Local residents of the small town of Roanoke, Texas were met with Antifa members wielding AR-15s outside a so-called “kid-friendly” drag “brunch” over the weekend. Inside the Anderson Distillery and Grill about dozen minors attended along with adults.
Drag brunch in Roanoke draws armed protesters and counter-protesters https://t.co/EQkQkQE1rU
— Dallas Morning News (@dallasnews) August 29, 2022
Outside, armed Antifa-types tried to bully locals from standing on the sidewalk out front to protest the event.
An #Antifa militia had gunmen in front of & around a family drag show event at the Anderson Distillery and Grill in Roanoke, Texas on Sunday to intimidate right-wing protesters. The protesters accused the event of exposing children to indecency. https://t.co/79jsRg407O
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) August 29, 2022
If organizers of the event hoped to win hearts and minds, they failed. Not only did the obese men dressed as caricatures of women fail to impress those in the community, calling locals “bigots” and “transphobes” for opposing the event didn’t help either.
What’s more, the Antifa folks open carrying AR-15s didn’t make friends among passers-by either, overtly threatening violence against those opposed to their point of view. In other words, fascists.
Today a group of armed #Antifa members came to Roanoke, TX to support a drag queen event. The local chapter of the John Brown Gun Club, an #Antifa militia linked to domestic terrorism, led the call to direct action. It is headed by Christopher Guillott & Garrett Lee. pic.twitter.com/TC1uAG7Hl8
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) August 28, 2022
What’s more, for those paying attention, locals noticed more armed Antifa occupying the high ground looking down from the third floor of a nearby parking garage.
Sara & I will talk tomorrow about how #Antifa was placed very strategic during the “kid friendly” drag show in @CityofRoanokeTX
Yes, #Antifa was armed like snipers on the 3rd floor of the parking garage. @TaylerUSA will confirm the sighting. @BlazeTV @theblaze @WatchChad pic.twitter.com/SVyY86d4i8
— Kris Cruz (@realKrisCruz) August 29, 2022
USA Supreme has the story . . .
The streets outside a bar in a small town in Texas became the scene of a heated confrontation between people protesting a ‘family-friendly’ drag show hosted by the establishment and defenders of the event, some of whom were armed.
The protesters accused the bar of “grooming children” by exposing them to sexual content, as they gathered to protest the show last Sunday. But according to reports from the scene on social media, they were outnumbered by activists from the opposite camp, who dismissed the demonstrators as ‘bigots’ and ‘transphobes’.
Everyone attending on both sides appeared to be abiding by applicable firearm laws. But it’s difficult not to notice that the same people on the anti-gun left who claim that lawful open carry somehow chills the right to free speech are deafeningly silent when it’s done by Black Bloc types.
And how long before one of these events that’s being “guarded” by armed Antifa members — a group that has shown no reluctance to engage in violence against those they dislike — results in a rolling gun battle with counter-demonstrators or police?
The new Biden United States Trans Corps, USTC. Looks like they are looking to provoke violence and then claim victimhood as usual.
I read this article, and this is all that came out of it for me.
Whatever, dacian. Your kinks are your kinks, and we can’t expect you to change. The question is, do you practice your deviant no-sex life in front of children?
So we can have armed security outside a kid friendly groomer event, but we can’t have armed teachers in school because……
the fake dacian is back
Good. We like him better than the original asshole.
“Good. We like him better than the original asshole.”
Amen! Shout it from the mountaintop.
People who are not products of higher education have wild misconceptions about gay people due to pure ignorance. All people should go to higher education. Particularly LGBTQAAIP#VIAOEIVPOAISHVPOIHAPAOIVHAPOISHDFPOIJ@! friendly colleges.
dacian the demented dips***,
WTF would YOU know about people who are “products of higher education”, you ignorant, uneducated @$$hole?????
You’ve been lying about your vaunted “education” for years . . . and running away like a little b**** every time you get called on it. You are, AT BEST, a college drop-out/flunk-out. More likely, the only “college” you ever attended was barber college. Nah, I take that back . . . being a barber is at least an honest profession, so it’s WAY beyond your capabilities.
This is just part of the h0m0sexu@l @gend@ to sexu@lize children. Which has been going on for decades now in pride parades. They have figured out that they can’t get rid of civilian gun ownership. So now they want guns for themselves. But they still don’t want you to have guns.
I’m glad they have come out of the closet supporting pedophilia. I want more of these people to be honest with the public. And No I don’t care what people say about me. The residence of the state of California, where I use to live, have been systematically disarmed. By theses racist sexually liberated fascists, long ago publicly embraced the Mulford Act.
They are as anti-civil rights as the white citizen’s councils from the 1950’s.
Why do you think l3ftists want to lower the voting age? A step towards lowering and eventually eliminating the age of consent.
“Why do you think l3ftists want to lower the voting age?”
Just remind them that lowering the voting age means lowering the age to legally carry loaded handguns in public.
That’s how we get to move the age of legal consent from 18 years to 25 or 26 years of age.
By twisting their demented ‘logic’ against them…
The sexually liberated have ALWAYS been after the children. Your children.
The l3ftists have always wanted to be your kids bedroom. And your kids classroom.
They are terrified a trained and disicplined child will shoot them during a rape attack.
The bottom line is, if you are taking your kids out of public schools to prevent them from learning that god does not exist, and being LGBT is a sin, you are a stochastic terrorist, and are killing trans people.
dacian the demented dips*** got his new Soros talking points!! He actually used “stochastic terrorist” unironically!!!!
What a f***ing retard!!!
Your hero Reagan was responsible for most of California’s laws restricting open and concealed carry. Republicans are as much part of the problem as Democrats just on a slightly slower scale of restricting and eliminating rights.
