Wisconsin Lawmakers Propose a Sales Tax Exemption on Gun Safes

A bill authored by a pair of Republican lawmakers in Wisconsin proposes a sales tax exemption on gun safes to encourage secure storage practices among gun owners throughout the state. Unlike typical efforts to increase awareness of the importance of safe storage, this measure does not propose fines or punishment but rather acts as an … Read more

Feds Crack Down On Machine Gun Conversion Devices In Wisconsin

One must wonder if the incoming Trump Administration’s well-laid plans to streamline the government and trim the bureaucratic fat might affect the propensity of federal agencies to waste taxpayer dollars chasing fabricated monsters. With less than two months remaining until inauguration day, we can only speculate, but for the time being the feds are back … Read more

Hunting Expanded on Wildlife Refuges

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced this week that they are opening up 53 new hunting and sport fishing opportunities on approximately 211,000 acres nationwide in the National Wildlife Refuge System, a move heralded by pro-gun and pro-hunting organizations. Twelve national wildlife refuges, managed by the service, are proposing to open and expand opportunities … Read more

States Move to Protect Gun Owners’ Credit Card Data Privacy

In response to the International Organization for Standardization approving a Merchant Category Code (MCC) for firearms retailers a little over a year ago, pro-gun lawmakers in three states are currently pushing forward legislation to protect the credit card data privacy of gun owners. MCCs are used by payment processors (like Visa and Mastercard) and other … Read more

Henry Repeating Arms is Expanding Its Wisconsin Manufacturing Capacity

  Here’s a newsflash: the firearms business has been pretty good the last 18 months or so. But good as it’s been, if you’re on the manufacturing side of the business, deciding when to add capacity can be difficult. And risky. Adding fixed costs during a time of high sales revenue can mean trouble when … Read more

Wisconsin Prosecutors Drop Charges Against First Shooter in Order to Prosecute Kyle Rittenhouse

On October 13, 2020, the Gateway Pundit broke the story that the person who fired the first shot the night Kyle Rittenhouse was forced to defend his life, Joshua Ziminski, was arrested and charged. The man who fired the first shots from behind Kyle Rittenhouse during the fatal incident in Kenosha has been charged. Joshua … Read more

Kyle Rittenhouse’s Unlawful Possession Charge Is A Huge Can Of Worms

Make no mistake, America, nothing less than your God-given right to defend yourself, your family and your country is on trial in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Watch closely, and hold your government accountable. — Attorney John Pierce Gun rights advocates and those familiar with the laws surrounding self-defense have bees saying — since the video came online … Read more

Sheriff: Over Half of Those Arrested in Kenosha Riots Were Not Locals

The law enforcement officers of Kenosha, Wisconsin have been busy arresting “protestors” (read: rioters) and Sheriff David Beth has revealed that more than half of the people arrested haven’t been locals. WISN reported: The Kenosha County Sheriff says 205 people have been arrested since protests began last week. The suspects have not been identified, but … Read more

Kenosha Police Chief: Don’t Want to Get Shot? Don’t Break Curfew

We all know about the situation in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Part of the land of cheese and snow drifts taller than your car has devolved into chaos rather unsurprisingly…chaos and violent protests seem to be The Thing to Do lately. Most recently a 17-year-old purportedly present to assist others in protecting businesses fired on his assailants, … Read more