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Taxpayer Dollars Funded Gun Control Under Biden

Larry Keane - comments 124 comments

Gun owners are getting exactly what they voted for with President Donald Trump. There’s an accounting for government malfeasance. He’s turned up the receipts.

President Trump is delivering on his promise to break open the secretive spending habits of government officials. It is exactly what voters wanted, and frankly, expected. The results, however, have been jaw-dropping. Gun control proponents have been smashing open the government piggy bank to swipe dollars for their pet gun control projects.

That’s right. Gun control advocates were using taxpayer dollars to fund their campaign to rob Americans of their Constitutionally protected rights to keep and bear arms. That’s insult to injury after the Biden-Harris administration installed a taxpayer-funded office dedicated to pushing gun control. It was staffed by a former lobbyist for Everytown for Gun Safety, the gun control group funded by antigun billionaire Michael Bloomberg. This office effectively closed up in the days leading up to President Trump taking office as the staff all resigned.

Turns out, the billions of Bloomberg bucks, or money from George and Alexander Soros, weren’t enough for gun control advocates. They wanted the effort to cut off Second Amendment rights to come straight from Americans’ wallets – including those tax dollars paid by gun owners themselves.

Investigative journalist and gun writer Lee Williams uncovered what many have suspected for years. Except it was covered up in layers of bureaucracy, farmed out as “grants” through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). That’s the federal agency that’s drawn the first and damning examination by Elon Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE).

The Receipts

Williams’ deep dive into USAID money showed that Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety, along with Giffords Courage to Fight Gun Violence, were primary beneficiaries of tax dollars to fund their gun control efforts. That money was funneled through NEO Philanthropy, which also funneled money to support Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) programs too.

The flow chart of money laundering is a labyrinth of middlemen, which reports that no tax dollars are spent. But that’s not true. A little digging shows that nearly $7.5 million were funneled to Bloomberg’s Everytown, mostly through donations paid to NEO Philanthropy, including $245,000 from the Board of Trustees of the Lelan, $150,000 from the Tides Center (a George Soros organization), $12,000 from Civicus World Alliance, $300,000 from the Kaiser Foundation Hospitals and a whopping $6,748,000 from Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund.

The maze of money shuffling is being mapped out by DataRepublican.com. That site offers tools to track how tax dollars moved to gun control groups. That includes the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, which took in $12,809,748 in contributions, which started with the Consortium for Elections and Political Process Strengthening reporting $186,143739 in taxpayer funds that was moved through many as five layers of “charities” to fund their efforts. Bloomberg’s March for Our Lives, showed $1,407,153 in donationsthat started with $165,142,739 in taxpayer funds. Sandy Hook Promise, a Connecticut-based gun control group, reported $1,417 049 us taxpayer funds in their coffers, according to DataRepublican.com. Everytown’s mapping shows $31,802,725 in contributions with $4,963,214 in grants. DataRepublican.com shows Giffords with $8,292,189 in contributions, that started with the same Consortium for Election and Political Process Strengthening tax dollars, moving through, again, at least five layers of charities.

Look Who’s Talking

This unmasking of citizens’ tax dollars being put to work against their Constitutional rights is raising the ire of those who – surprise, surprise – want to use more tax dollars to swipe away Second Amendment rights. U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) claims President Trump’s efforts to bring accountability to taxpayer expenditures is “attempting to seize control of power, and for corrupt purposes,” according to The Hill. U.S. Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) said “This illegal, unconstitutional interference with congressional power is threatening lives all over the world,” according to another report in The Hill.

Shakespeare wrote in Hamlet, “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.” Those politicians crowing about the secretive manipulation of tax dollars against the interests – and the very rights protected by the Constitution – should be a five-alarm bell for taxpayers, not just gun owners. It might also pull back the veil of why these same lawmakers rail against the Dickey Amendment that states, “none of the funds made available for injury prevention and control at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention may be used to advocate or promote gun control.” NSSF reported in 2022 that an investigative report by The Reload showed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was likely violating that law as recently as then.

A federal judge temporarily blocked Elon Musk’s DOGE from accessing government systems to dig up the wasteful and damaging money laundering of tax dollars after 19 Democratic state attorneys general, led by gun control advocate New York State Attorney General Letitia James, sued.