If you truly believe that (and nobody is that dumb) then you are insane. Reagan did what he did in a different time, with different meaning. Tying him to the evil Communist left of today shows your true motive. “SLIGHTLY” lower scale?!? Liar liar pants on fire.
to Pat
You are quite correct the 1960s were certainly a different time in this country in the 20th century. However our nation is supposedly more enlightened. What excuses are the racist sexually liberated fascists going to use???
Since they have been writing, supporting, and passing, anti-civil rights laws in the 21st century.
to TheBSonTTAG
Your hero, the sexually liberated fascist, California State Senate President Tom Ammiano, publicly embraced the Mulford Act. When asked to repeal it by civil rights groups in California, he rejected their please.
He likes the Mulford Act.
And it now it belongs, Lock Stock & Barrel, to him. And the rest of the sexually liberated fascists in the state of California.
Meanwhile in the former States of the Confederacy Constitutional Carry has been signed into law. Liberating Millions of black people and everyone else. Now they don’t need permission from the government to carry a gun.
It is going to take a lot of “brain bleach” to get that image of the land-whale in the pink outfit out of my head.
Drama queens and attention whores. IMO, if you can’t overwhelm an event like this with protester numbers, it’s probably best to completely ignore it and deny them the press they want. A few loudmouths showing up angry just plays into their narrative. Our side needs more organization and communication. All the event participants seem to be from somewhere else.
AS I understand it having armed guards at a school or not having them is a matter for the school and the parents as long as those guards are licensed according to the law. In nthe same vain it’s up to the individula whether or not they stand outside a building as long as they to are suitable licensed .
tow expessions spring to mmind her
ONE What’s good for the goose is good for the gander- and –
TWO those in glasshouses should not throw stones.
If those supposed demonstrators had been marching up and down with semi-autos I have no doubt that opening comment would have been supportive!
Most states you are allowed open carry!!!! No license or permit needed…
Antifa continually condemns the “RIGHT” for carrying guns, yet shows they are hypocrits!!!!
ANTIFA has been showing up with guns in Portland, OR, yet local city ban on them is not being enforced!!!
Albert, you need spell check. Also, the point I was trying to make was these people will be the 1st to oppose teachers being armed, but show up armed to a “kid friendly event”(quotations used because watching scantily cross-dressing men in a distillery is not my definition of kid friendly). The “don’t throw stones in a glass house” pertains to the antifa militants, I’m not sure if you understood that when you used the quote.
Also, can we talk about why there is a push to allow kids in these drag shows to stuff dollar bills in cross-dressed men’s g-strings? Why is this ok? Why don’t we take a kindergarten class to the strip club?
This is not England. You don’t need a license for everything. WTF.
You should get a license to talk on TTAG f*****.
That’s because in your search for hypocrisy, you couldn’t see the blatant truth. We aren’t protesting that they have guns and are standing out front. We are protesting that they have little kids at an obscene event. You wouldn’t understand, because you are from England, and have already integrated obscenity into your culture.
Ok so Antifa set up essentially an ambush for anyone who disagrees with them…
Where were the local police throughout all of this?
Told to stand down and look away I woukd guess.
Who would bring their kids here given the risk of death?
No idea but I’d bet some people really need to pay attention to what the babysitter is up to…
“Who would bring their kids here given the risk of death?”
Better question is, who would bring their kids given the form of entertainment?
Yes, RGP, but you seem to only have 1/2 or 3/4 of the story in your statement. You skip the part where they put CHILDREN in the middle of the ambush. This is the sort of crap we read about in the Middle East, and in Ukraine, with human shields placed strategically to inflict the greatest possible body count when SHTF.
Why would you need the police when NOBODY is breaking the law., Either very citizen has the right withing the law to opossess and carry fireamrs or nobody does. Whether or not they are members of some LEGAL organistion or are LEFTIE of a DEMOCRAT or a COMMIE or a LIBERAL has absolutely no bearing on the matter. And to consider a harmless and to me a rather silly prank by a few silly fat men is NOT an indication PAEDOPHILIA. HOMOSEXUALS or TRANSEXUALS are no more inclined to PAEDOPHILIA than STRAIGHT HETEROSEXUAL< MEN or WOMEN,.
In fact statistically the over whelming number of Paedophiles ARE nominally heterosexual men and well known to the victims and the majority of incidences occur within the extended family group and 'close' friends.
As we all now know ALL the CHURCHES and such places of every Religious Group are also hotbeds of Paedophilia.His is especially of the ROMAN CATHOLIC [RC]Church. But I do not see American Gun owners holding demos outside RC Churches do I??
You actually believe people reading this website will believe any of the lies you wrote?
This is not reddit, mashable, gimodo etc.
@Albert L J Hall
You posted: “HOMOSEXUALS or TRANSEXUALS are no more inclined to PAEDOPHILIA than STRAIGHT HETEROSEXUAL https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/homosexual-molestation-childrensexual-interaction-teacher-and-pupil
“It appears that at least a third of all the reported child molestations involve homosexual acts, while girls account for about two-thirds of children victimized. Those who practice homosexual acts are at least 12 times more apt to molest a child sexually, and with suitable corrections for bisexuals (who molest both genders), probably at least 16 times more apt to molest a child. A review of recorded cases of teacher-pupil sexual interaction indicated that of the 30 instances detailed in the literature, 24 (80 percent) involved homosexual acts. It appears that teachers who practice homosexual acts are between 90 to 100 times more apt to involve themselves sexually with pupils than teachers who confine themselves to heterosexual acts.”
But you should know this Albert. In the U.K. almost 30% of the kids in the UK are routinely victims of sexual assaults or sexual acts by those male and female practicing homosexual acts, most in places where the kid is suppose to be safe (e.g. home, schools, day care, etc…). The Muslim population alone in the the UK, those that practice homosexual acts, routinely sexually abuses children and its ignored by the UK government for fear of upsetting the Muslim population and its been going on for a long time, for example > https://thenewamerican.com/muslim-pedophilia-in-the-uk-ignored-by-politically-correct-authorities/
It comes mostly down to access, the more access the more the likely hood by those so inclined, and this is not to say that all do this because they don’t. But the fact that not all do it or say they don’t is not evidence that it does not happen in vast numbers usually described as beginning with a ‘helping the child understand its ok for them to feel this way’ concept as a justification which is basically the same concept heterosexual pedophiles use.
