New From X Products: X-1 Stand Alone Launcher (NOT a Firearm)

 Within about 90 days, X Products will begin shipping the new X-1 Stand Alone Launcher. This bad boy isn’t a firearm, so just like buying a stapler or any other random thing online, it will ship directly to your door. See the video above for a rundown on the new X-1 from its developer, … Read more

Ion Productions Caught-Up in X Products’ 2A Controversy [Official Statement]

The CEO of X Product’s anti-gun rights rant on Facebook has caused a fair amount of backlash from the 2A community. [Post on the kerfuffle here.] Unfortunately, Ion Productions, makers of the XM42 flamethrower, is caught in the middle of this debacle . . . X Products has frequently referred to the XM42 as an X … Read more