To pull another line from Shakespeare’s Hamlet, “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.” Or in this case – Washington, D.C.

124 thoughts on “Taxpayer Dollars Funded Gun Control Under Biden”

        • On an individual level you’re absolutely correct.

          However, in most of the instances we call “projection” they’re playing a statistical game that favors them rather heavily.

          Mostly because they’ve spent decades in the driver’s seat of the cultural institutions that allow them to set the table and then serve what people expect.

          This is why I constantly warn about being careful in public debate, or on the web where something can go viral like a wet market in China. One of their very powerful weapons is to caricature their opposition in a manner that contains elements that a common to their adversaries when angry or lacking care.

          Then all they need to do is make some people angry and engage in projection because you just gave them the evidence they wanted that you are the thing they always said you were which makes the projection believable to a majority or to enough people to get a long way towards a majority.

          If 40% of people observe this and fall for it they’re now 78.3% of the way to victory with a single move. Then they start stacking them to slice the pie.

  1. What else do you expect from Gun Control when History Confirms it is an agenda Rooted in Racism and Genocide? Gun Control zealots get away with rot because most Americans are Gun Control History illiterates who have been led to believe Gun Control is sugar and spice and everything nice. Like these gullible drama queens…
    h ttps://youtube.com/watch?v=7A3zBe1zWRg&feature=shared

  2. So far the USAID apologists have tried:
    there is no fraud
    it’s only a little fraud
    we need the fraud to continue to flex our soft power (ironic since they’re supposed to be against nation building, regime change and foreign intervention)

    and now we’re at “babies are dying!!”

    Which usually means they know they’ve lost this one.

    • Funny enough quite a few grant and program justifications use exactly that line to describe the tone of how to write to keep their funding. Going to be a rough 4 years up here for all the right reasons.

      • The first error is in application of logic when considering an appeal to emotion. The second is assuming the majority of others would. More a general observation of this topic than calling you out.

      • The sea level will rise 1/16 of an inch less compared to if we didn’t bankrupt the country making Democrat allies rich. Then we’ll be able to move the babies out of the way in time.

      • “money being siphoned off by the biden crime family and put in off shore accounts“

        If only there was actual evidence to support your delusions, that would be swell!

        And if frogs had wings…

        • Miner’s sort of right. The Biden family offshore accounts were being filled up with millions from foreign nationals. BUT, we know that some of that was payback for generous U.S. foreign policy. So jwm’s sort of right too.

        • Winged frogs you say?

          Rhacophorus spp.

          So, there are frogs that, in effect, have wings, and Biden heads up a crime family. We knew both were true before you showed up.

          You know, whenever you encounter a field of random cow flops, you’re supposed to step around them, not use them as stepping stones or dance step floor markers.

          • Sorry, but webbed toes do not equal wings:

            “These frogs have long toes with strong webbing between them, enabling the animals to jump from tree to tree, using the webbing to control a gliding descent, a form of arboreal locomotion known as parachuting.[2] This behavioral adaptation is the source of their common name, “flying frogs”.“

            So no, your webbed toes don’t mean you have wings.

        • If frogs had wings they could fly over the stacks of bullshit around you, miner.

          You are all the proof we need to burn the education system to the ground and start anew.

        • “Rhacophorus spp”

          So some frogs have wings; kind of like a (ahem) “wingsuit”.

          The Biden crime family may be even worse than the Clinton crime family.

          Why am I not surprised?

    • Chuck Schumer came out in a press conference and said, basically, “there has always been fraud and waste in government, this is fraud and waste. But what Musk is doing it taking a meat ax to it. Congress needs to do this.”

      So that begs the question: Schumer basically admitted that what DOGE is doing is uncovering the fraud and waste that congress should have already been getting rid of. So my question for Schumer is this – if you knew there was fraud and waste why haven’t you been doing something about it instead of trying to fund it every year?

      Rand Paul Lists Example After Example Of ‘Wasteful’ Spending By USAID.

      h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1Ost6s14GA

      (this is just an example list – each of those things Schumer was instrumental in funding as were all the other democrats screeching about it being discovered and trying to stop DOGE with their lies. Seems to me democrats in congress need to take a step back from this and shut up.)