Albert sounds programmed by Dacian.
So Albert – should a four year old take puberty blockers and get gender reassignment surgery at 16?
I’d walk right up to these cowards and call them a bitch to their face and dare them to shoot me.
My main issue is the full face masks. I know Covid etc, but a LOT of southern states have anti public mask laws dating back to the time of the Klan. This would be a great option for police, give them an order to remove full face masks, and hell, I’d be ok with taxpayer provided covid style masks in this one scenario.
I don’t hold it sideways. Lgbtq is a death sentence in communist and Islamic countries. Still love democrats? Repent turn away from your sin, seek CHRIST.
Atheist Avenger here: this is a site focused on all things firearms, new guy. It’s not a rolling recruitment ad for your particular religious leanings. Just saying.
You’d be wrong slick. TTAG is what ever they allow! Just saying…
There’s such a thing as decorum, water walker. But you’ve shown more than a couple times that you fail to possess it. You are getting better though, I’ll give you that. Slightly.
Christian Soldier loves you too just not what you are doing. Open your eyes, you already said it’s not just the US. I pray GOD will give you eyes to see and ears to hear. But GOD puts the spirit of slumber upon some, is not for me to judge. Every time I pull the handle on the press I receive a spirit of calm.
And yet here you are, right in your first sentence, judging not only myself but billions of others. Typical. So typical one can almost count on it.
Who do you think is stirring the world wide pot of chaos? It’s Satan. Transgenderism is a lie from the pit of hell. And he’s stirring the nations up for the final conflict. Jesus will complete his victory but not until many millions perish. It would be good to turn to him for salvation before that time.
You can ascribe it to whatever you wish, Texican. And good for Jesus, glad he loves us and will be there for us. You know, millions of lives later…
Atheist Left wing groups have formed official alliances with Islamic Left wing groups. And we have already covered here on TTAG “g@ys for Muslim immigration”. Just saying.
This was AFTER the pulse nightclub murders.
Terrorists protecting perverts…….what a phukin country!!
Dennis, this country is fine and will be for a long time. It’s the nation that the left wants to foist upon us that is the issue.
I have to wonder do they really know what they want or is it “the will of the party”?
It’s little more than an opportunity to express manufactured outrage which is being fomented by those behind the curtain and used for their own ends. And it matters not what the outrage is over as long as it can be directed towards the “others”. And no, the pawns have no idea what they want.
to Rider/Shooter
The “others” want to sexualize children. Other peoples children. Also the “others” want children disarmed. They want school children defensless. Which is why they have disarmed school teachers in the state of California.
Which we have already covered on TTAG several years ago.
The way you handle this situation as a law enforcement agency is pretty simple, #1 Arrest the Parking Garage “Snipers” for trespassing on private property and once you get them down to the station, run criminal checks. Also grab their phones and review their plans/intent, etc.
For the people out in front of the event on public property, you question them, hold on to their guns for officer safety reasons, de-mask them and run criminal checks on all of them. Also ask them how they came to guard the event and ask if they are licensed security guards, etc. Not sure if that state or community has a mask ordinance, which makes it illegal to be masked, as most western states have that, dating back to the old west.
In any event, you identify who these people are, arrest those who are criminals or are committing criminal acts. The others can have their guns back and stay at the protest. All the while the Police, keep the peace and preserve public order and safety.
All this requires Police Competence and a willingness to uphold your oath to protect and serve.
Correct, but…
Notice the local police didn’t do anything about it. That means the police are on Antifa’s side not our side.
If the bad guys didn’t get arrested, that means the only ones who would get arrested are us.
And if our govenor was worth a damn, he would have sent in state police and rangers and broken this crap up. We have another George Bush wimp, couldn’t believe he won the primary.
break what up? it’s a bar; not a crime scene. i suppose you’d also like the police to break up and shake down your QAnon or MAGA gathering? of course not. all these nonsense gatherings are protected by the first and second amendment and we as second amendment supporters should defend them, regardless of whether we agree with the viewpoint. but sure go ahead and scream and stomp just like the GOP did when the Black Panthers used to lawfully open carry. the result back then? more gun control signed by Reagan. is that really what you want? i thought you actually supported the secondment amendment.
^This. While so many here seem to be missing the obvious, fppf hits the nail on the head…
People used to understand that children didn’t belong in bars. No one cares about their lewd acts behind closed doors. That’s the problem. They want people to care. They want the world to watch them abuse and indoctrinate children. They’re daring anyone to question them because they know the regime is down with the program. Then they scream about their rights as they cheer people getting kicked off social media for expressing the “wrong” opinions.
Before you give the “private business” excuse, more and more is coming out about the tech giants working very closely with the government. The federal government is literally conducting regular meetings with them about how to regulate speech.
^this. While so many here seem to be missing the obvious, Dude hits the nail right on the head.
The police may or may not be on Antifa’s side. Remember Uvalde? It is quite possible that the police were simply outgunned, and unwilling to take a stand based on that alone. I don’t think I’ve ever been to Roanoke, Tx, so I’m unable to comment on the local police force. I’m just adding 2 + 2 to get 4 here: small town nowhere invaded by an armed force three times larger than the police department, whatcha gonna do?
It’s on the outskirts of the liberal run Dallas, need i say more.
Or the political level told the police to “stand down” with this event.
OK, maybe….if there are mask laws…but that just means unmasking to continue open carrying.
OK, maybe….if they were uttering terrorist threats…that means arrest and firearm confiscation.
I wonder if the Antifa in the parking garage would have fired on the police if the police had attempted to arrest Antifas making terrorist threats on the street.
For a Pride event, those people sure are ashamed to be seen there.
