Happy Mother’s Day, Chicago-Style: 5 Homicides, 26 Wounded

How does Chicago celebrate Mother’s Day? Sadly, it’s not a joke. In a day set aside to revere mothers nationwide, Chicago’s gang bangers and criminal class opt instead to deliver hot lead instead of flowers. The final body count, tallied by the fine folks at HeyJackass.com: 5 homicides and 26 wounded. Why, it’s almost like … Read more

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Surrounds Himself With 149 Police Bodyguards While ‘Defunding the Police’ For The Little People

Chicago’s new Mayor Brandon “Big Brain” Johnson has long advocated for defunding the police along with more gun control for law-abiding citizens. And while he has allowed almost two thousand police officer positions to go unfilled as part of cutting back law enforcement in the Windy City one area inside Chicago Police headquarters has experienced … Read more

Happy Obama Day: 10 Killed, 60 Wounded In Chicago Gang Violence This Weekend

Illinois celebrated its first ‘Barack Obama Day‘ on Saturday. Meanwhile in the former president’s adopted home town, gang violence ran rampant. With high temperatures and low self-control, the city’s criminal class kept hospitals busy. By the end of the holiday weekend, 60 were wounded and 10 had died. Operating from their standard summer season playbook, Chicago … Read more