      • If they were smart they’d be thanking Musk for bringing the waste and fraud to light, playing dumb themselves of course, then redirect with something along the lines of: “with these billions once wasted abroad now being saved there is no excuse to not cover the medical expenses of the American people here at home.”

        With that simple gesture they could capture the positive momentum of cleaning the waste and direct it into a popular cry for a Democrat policy that would be hard for the Republicans with their newfound populism to fight against. Especially if citizenship was a requirement to participate.

        Of course they’re not smart and all they want is free money for themselves and their buddies.

        • They don’t want the gravy train to end. But it has also been a source of power for them. They spent money to craft an illusion of support for their policies and degraded, anti-American culture.

          Now it’s time to chase down every single dollar spent in the past four years. That includes Ukraine money. The IRS can work on that instead of pestering me over a few bucks.

          • All of that is true but based on the totality of what’s come out so far I think these people have a bigger fear.

            A wall and a line of guys with rifles.

            Go watch Mike Benz drop the receipts for USAID basically running drugs worldwide (and IMHO, probably a large chunk of the human trafficking as well) for the past 70 years.

            Oh, and you can stay while he drops the documents on how they also ran the intentional collapse of our own border, millions in illegals, and the entire Covid thing from funding the research to the intricate control of the messaging and censorship worldwide as well as being involved in the contracting for the jabs.

            From the adverts for jabs in foreign countries to paying NGOs to shuttle illegals around to the hotels in NYC… it’s all US taxpayer dollars funding both sides of everything, including coke and horse on your street corners.

            Which really makes you wonder about that fentanyl, doesn’t it?

            All in the name of “statecraft”.

          • So far, that fraud-grift-waste-abuse-outight-criminality uncovered by DOGE is at the ~$2.7 Trillion mark, and they have’nt even gotten 10% of the way through the audit yet.

          • This is what it looks like when you shrink the size of government. The office of USAID no longer exists. It’s over 2 thousand government employees are no longer working for the government.

            Now, will the Department of Education go away? I doubt it. But the thousands of government workers who are there now, could very well get fired.

            It seems President Trump has figured out a way to reduce the size of government. Without going through the legislative process. And it’s all legal.

      • “and said, basically“

        Great illustration of how misdirection works in propaganda.

        You use the word ‘basically’ as if you were summarizing what Chuck Schumer said, then you use quotes to give the impression he actually said those words.

        It is interesting to watch all the Republican legislators roll over like little puppies, but I’m not surprised they were kucked by the globalist billionaires.

        That’s what happens when your only motivation is the love of money.

        I think someone once said something about the love of money…

        “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.“

        • One of the most crooked politicians being used to try to argue with integrity? LOL LMAO even. Try again your argument is still more broken than you are.

          • He currently occupies such a position and may continue to do so but from what I have been seeing on my side with state funding it will be a far diminished station with a lot less grift to draw from. And that is before we get into the illegal alien smuggling charities that abound up here (many of which also ran on USAID and associated she’ll charity organizations). So yes I laugh because it is a crooked senator being covered by crooked news largely paid for by money directed by similar crooked bureaucracy. Once the money gets removed reality is utterly hilarious.

        • That’s rich. You, a paid chaos agent, calling out “propaganda”. And here I thought Joe Biden should be a mental patient.

          How much ya getting paid to come here and post your chaos?

        • You want to roll with the word “embryos”?

          Are you then conceding that after ~8 weeks post-fertilization that your statement no longer applies and that the actual debate should be when a fetus should be considered a person or protoperson?

          Hilarious that you pick this terminology immediately after complaining about “misdirection in propaganda”.

          • Zygotes, embryos, fetuses… None of those are ‘persons’ under the law.

            Under both text and tradition, and codified in Genesis, a fetus does not become a person until they take ‘the breath of life’.

            “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”

            First U.S Case
            In the first U.S. case on the topic, the Supreme Court of Massachusetts held that injury to a fetus was recoverable to the pregnant person only, and not to the fetus as a legal person.