I also wonder why they are so full of sexual pride? Yet still wear “a complete costume” covering their entire bodies???
Private business, I don’t care. If the locals don’t want to continue doing business with the kind of folks who would allow this, well that is their right. I wouldn’t spend a dime there!
It seems to me that antifa is ashamed to be seen anywhere…Just sayin.’
Because l3ftists are surprisingly very conservative. The Pr0gressive stance is a recruitment tool. Once the revolution is over, the smaller antifa sects (notably the vegans and the rainbow coalition) will be eliminated leaving the s0cialists and anarchists. The latter’s lack of organization will result in their demise.
Awaiting moderation
Aren’t we all?
Well, OK, then.
No federal charges for killing a non-cop. Dangerous man in a mask eliminated.
They may wish to consider a re-branding…
Town is in a place to express their displeasure with the Bar and Grill by a boycott. no money no bar, bye bye antifa and your supporters.
The democrats and anti-gun love it, guns and all if its far left wing violent extremists Antifa. But let one non-antifa person show a gun in public carry and the democrats and anti-gun declare them evil incarnate far right wing radical violent extremists ‘white supremacists’ bubbling over with ‘white privilege’ even if they are black, Hispanic, or Asian.
“And how long before one of these events that’s being “guarded” by armed Antifa members — a group that has shown no reluctance to engage in violence against those they dislike — results in a rolling gun battle with counter-demonstrators or police?”
Don’t tease me like that.
Anyone who thinks a fight with the lefties will be a cakewalk better think again. Antifa isn’t afraid to get in your face and kick the crap out of you. They don’t shrink from confrontation in fact, they relish it. Unlike our side, Antifa is organized and well funded. The have a core component of military trained individuals (remember Spenser Rapone?) who know tactics. Watch videos of these Antifa events and you’ll see them. They’re the people with their plate carriers intelligently set up and using comms.
And…they are protected by a Democrat establishment that controls “law enforcement” agencies who disrupt and crush anyone on the right who even attempts to organize a like effort.
People on the right better get serious about this and figure out a way to organize a defense. The left, and that means what we call our government, means to solidify their stranglehold on power and if that means putting us in reeducation camps, in prison, or killing us, that’s what they’ll do.
Nah they’ll just make you homeless then arrest you for vagrancy.
Antifa is chicken shit.
Chicken shit= antifa = fertilizer
They aren’t that smart. Their overwatch doesn’t even have the disapplin to remain concealed. What happens when their comms are jammed ? The street in filled with cover smoke? They really don’t understand who they are potentially going up against. Do they even realize when the people are tired of their bs they will be animated?
Annihilated. Damn auto crap
Heh, I read the original sentence and thought you meant to greatly underplay how those who got “tired of their bs” would react.
In an “animated” manner is a terrific use of understatement.
So, actually, you win either way.
Funny you would say that. Understatement isn’t my norm I’m usually quite animated.
I too was OK with use of the word “animated.” It shows nuance, subtlety, and leaves the preceding statement open to a number of possibilities.
When do the normies get sick of this crap? I think they’re getting there.
or just stop feeding the trolls. you do realize the more you scream about this the more free publicity you are giving to the bar and its patrons, right? you can’t buy that kind of free publicity. i’m sure the owners are laughing to the bank with all the new customers and free advertising you are giving them. if you really want to shut them down, stop feeding the trolls.
Weather the bar crashes or not I don’t care.
The freaks pushing their freakness on kids does bother me, and the last few years has proven how far they are willing to go. I believe though there are people more capable than I to fight that battle.
The antifa thugs are another matter entirely.
One that takes some special treatment.
I live in a purple strip between a big blue metro and a much larger brite red area.
They haven’t shown much interest around here yet. When they do they will not like the reception.
Stirring up trolls is fun. Watching them scramble to cut and paste nonsense is endless entertainment, and the comments from this crowd are always great.
“They don’t shrink from confrontation in fact, they relish it.”
Only when they remain masked. Job 1 in combat with the Antifa fascists is to rip of their masks and watch them scatter like the cockroaches they really are.
Photograph their faces. They *hates* that, my precious!
ARFCOM has an excellent breakdown on the weapons carried. One guys AR was not even in battery. These are not the Warriors you think they are and doubt they have much training beyond a few range sessions if that.
Also they are scared, that’s why they wear masks. They know what will happen to them if they are outed.
Watch them in most any video, u could easily have better control over a platoon of 5th graders. They are mostly thug wannabes that are easily manipulated for the cause. There are the few that have a clue who lead them around. Paid by ……?? Who hop in their rental can and head to the next “protest”.
It’s quite possible they are convicted felons. Which would explain why they want to hide their faces to the cameras. People who carry guns but cover their faces, remind me of a Klu Klux Klan.
The FBI has stated more than once that the Far Right is the biggest danger to American freedoms and they are responsible for the most violence and terrorism in the U.S.
If there had been no armed men at the parade the Far Right would have attacked and killed the people in the parade and everyone knew it. It is a shame that in America the Far Right violent Fanatic’s think they can crush everyone else’s Constitutional rights but their own.
If the Far Right Fanatic’s did not like the parade then stay the hell home as the people in the parade had every Constitutional right to hold a parade.
Far Right Christians have always had a paranoia about sex and have always considered sex something dirty, and depraved and only to be used in marriage for the procreation of children. The Far Right will tell you they even have the right to rape their own wives if they refuse to have sex with them.
Other societies have treated sex as wholesome and natural. In Ancient Greece homosexual males and females walked down city streets holding hands and no one attacked them or even stared at them as being not normal because in the peoples way of thinking they were as normal as the heterosexuals were.
In Ancient Rome there were murals of sex acts on the walls of homes, phallic symbols hung in chains over doorways to promote fertility. Sex was considered as normal as eating or sleeping. When the Christian religion migrated to Rome the Roman’s considered the Christians as a radical and depraved religious sect that thought one should suffer in this world so one would not suffer in the next and that sex was in their minds totally depraved and that a celebrate life was to be honored and preferred. As a consequence they bred sexual deviants because their natural sexual desires were depressed and taught to be obscene.
