Hi-Point gives their .380 ACP the Yeet Treatment

  MKS Supply is giving their Hi-Point .380 ACP a yeet into the new year. No, they aren’t chucking their .380s out of the line, rather they’re giving it the full Yeet Cannon treatment with the release of the YC380. This will add a threaded barrel, the new style grips, reshaped slide with optics mounting … Read more

It Is Here: The Long-Awaited Hi-Point YC9 Yeet Cannon 9mm Pistol

Back in January of 2019 Hi Point Firearms announced a new 9mm and had a now-infamous naming contest on social media for the pistol. In the grand tradition of Boaty McBoatface, that resulted in an overwhelming vote to name the new gun the Yeet Cannon, or YC9…much to Hi-Point’s chagrin. The Yeet Cannon option made … Read more

Gun Review: The Hi-Point Yeet Cannon G1 C9 Pistol

Over 600 comments, mostly detrimental, were entered on the original review of the C9 in 2011. There was a follow-up review written by one of the more vocal critics and now 9 years later I have another C9, the special Yeet Cannon G1 edition. There was certainly an abundance of CAPS LOCK commandos hitting quite … Read more

The Mighty Yeet Cannon…Yes or No?

This is TTAG’s weekly roundup of legal and legislative news affecting guns, the gun business and gun owners’ rights.  There’s one thing that happened this week that isn’t really legally related, but I just can’t resist writing about: the YEET   CANNON. Hi-Point vs The Entire Internet Hi-Point unveiled their new pistol at the SHOT Show. … Read more