Florida: The Problem With Legislative Dictatorships

Florida’s Senate President Is Afraid of The First Amendment Senate President Wilton Simpson (R-10) continues to assault the Constitution and does so under the color of the law by abusing the power of his office. As Senate President, he has closed the Senate to both the public and lobbyists. The word “lobbyist” often conjures an … Read more

SB 186 is a Domestic Violence Trojan Horse to Push Gun Control in Tallahassee

The gun control lunatics in Tallahassee have introduced another anti-gun bill that could gain traction in the Florida Legislature. The bill is SB 186 and here’s the rundown on it. Introduced by Sen. Lori Berman (D-31st District of Palm Beach County), SB 186 is a wicked piece of legislation wrapped in a false lie of … Read more