The Far Right make no secret that they would do as Hitler and the Nazi’s did and persecute and murder homosexuals and LGBT people. The Far Right today do everything they can to deny the same Constitutional rights to these people that everyone else enjoys.
I would be very interested to know how you feel about Islamic theocracies.
Hi I’m dacian. I’m a hedonistic sex phreak and I’m horny as F***!. I read the title of this article and immediately pictured small children putting dollars bills in the bikini’s of dudes wearing women’s clothing and now I got a boner. I couldn’t stop thinking about gay sex when I read this article, which is why I haven’t been able to talk about anything else. Anyone want to know more about greek, roman, or other empires, their sexual activities, or them holding hands while walking the streets?
Kudos to the dacian doppelganger!
The Vlad Tepes cycle continues. Lets see if the oddball meltdowns to even less coherent rambling goes on with the original like last time.
“The FBI has stated… ”
And within the first four words you discredit your argument. A new record.
He did it in two a while ago “I worked”
“Far Right Christians have always had a paranoia about sex and have always considered sex something dirty, and depraved and only to be used in marriage for the procreation of children.”
Your claim is 90% wrong. Christians view sex as a wonderful gift from God: an expression of love in marriage; for pleasure, joy, and closeness in marriage; and for having children in marriage. Sex in marriage is neither dirty nor depraved.
The reason that Christians oppose sex outside of marriage is because it ultimately weakens families and society. The evidence of that is overwhelming although beyond the scope of this discussion.
“The Far Right will tell you they even have the right to rape their own wives if they refuse to have sex with them.”
First of all, I am not aware of any Christian group who holds that view.
Second of all, it refutes your own claim that Christians view sex as dirty and depraved. If sex was dirty and depraved, then why would Christians create a “right” (or authority if that makes you feel better) for husbands to rape their own wives?
But thank you for demonstrating your ignorance and malice for all to see.
I think he was talking about islamists.
“The Far Right will tell you they even have the right to rape their own wives if they refuse to have sex with them.”
“First of all, I am not aware of any Christian group who holds that view.”
There are fundamentalists that believe the “Wives are to submit to their husbands” trope…
Geoff PR,
In a vacuum the statement that, “wives must submit to their husbands,” sounds terrifying, and rightly so.
In an accurate Biblical Christian context, that directive is not terrifying at all. Note that the accurate Biblical Christian context directs husbands to love and cherish their wives like a part of their own body. Furthermore, God wants peace, harmony, and stability in marriage. Finally, God ultimately holds the husband more accountable than the wife in family matters. So it makes sense that God directs wives to yield to their husbands on the extremely rare occasions that husband and wife find themselves at an impasse.
Pro-tip #1: a husband who loves and cherishes his wife like a part of his own body never demands that his wife do something awful. Thus, there is no reason for a wife to fear that “submitting to her husband” will lead to some terrible outcome.
Pro-tip #2: the Bible is clear that God expects both the husband and the wife to engage each other in enjoyable sex often. This is evident in the Biblical directives, “be fruitful and multiply,” and, “do not withhold sex from one another, unless both of you have agreed to devote a certain period of time to prayer. When the agreed time is over, come together again …”
And here we have just one example of how nefarious doctrine is maliciously used to indoctrinate people- the best results being when one targets the most impressionable members of society… especially young children.
It is a prime example of how people can live their ENTIRE lives believing, without a second thought, that one human being can have dominion over another based on nothing more than natural biology. Why? Because that’s what they have always been TOLD.
And when you’ve been TOLD something your entire life, through an indoctrination technique that includes the threat that if you even so much as DARE to think about questioning it- you will be DOOMED for all eternity for your insolence…
which points out very clearly just how FEAR leads to anger, anger leads to HATE, and hate leads to SUFFERING.
Do YOU believe a human’s intrinsic value is based upon their biology?
Seriously. Do you REALLY believe that?
Ok, groomer.
FBI, lol
Little d you didn’t even read the story.
There was NO parade dumbass
You hoped for better? Dacian can’t even read, LOL!
And who the hell listens to any b s the FBI ( gestapo ) puts out ? They have as much credibility as MSNBC.
Was tooling along on the highway Saturday in my Honda Pilot, heading into the Big City to visit the daughter. In front of us was a shiny black Hummer all tricked out with chrome accessories. In the right lane, was a biker dude on a Harley. High rise handlebars, fringed leather saddlebags, chrome flared exhaust tips, and a long gray beard floating around in front of his chest. To the left was a Lamborghini-looking sports car. That juxtaposition made me smile. Then I think of rat bastards like Soros, Placeholder Biden, and emasculated ones like miner and dacian, et al., who want to flush it all down the toilet. Well, if you read the end of the book, they are successful eventually, but it isn’t quite the victory they had in mind. Quite the opposite, in fact.
Dacian, what adults’ do consensually, they do. If you want to dress up and look ridiculous, more power to you. Go ahead, I don’t care if you want to be opposite of your plumbing.
Bringing children into this, I draw a line as do normal well adjusted adults. Leave children out of your delusions. Stop preying on children.
What a ghastly butchering of history you Commie Pervert. Death to America hating Antifa.
“Family friendly” my ass…
Too Much Information, Real Shit?
R/S — that your ass is “family friendly.”
I crack myself up. Speaking of crack — oops, TMI again.
I’m acronym challenged. It was of course supposed to be a funny in a roundabout, backdoor kind of way but I’m often challenged in that area as well.
“backdoor kind of way”
Couldn’t resist. Apologies.
“…I’m often challenged in that area as well.”
OK, I’ll leave that one alone. I won’t say anything. My lips are sealed.
It is not against the law to be armed in public. Simply having a gun, even a super duper dangerous AR is not a crime.