            Illinois Court Agrees with Massachusettes
            Six years later, an Illinois court agreed with Massachusetts and held that an infant could not recover for pre-birth injuries, because a fetus is part of the mother and not a legal person on its own.“

          • It’s going to be interesting when you guys push it, and it comes down to scientifically defining life. We might have a better understanding of how things work 125 years later.

          • Bro, he just stated that he wants a theocratic legal code based on the Old Testament and Tulmudic Law.

            This might be better than the way I wiped the floor with a shitlib guy in a contract dispute early this week and literally had him crying in front of his lawyers.

            Homie could smell that $300K right up until he couldn’t. It was great watching the blood drain out of he lawyers faces and then he starts screaming and I start laughing, my lawyer starts laughing and the rest of the people in the building got scared. Fun times, fun times.

            What I’m saying is: Let’s let this one ride and see where it goes. I mean this guy calling for Jewish Law to be controlling in abortion cases is wild. I did NOT have this on my 2025 bingo card.

          • “he wants a theocratic legal code based on the Old Testament”

            Nope, I referenced actual court decisions supporting my position and pointed out the Old Testament concurs with the courts.

            Thus pulling both the legal and religious rug from underneath your claim.

          • Under both text and tradition, and codified in Genesis, a fetus does not become a person until they take ‘the breath of life’.

            “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”

            Yeah, what a case that was. Made it right up to the SCOTUS and resulted in real nail biter of a split decision.

            Strych…when is the series coming out on Amazon Prime? I would watch that!

            You wouldn’t want to, it’s really rather pathetic, quite frankly. An old guy taking an attitude and thinking he can bully people into paying money he has no claim to is actually pretty sad to watch.

            Pro Tip: Don’t get into business using a line of credit you can barely afford and then try to *creatively interpret* your contract in ways that directly contradict definitions laid down in the legal and regulatory codes.

            It won’t work out for you if the other side actually reads the contract, knows what they signed and is willing to assert their rights.

          • Well maybe it’s time to be *progressive* and update ourselves from 1900 or prior.

            The Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004 allows for a double murder charge against one who kills a pregnant woman if the unborn also dies.

            If it’s murder how can it not be a person?

            Oh, you suddenly and inexplicably want Jewish Tulmudic law to be the controlling process here? So much for that Church/State separation… guess we’re Israel now. Only more Jewish.

            But hey, if that’s what floats your boat… you’re aware that this tradition mostly bans abortion, citing Yevamot 69b, after 40 days of pregnancy, right? That’s about six weeks, so now you don’t even want eight weeks?

            Or, next time, maybe just say “Perhaps I didn’t use the correct term”.

          • The unborn victims act specifically exempts abortion:

            “the bill explicitly contained a provision excepting abortion, stating that the bill would not “be construed to permit the prosecution… of any person for conduct relating to an abortion for which the consent of the pregnant woman, or a person authorized by law to act on her behalf”

            You intentionally mischaracterize the view of many Jews:

            “Jewish law does not share the belief common among abortion opponents that life begins at conception, nor does it legally consider the fetus to be a full person deserving of protections equal those accorded to human beings. In Jewish law, a fetus attains the status of a full person only at birth. Sources in the Talmud indicate that prior to 40 days of gestation, the fetus has an even more limited legal status, with one Talmudic authority (Yevamot 69b) asserting that prior to 40 days the fetus is “mere water.” Elsewhere, the Talmud indicates that the ancient rabbis regarded a fetus as part of its mother throughout the pregnancy, dependent fully on her for its life — a view that echoes the position that women should be free to make decisions concerning their own bodies.“

          • The unborn victims act specifically exempts abortion

            No one said otherwise, but you know that.

            You intentionally mischaracterize the view of many Jews.

            I mischaracterize nothing.

            Tulmudic Law looks at abortion with essentially a three point analysis.

            1. The only indication considered for abortion is a hazard to the mother’s life.

            2. That, otherwise, the destruction of an unborn child is a grave offence, although not murder.

            3. That it can be viewed that the fetus is granted some recognition of human life, but it does not equal that of the mother’s, and can be sacrificed if her life is in danger.

