Legal Victory Secured for Young Adults in Pennsylvania Open Carry Case

The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) scored a significant legal victory for young adults in Pennsylvania as the Third U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled 2-1 to block the state police from arresting law-abiding 18-20-year-olds for openly carrying firearms during a declared state of emergency. The case, Madison Lara v. Commissioner Pennsylvania State Police, marks the … Read more

BREAKING: Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Uses Strict Scrutiny To Strike Down California’s Ban on Semi-Auto Rifle Sales To Young Adults

Rob Romano, the creator of The Gun Case Tracker brings us some good news out of the Ninth Circuit in California.  The court there used strict scrutiny to strike down California’s ban on semi-auto rifles for young adults.  The decision in the case, Jones v. Bonta, does come with a string attached.  The court ruled … Read more