At no time anywhere in this country should the police interact with you based solely on the fact that you have a gun.
Having said all that this one event puts the truth on display as to whom the storm troopers are in this country.
Ladies and gentlemen I give to you the SS/antifa. Groomers. Every one of them.
We are beyond doubt, or at least can be, an entirely fucked up species.
What’s humorous to me is watching people who hate guns suddenly make up a bunch of excuses when it’s their side using guns to protect child grooming.
So what should be done about the armed concerned citizens? Same treatment as the others? So I’m a Martian and haven’t been here long. Reading TTAG I get the idea that only the left uses violence a intimidation. Do people on the right ever do that? I’m asking because the other day I was reading about people called Proud Boys and One Percenters and militias and such. Do they ever cause trouble?
You idiot! The first step in infiltrating Earth culture is to study it closely. Terrans aren’t all as stupid as they appear to be.
You failed to do your homework. How do you expect to collect useful intelligence to transmit back to your High Command when you can’t even tell your own jrexanstowl from a hole in the ground?
It’s garfinztoibles like you that give all aliens a bad name. You’re probably one of those who believes that anal probes are “useful research” when it’s clear that you just have an ass fetish. Finork!
Can you name anyone who was injured or killed by the Proud Boys? Or the 1 Percenters? I’m thinking, thinking, thinking – there was that Communist chick killed in South Carolina, but they weren’t PB or 1%, those were neoNazis. And, in point of fact, the Commies confronted the NeoNazis, not the other way around.
I’m sure though that you lump everyone right of Lenin as all the same, right?
Gross. Why teach little children about drag? Gross.
Simple. It proves how open and inclusive we are. Additionally, it’s a way of giving the metaphorical middle finger to conservatives because they seem to hate it. Some people say we’re setting children up to drop their guard on sexuality, but I’m not worried about that. Lust is lust. I mean, love is love.
Watch the South Park episode where Mr Garrison puts a gerbil up Mr Slave’s behind, in the classroom.
Yeah–my thoughts? “What in the unholy f*ck did I just see? And how do I get rid of the image? Brain-bleach anyone?” Never want to see THAT again.
Showing up armed and attempting to threaten and intimidate those that have a problem with your activity is not going to end well eventually a bunch of folks are gonna get killed.
If a private business, which is open to the public, wants to have a drag show then have at it as long as they clearly and openly disclose the nature of their event inside. Whether or not the inside event is suitable for children is for the parents of attending children to decide.
Important note: I most certainly do NOT support men who impersonate women and vice-versa since I believe it encourages people to be unhappy with their true selves and weakens families.
Thanks for injecting a bit of uncommon sense into the dialog! Private business, private matter. Move along everyone else. If you don’t like it, don’t go!
“Whether or not the inside event is suitable for children is for the parents of attending children to decide.”
Except parents aren’t allowed to abuse children. It isn’t hyperbole to call this child abuse. Imagine going way back in time, like say 5 years. Now imagine the evening news showing parents taking their kids to strip clubs and teaching them to give the strippers dollar bills and joining the strippers in a dance. It wouldn’t even be debatable. And yes, there is actual nudity and lewd acts at some of these
progressivepride events. It’s a different story if it’s only consenting adults. Children don’t consent to anything, by definition.of course it’s hyperbole. what makes you such an expert on drag shows anyway?
Has a parent ever been able to bring their children with them into a strip bar in the history of the planet until about five minutes ago? Every honest person understands that. Do we have age limits for anything in this country? How about other countries? Why or why not? Exceptions are being made in the name of diversity, inclusion, and equity. You seem to be down with the program.
who said anything about a strip club? this was some dudes clothes as ladies.
Some dudes in clothes as ladies?? I can’t tell if you’re an apologist or if you’re really this far out of touch. Check out the link below for a video of this event. Now tell me, and be honest. How often do you see ladies dress like that outside of a strip club, unless they’re prostitutes? Now, pray tell, how often do you see young children dancing with them and being encouraged to give them dollar bills like they’re strippers? This isn’t the first time I’ve seen one of these videos. This one is actually somewhat tame compared to some others I’ve seen. Now imagine the ones that aren’t being recorded.
Here’s your homework assignment. Go to your local mall and observe ladies and children in the wild. Compare and contrast with the below video. Then come back so we can discuss what is normal and acceptable behavior.
thanks for the link dude. would i take my kids there? no. are the leotard clothes more revealing than what i saw at the disney icecapades? not really. our family saw some belly dancers at a moroccan restaurant once. it was a little embarassing but really not a big deal. i’m really not sure why people are so worked up over this stuff. my kids don’t see rated R movies either but i’m not going to interfere with some other family that does allow that. anyway thanks for the thoughtful back and forth.
Just to clarify my position, I’m not a fuddy dudd or anything. I’m for everyone enjoying their rights. This isn’t even about revealing attire. You can see much more revealed at the local beach. However, are strange men in women’s bathing suits gyrating around children who are handing them dollar bills at the local beach? Would you find that odd? There’s a difference.
What they’re counting on is us dismissing this as free speech or just good family fun. Like I said, we’ve always had dragg queens. No one unironically attended a dragg show in the old days unless they were sexually excited by watching men dressed as women dance around in a sexual manner. More recently we’ve had that stupid dragg queen reality show. Who watches that? The same people who watch the other reality shows and afternoon talk shows: women.
*dragg for stupid moderation program
I don’t think the parents here are trying to abuse their children. I think they’re there to worship at the alter of Progressivism. It’s our job (as people who are against grooming children) to point out why this is wrong.
You make a very good argument.
I do not believe there is any good answer/solution because it becomes very difficult to decide where to draw the line.
For example, how about a parent who has a seriously obese child and does absolutely nothing about it. Is that child abuse (neglect to be more accurate)? If that parent serves ice-cream for dessert every day at home after dinner, is that child abuse? It probably is. Do we intervene and prosecute parents for that? Think of how disruptive that would be for society.