            Yevamot 69b states that the embryo (which is what is being discussed at 40 days gestation) is “mere water”, yes, but after that it is, de facto more than mere water though not yet fully human until birth. The Jews believe this is a lifeform moving towards full humanity. However, this is fairly immaterial to the above arguments after 40 days have elapsed.

            The traditional Jewish interpretation of this is that “abortion” before 40 days is acceptable because the embryo is “mere water”. After that however, it’s an offense and a rather serious one at that, unless the action is required by circumstances that threaten the mother, and even then partial birth abortion is specifically banned under various circumstances having to do with how far along the birth itself is.

            So, what you’re arguing for whether you understand it or not, is abortion on demand up to 40 days and after that only in cases where the mother is in danger. This is a position the Left has constantly rejected and you’re attempting to reject by referencing things you do not understand.

            But hey, you’re the one calling for religious law to be enacted in the US, so I don’t really expect a coherent line of logic from you.

        • I looked ’em up. Fetus, embryo, and zygote all have the same meaning. “Little person.”

          Some of us might call that a “baby”.

          Also, there is no such word as “Fetusbirth”, “embryobirth”, or “zygotebirth”.

          But fear not, we do have a word “childbirth”.

          Take it logically, and you know that in order for childbirth to happen, you have to start with a child…being birthed.

          Okay, I’m done with abortion topics here on a gun and 2A site. I just can’t let our paid chaos agent get away with his…paid left-wing propaganda.

    • As has been now documented, USAID isn’t fraud.

      It’s a giant, unaccountable State Department/IC slush fund to do the things the CIA can’t do because the CIA is subject to oversight and USAID isn’t.

      Once you find out what they’ve been up to for decades you can absolutely understand why people say “If it’s too dirty for the CIA, give it to USAID”.

      • Shall we look into In-Q-Tel? Oops, no oversight allowed for this CIA-funded entity. How about we scrap it altogether? Why do they want to hide what they’re doing if they’re doing such good things?

        I asked this about the Puppet-Harris admin. Why wouldn’t t they brag about their open borders if it’s such a wonderful thing? They do this dance of “that thing isn’t happening!” then in the next breath… “it’s a wonderful thing that is happening!” They understand that people are easily manipulated.

        • That’s a private company in my understanding. It basically acts as a scouting and private equity firm for technology the CIA might be interested in and then funds the R&D.

          Conceptually there’s nothing wrong with that. At a glance I have no serious issues with this particular company. Nor, really, with the CIA though I’m certain it can use some *maintenance*.

          Let’s not act like because of bad behavior that has occurred that the IC serves no purpose. It does serve a purpose, a critical one at that.

          It does however require what might be termed “guardrails”. That’s the tricky part and, yes, it’s damned tricky. It requires balancing your desired outcomes. Maximizing the IC’s imperviousness to penetration by hostile forces means that if they go rogue, it’s hard to deal with and they can go very, very rogue before we really know it. This is the issue with USAID. However, having them be open enough to make oversight easy, OTOH, makes them easily penetrated by our adversaries and therefore basically useless or even more dangerous than they are now. It also opens them up to handwringing over dirty dealings we want them to do but which we don’t want to know about.

          The Senate can find out just about anything it wants about CIA’s doing if they’re willing to go through the trouble. POTUS can know anything they’re doing pretty easily. That provides a reasonable level of oversight, though perhaps it could be improved upon.

          USAID is entirely different. At this point we have a US Senator claiming that USAID threatened her for attempting basic oversight. That’s gall on a level we rarely see in the open. This is the organization behind everything from drug running to censorship to open borders to endless wars to funding terror orgs.

          Yet, USAID does do some things that are quite useful in terms of external soft-power projection which is a massive arrow in our quiver. Realistically, this agency probably is too far gone and needs to be shut down and reinvented with some thought towards maintaining the useful capacities while putting that dog on a leash.

          Intelligence is always a dirty world because it’s delving into the secrets of dirty people who’s secrets are known to other dirty people from whom we must get that information. That’s not going to change. The IC therefore has to be empowered to do some less than desirable things.

          Simply gutting the agencies the way that the Left wanted to 50ish years ago is unwise. We need to come up with a way to 1. have rational oversight and 2. impose severe penalties for using their tools domestically.

