can. Most days that’s my Wilson Combat EDC X9 in an outside the waistband holster, covered by a polo shirt or an UNTUCKit shirt (as above). But now that I’ve shed 20 pounds . . . I can tuck my … Read more

Gun Review: Wilson Combat EDC X9 9mm Pistol

The firearms industry rarely creates something new. It’s even more rare that anyone gets it right the first time. Bill Wilson and his engineers at Wilson Combat set out to create a high quality, all-metal 9mm high-capacity gun specifically for every day carry. The Wilson Combat EDC X9 nails it. Think about it. Most manufacturers usually make a … Read more