Supreme Court Sends Key Gun Control Cases Back to Lower Courts for Reconsideration Under Bruen

As expected, this morning the Supreme Court disposed of a number of cases challenging gun control laws that it had been holding pending the ruling in New York Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen. The language in the Bruen ruling now provides clear guidance to lower courts as to how to evaluate Second Amendment-related cases. … Read more

Intellectual Bankruptcy: Trying to Preserve Gun Control in the US Using a 14th Century English Law

By MarkPA Much is made of the 1328 Statute of Northampton to minimize or even to deny the right to bear arms. Northampton seems to be the core of the 9th Circuit’s opinion in Young v Hawaii.  Northampton is sited by the State of New York in NYSR&PA v Bruen. The latest I’ve seen is … Read more

In Young v. Hawaii, the Ninth Circuit Shows Its Clear Hostility for Gun Rights…Again…Still

By John Velleco The Ninth Circuit’s contempt for the Second Amendment is no secret. As one of Gun Owners of America’s other recent briefs explained: “[p]ractically speaking, the Ninth Circuit has never found a Second Amendment violation it won’t countenance.” Just this week, the Ninth Circuit once again lived up to its reputation, handing down … Read more

NSSF: The Supreme Court Must Resolve the Problems Created by the Ninth’s Young v. Hawaii Ruling

From the NSSF . . . The National Shooting Sports Foundation, the firearm industry trade association, rejects the legal gymnastics the 7-4 en banc panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit employed to rule the Second Amendment does not guarantee the right to bear arms outside the home. The court’s ruling … Read more

Ninth Circuit En Banc Ruling Upholds Hawaii’s Ban On Open Carry

“Hawai‘i law began limiting public carriage of dangerous weapons, including firearms, more than 150 years ago—nearly fifty years before it became a U.S. territory and more than a century before it became a state. Hawai‘i enacted its first statutory regulation of public carry in 1852. The aptly named ‘Act To Prevent the Carrying of Deadly … Read more

Ninth Circuit Sets Date to Hear Young v. Hawaii Arguments

By LKB As you may recall, what seems like an eternity ago — two years — a panel of the Ninth Circuit handed down a decision in Young v. Hawaii. In that case, the petitioner was denied a Hawaii concealed carry permit. Hawaii is technically a “may issue” state that requires an “exceptional case” for … Read more

Guns and Tyranny, Bloomberg’s Running and Hawaii’s Appealing – TTAG Daily Digest

A Brief History of Repressive Regimes and Their Gun Laws REMINDER: The Second Amendment has nothing to do with hunting. That is all . . . Arguably one of the rights that has seen less government encroachment in the US — in contrast to other activities such as commerce — gun rights are now witnessing … Read more