          If we have the oversight and we have penalties, which we’re willing to impose, most of this can be solved. How exactly to do this… well, that’s why they say the Devil’s in the details.

          • Outside of suspecting WMDs, the IC’s big trick is foreign regime change. (Note the result of suspecting WMDs was regime change.) When they bring that trick home (which we lived through), then it’s past time for a serious reckoning. The reason they create these quasi-government entities is to avoid oversight, while enjoying stable funding and support. It’s the same as the USAID scam. They fund NGOs to do what they can’t do. We need to get government out of the private sector.

          • Agreed.

            I’m simply saying that we don’t want to utterly destroy the IC in an attempt to undo the things they’re abusing to do bad things.

            When someone has abdominal cancer and surgical resection is the correct prescription, great… but let’s not try operating with a chainsaw, eh? That might cause more problems than it solves.

            This kind of attitude is why, back as far as 2018, I was saying that I had trepidations about explaining how emotional manipulation worked for fear that the people I was trying to help would overreact out of emotion.

            Same thing here. We need cool heads to look at what to get rid of (most of it) and what to keep.

            Yeah, there’s bad shit that needs to be stopped and people need to be punished for transgressions but we don’t want to kill the IC and we could end up doing that if we’re not careful because this whole scandal is going to get worse. MUCH worse.

          • Yes. Lots of things sound great in a vacuum. The IC wasn’t corrupt because it was the IC. They were/are corrupt because the commies made the long march through the institutions. That doesn’t mean we should ditch the institutions. It means we ditch the commies and keep a close eye on them from now on.

          • This seems like the best approach in this instance IMHO.

            Department of Ed? Can it. Ditto numerous other institutions.

        • “Why do they want to hide what they’re doing if they’re doing such good things?“

          Yeah, why would the Central intelligence Agency want to hide what they’re doing?

          Holy cow, I couldn’t write this comedy, no one would believe it was real.

          • Hence why they need oversight just as they always have. Without it they blow it on cocaine and hooker’s, or more recently human trafficking and trannies

          • Exactly! Do we or don’t we have this thing called classified information?!?! If it needs to be secret, then it can be classified.

            Use your brain for once, Miner. You are cheering on the government funding entities without public oversight. That’s a recipe for disaster.

          • CIA has oversight. POTUS can get anything he wants from them at any time and their actions require a Presidential Finding for authorization.

            It’s the fact that there is no oversight of USAID which allowed them to go as far awry as they have once the bureaucracy was infiltrated and they decided to start redefining terms.

  3. EVERY Fed agency/program must have a similar detailed anal exam. In total, I’ll bet 25%+ of fed nondefense spending is such graft for decades. The real in the woodshed info will be tracking what has flowed back to demtard pols – Schemer, Peloisi, Raskin, Murphy and all the other progs since FDR (or Wilson) hobbled the earth

    • “tracking what has flowed back to demtard pols“

      But no mention of accountability for the Republicans…

      Got it.

      “Defense Contractor Admits Giving GOP Congressman $1M in Bribes

      HEADLINEFEB 27, 2006
      In political news, a defense contractor admitted on Friday that he paid former Republican Congressman Randy “Duke” Cunningham of California more than one million dollars in bribes. Michael Wade, the former president of the defense contractor MZM, also admitted to making a total of $80,000 in illegal donations to other members of Congress. Press accounts have identified the two as Republicans, Katherine Harris of Florida and Virgil Goode of Virginia. Wade faces up to 20 years in prison.”

      • I can’t wait to see what crooked things track back to republicans especially since it will help ID the RINOs neocons and weak links that need replacement so yes please proceed with the audit.

        • When the projection leaks through into attempts at rational debate the schadenfreude gets filtered and distilled to only the most delectable portion.

          The assumption that establishment GOPers would be safe from this is laughable, but it’s Lefty thinking to a T.

      • I want to see RINO republicans hooked up with bracelets and perp-walked to prison too.

        You spend a lot of time insisting that people on the right will just protect their own. Not true. We’ll lock ’em up if they need locking up.

        But what I REALLY want to see is how this money from graft and corruption ends up in YOUR pocket, Miner. Yeah, I said it. I think you are a paid chaos agent, maybe not even located here in the US.

