Hey folks! Well, its that time of year again — time for us to ask a whole bunch of questions about you, what you think of the site and ways we can improve. We’re always trying to make the site better and this is your chance to spout off and help us give you more of what you want. All you have to do is sharpen your #2 pencil, follow the following link and fill out the form. Rest assured: we do NOT collect any personally identifiable information, such as your IP addresses. And thanks.




  1. Oh forgot to put something on the survey… You guys should totally have giveaways… Specifically for those that suggest it…

  2. Done. Heads-up: all feedback is good, but not all feedback is positive. On balance, though, you guys get it right much more often than you get it wrong. Keep it up.

  3. I gave you guys a great review and kept it honest, just like you do!

    Thanks for all you do, and if it aint broke, don’t fix it!

  4. Filled it out, glad I could help. And if there are any drastic changes to come to the site within the next year, please space them out a bit.

  5. Done, but I forget to add…. you should have the option to select multiple categories, and not just one for reasons for firearms ownerships.

    I also voted to GET RIDE OF THAT JOHN DEERE POP UP AD!!!!!

  6. You need to add an all of the above option. I bought my handgun to hunt and carry with. I hunt with my handgun, rifle and shotgun. There are many uses for a .44mag.

    • note to the guys @ TTAG: in some of my writeups/blurbs, I mentioned Nick — my bad, should have said Robert with whom I’ve communicated.

      …they say memory is the second thing to go. no, I can’t remember the first either.

  7. I submitted mine. Course they ask you to pick your favorite writer but everyone is good.
    I am really hoping to see readership surge. When you have a strong base things begin to open up in many ways.

  8. I have to admit I’m not paying attention to who writes what so I can’t really pick my most/least favorite author.

    Other than that, the survey is filled in and in the mail 🙂

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