Like I said, I don’t see a good answer/solution.
I think it’s fairly easy because we have precedence. Any kid can walk into a store and buy candy, but they can’t buy a porno. This is actually worse because it isn’t just sitting and watching something. It’s participation in a sexual act. This isn’t men dressing as women for a fall fashion show. It’s about sex, plain and simple. So why are pre-teens being encouraged to participate?
This movement has gotten this far because people have dismissed it as no big deal. History tells us there’s a trajectory, and it will continue to get more perverse as they gradually erode inhibitions.
I said pre-teens here. I’ve also seen these videos with toddlers being encouraged to do the same thing.
“And how long before one of these events that’s being “guarded” by armed Antifa members — a group that has shown no reluctance to engage in violence against those they dislike — results in a rolling gun battle with counter-demonstrators or police?”
To be brutally honest, I can’t f*ing wait for these commies to open up.
Open carry is legal, whether you like the people doing it or not.
Unless/until they threaten or attack someone, they are within their rights to carry…just like the rest of us. You cannot arrest someone for being disagreeable. They have to be suspected of an actual crime.
Just get an army of tomato throwers. Then if they shoot you, they can go to prison or get a lethal injection. Win-Win. You can’t kill someone who threw a tomato at you.
yep. that’s how the first and second amendment work.
Groomers and cosplayers. Nothing to see here, move along.
John Boch conveniently and deliberately hid the fact that there were Right Wing Fanatics there armed to the teeth.
Right- and leftwing protesters, some heavily armed with semi-automatic rifles, faced off outside a “drag brunch” at a restaurant in Roanoke, Texas, video showed.
Antifa members clash with “PROUD BOYS” protesters at Texas kids’ drag brunch. The Proud Boy’s were the ones that organized the violent attempted take over of the U.S. Government.
I think too that the Far Right are terrified that children may find out that Gay People are not the monsters their far right parents tell them that they are but human beings. This is the last thing the Far Right want for their children to realize. They want their children to fear and hate gay people just as they do in their ignorance of life.
How are kids and dogs getting monkey pox again?
“I think too that the Far Right are terrified that children may find out that Gay People are not the monsters their far right parents tell them that they are”
Why do all of you kweers always say that?
Why do they always say that…..as they’re raping kids?
Pay attention and you will learn something today.
People who are not products of higher education have wild misconceptions about gay people due to pure ignorance.
The common misconception of gays is that they prey on children. This is a total falsehood. Gay people, like Heterosexual people, desire people of their own age not children. In other words a heterosexual man will desire a female of about his age and a gay man will desire a gay man of his age group, the same holds true of female heterosexuals who desire a man of their age group or if gay a woman of their age group.
It is true that there are mentally ill people who prey on children but they come from all walks of life. There are heterosexuals males that rape and murder little girls and they are not gay but they are mentally disturbed people.
In fact the truly gay person is a rather rare person as most people labeled as gay are actually bi-sexual. Woman and men after years of marriage to their spouses are often shocked when they find out that their spouse was bi-sexual and that they never even suspected it.
Attention Dacian, listen up cause you may learn something. Conservatives don’t care where someone sticks their private parts, they just don’t understand why they need a parade for it.
Yes Forp
You deliberately choose to remain ignorant and spread your hatreds and propaganda against people you know nothing about or races or religions you know nothing about.
Can you say NAMBLA?
Bunch of kweer pedophiles.
So the sex offender registry and crime stats are fake news?
Dacian sure knows a lot about sexual perversions, doesn’t he?
Your quote-You deliberately choose to remain ignorant and spread your hatreds and propaganda against people you know nothing about or races or religions you know nothing about.
Dacian, can you share a quote from me of the hatred that I spread or the religions I know nothing about? You are accusing me of some serious hatred, so bring receipts.
lil’d just reflexively defends anything he sees as left wing.
Look guys. This isn’t just about fearing gays, it’s also about fagging and transing up your kids:
——> “I think too that the Far Right are terrified that children may find out that Gay People are not the monsters their far right parents tell them that they are but human beings. This is the last thing the Far Right want for their children to realize.”
You see, being gay is like a spectrum. Some people are extremely straight. And some people, are kind of in the middle. We want the people in the middle to know, gay sex is okay, and desirable, (for us)! as well as being trans. And we need them to stay in public schools, so they can learn this. Rather than you guys taking kids that could later be encouraged to live the straight life, who are minutely on the gay spectrum, we try to scoop them up early and teach them that shooting in a dudes poop chute is okay! Christians are bad. There is a no god. So live the life of pleasure and be a hedonist. Hedonism is okay. Also, if you get excited dressing up in women’s clothes and putting on makeup, and/or doing this with very few clothes and doing so publicly in front of kids, that’s fine too! It’s important kids learn at an early age that sex with lots of partners is great, and that the most important thing in life is pleasure and having fun.
Creamy loving.
When the lil’dtard uses the term “Right Wing Fanatics”, he’s referring to those who disagree with his progtarded views/opinions.
So, around 95% of the US is comprised of “Right Wing Fanatics” in his delusional mind.
And all need to meet his form of s0cial justice.
When I say “right wing fanatics” I mean people who aren’t gay, or simply people who don’t agree that living a life filling dudes poop chutes is not an ideal life. And typically those people are coo-coo Christian right wingers, trying to convince their kids to be heteronormative, Christian, family unit kinds of people. Well, you are welcome to raise your kids how you want. We want to raise our kids to be trans, on hormone blockers, for scheduled gender reassignment surgery later, and possibly gay. Shouldn’t we have that right too? We want to LGBT up the kids. We want LGBT numbers up, and we want heteronormative numbers down. We want pro-LGBT voters. We want a LGBT culture. And most importantly – we want a LGBT majority.
Every child molester that I ever arrested was a homosexual that did the deed with a young boy and a statewide search of registered sex offenders that are men shows that in about 85 percent of the cases the victims were underedaged boys.