        Not to worry. Eventually, we will find out, and then you’ll have to find a different income stream.

  4. Is sort of ironic that they can find funds for all the fraud and waste; but, the I R S can’t seem to find funds to cover the Social Security Fairness Act!

  5. I bet there is a lot of people wishing Trump would have never got to be president.
    Can you imagine donating a bunch of money to a gun control scheme only to have it all shit canned in one election.
    Why its enough to give a person the vapors.

  6. Here’s your reminder that you had a senile fool for a president. Remember how they hid him from us? Remember how they would aggressively shoo the press out as soon as he began malfunctioning?

    • I remember it. I want names. Then I want a$$-kicking. In a legal way, of course. There’s only a million ways of fraud in that ball of wax. Surely we can find a couple and lock up some of the perps.

  7. I’m more interested the fact that USAID basically runs all drug and, probably, human trafficking worldwide and has done so from tip to tail and has since at least the early 1960’s.

    I’m also somewhat appalled to learn that USSOC would appear to be neck deep in this as well.

    And here I was thinking that this was something the CIA dabbled in as necessary to support operations of national interest which required an absolutely black budget.

    Essentially if the DEA thinks they can lock you up for it, the State Department is directing it via USAID to keep it away from Congressional oversight and the Oval Office’s view. To the point of intervening in the music industry to help promote “drug culture” (a topic I’ve touched on before but didn’t realize was a US .gov initiative).

    We’re past talking a few people for prison here (or in regards to several other things, honestly). At this point we’re talking so many death penalty cases that we might need to ask the Germans to design a system for us to make the imposition of sentence remotely efficient.

      • Whether intended as a joke or not banishing such people from earth and sending them to a hell of their own making where their survival would be entirely dependent on their ability to work without cheating each other would make for great tv.

        • Survivor: Shitlibs on Mars would be interesting.

          That said, I took it as Xdduty suggesting using the launch itself as a form of mass execution by putting the convicted close to the rocket when it fires up.

  8. Biden Admin HHS, Other Departments Wasted Billions on Cars, Homes, and Business Loans for Illegal Aliens

    h ttps://redstate.com/wardclark/2025/02/13/biden-admin-hhs-other-departments-wasted-billions-on-illegal-aliens-for-cars-homes-and-business-loans-n2185548

    • Can confirm the cars, most visible illegals up here (let’s be honest who immigrated to the US legally and moves to upstate NY without speaking English?) all have vehicles made within the last 3 or so years to go with their EBT cards.

      • …….come to think of it could get warrants on every vehicle given out for current owner information and have a recall of taxpayer resources where they were not purchased. Just disrupting the day to day would unsettle them greatly.

          • I thought it was in like -3 years? Or is it five? Or is that for the polar bears?

            I can never keep up with those claims.

          • Take some D&D dice at random while drunk. Blurt out something from a B level horror movie as a catastrophic consequence. Roll the dice and use some arcane formula to get how long in fortnights we have left. Repeat until half of Walmart believes it………. probably need some coffee today.

          • Fortnights?

            Damn and here I thought I was an old soul for still using cubits in all my designs!

            Note: I hate 20 sided die and D&D. The number of 1’s I roll is statistically impossible (OK, just highly improbable) and means that I must be stealing them from other people in the universe.

          • I still have to send actual faxes and letters at work so……yeah odd mix of late 70’s to mid 20teens for workplace tech, equipment and processes. And yes the number of times I rolled single digits far outpaced probability (70 something percent)

          • I’m not going to nerd out about it but D&D does raise some interesting statistical questions if you look at it over time.

            It doesn’t break the rules, mind you, but when you consider the tails on the distributions you have to wonder if the number of happy people offset the amount of anger generated. It also raises some hilarious questions about physics if you want to be kinda weird and dark about it.

            Faxes are still pretty normal. I send them. I use checks too, when required and even balance the register.

            Letters are one of those legal requirements that… well it has its place as antiquated as it might seem.

            I send personal letters sometimes just to to screw with people. Big fancy envelope, nice heavy paper, dated and addressed at the top all official like and it just says “Text me.” in the body. People think it’s hilarious.

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