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Parabellum Armament has a nifty left handed nonreciprocatingĀ charging handle that replaces the gas tube on the AK platform. The thing is great, including an H&K-esque hold open feature that lets you slap your AK around like an MP5. Chris got a chance to get the thing on camera, and it looks and feels great. Retail is going to be right around $150, video after the jump . . .

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  1. Being a lefty I’m always confused by things like this. AKs are great for southpaws the way they are. Much better than standard ARs.

    Left handers are at no disadvantage running an AK.

    • When I shoot an AK vs an AR, the AR is much more natural to shoot. In particular, the safety on the AK forces me to use my support hand, along with charging. Just by adding a left handed safety on my AR it essentially becomes left handed for all intents and purposes. Mag swaps are a different story.

  2. Ingenious! You can’t have this *and* an Ultimak, but you *can* have this and Parabellum’s scope mount.

    • For use with an Ultimak, the Lynch Tactical left hand charging handle on the dust cover is a better solution. But for guys running side mount scopes or the Parabellum rail, this is a great solution. I hope they sell every one they can make.

    • Yup… we linked up some time ago and decided to work together to bring make an already great concept and design… even better. This is what our minds came up with and are ready to release.

  3. i dont agree with products like these.

    you can rotate the AK, chamber up, and charge it a lot faster. lefties? the AK is the ideal platform for you.

  4. I’ve always wished there were a product for the AK that would vent hot gases straight into my face. My prayers have been answered!

  5. OK, I clicked on this expecting to read (quickly) about something I don’t care about, because I’m not really into AK’s. But that really was pretty neat.

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