Yup. Gays aren’t screwed up because they are gay, they are gay because they are screwed up. Their wires are crossed, some of their neurons are not firing in the correct order, a chemical imbalance, whatever. And the effects of the cause of this abnormality often extend further than just a harmless sexual preference between consenting adults.
Members of the man boy love Association have been openly marching, carrying Signs and Banners in Pride parades for decades now. But the g@ys who disagree with them have not worked to kick them out of those parades. I don’t expect a reporter to go running to a g@y Politian to ask for a comment.
But I would expect a reporter to ask for a comment from Sen. Ted Cruz about some “g@y issue”.
But here On TTAG we have covered other anti-civil rights h0m0sexu@ls, who have asked g@y people who support gun rights, to leave public pride events.
I’m very curious to know what h0m0sexu@l politicians think of children being taken to a strip club??? And what the g@y politicians think of masked, disguised adult h0m0sexu@ls, openly carrying AR-15 rifles?
Because they aren’t known for supporting gun civil rights.
They could have been arrested under a” display of firearm to intimidate complaint”.May not win in court but would have shut down the storm troopers.
From the very beginning, the ultimate goal of the homosexual revolution of the 1960s was unrestricted s*x with children. This fact is well-documented; Alan Ginsberg, founder of NAMBLA, was very frank and open about this. Drag shows in libraries and schools are a means to that end. These events are to normalize the sexualization of children by adults. The goal of the h0m0sexual community is ready access to children in schools, sanctioned by the state. This, too, is well documented, and they talk about it all the time. However, if you notice this, you are a bigot.
I don’t know how this situation is going to be resolved. There are many court cases to come, but I don’t think either side, the aggressive secular sex*ual culture, or the conservative culture, are going to roll over and accept defeat. If you have children and you do not want them groomed to be the playthings of p*rverts, I suggest home schooling.
We have a winner here. Johnny Le Blanc is right on target.
Most of LGBT people have distanced themselves from NAMBLA and former NAMBLA. But, if you look hard enough, you can find the old pics online, LGBT and NAMBLA kissing each other on stage, in front of cameras. Kweer is kweer, and they all love each other, until the FBI starts busting kiddy diddlers.
You can also find the stories of kweer couples adopting little kids, just so they have a nice warm sperm repository at home. It’s kinda like choosing a cuddly pet to bone.
to Johnny Le Blanc
Your post is based on pure blatant ignorance and far right wing propaganda and hate. Everything you stated was false and has been proven false since Sigmund Freud first began the study of the human mind and sexual behavior. There of course were many other studies starting with Kinsey and Masters and Johnson all of which were well respected professionals in their fields of the study of human sexual behavior. No one who is a product of higher education would believe such far right nonsense as you just posted. Read my above post about the sexual preference of both gay and heterosexual people.
Counterfactual contrarianism is all you have, dacky boy.
Duck season!
You could have just called him a liar. Saves all that typing.
We get it, groomer. You want to have s*x with children.
Pay attention and you will learn something today.
This is about making gay and drag acceptable behavior. mkay? We don’t like, and you are not entitled to – the opinion that being gay and dressing in drag is a sin. So we are going to host events such as these to teach YOUR kids, that having lots of same sex sexual partners is OKAY. And dudes dressing in women’s clothes and putting on makeup is not worthy of criticism.
relax, no one here is trying to persecute you because you’re gay so stop being so defensive.
One must understand where lil’d opinions are coming from……..
You sound paranoid and unhinged. Gay people just want to be treated like anyone else.
Then they should act like anyone else. 99% of people don’t care what consenting adults do behind closed doors. Even if they disagree with the behavior, they can still interact like normal people. The key word being normal. If you would rather be seen as a freak, then act like a freak, but stop complaining about being judged for it.
fair enough. it looks to me like they just want to dress and talk how they want to dress and talk. and be left alone and not harrassed.
Except that isn’t what they want. If that was it, no one would care. They’ve been doing that for decades. It wasn’t a big deal. That wasn’t enough for them. They want to abuse and indoctrinate children. They’re open about it now. Check out Libs of TikTok sometime.
quote————-They want to abuse and indoctrinate children. ———quote
You are a damned liar when you said you attended college, at least not a normal accredited college. Perhaps it was a bible college. No one with a college education would make the ignorant and homophobic statements that gay people are out to abuse children. Your ignorance is disgusting. Read my above post about gays and heterosexual people.
Gays abuse children no more that heterosexuals do and when both do it this is because they are mentally disturbed people. The mentally disturbed represent a very small minority of both heterosexuals and gay people. This is basic sociology 101 and obviously you never had such a course let alone flunked it.
As I noted in my above post there are heterosexual men that rape and murder little girls. Now try and blame that on gay people too. You really disgust me with your ignorance. Let us see you try and squirm and lie your way out of this one. Science has disproven you decades ago but then again what would you know about science, its as alien to you as the studies by Freud, Kinsey and Masters and Johnson just to name a few.
Wasn’t it Freud that once said “Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar”?
Or was it Slick Willie Clinton?
A college degree isn’t a prerequisite for having an adult conversation. College attendance seems to be a big sticking point for you. People who attended college don’t talk like that. You know who does? People that try way too hard to come across as educated. We aren’t even necessarily talking about gay people here. Try to keep up.
Fppf, there’s a saying: “it’s good to have an open mind but not so open your brains fall out”.
You posted : “Gays abuse children no more that heterosexuals do and when both do it this is because they are mentally disturbed people. The mentally disturbed represent a very small minority of both heterosexuals and gay people. This is basic sociology 101 and obviously you never had such a course let alone flunked it.”
and also aside from the rest of your ignorant rant …
Homosexual Molestation of Children/Sexual Interaction of Teacher and Pupil > https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/homosexual-molestation-childrensexual-interaction-teacher-and-pupil
“It appears that at least a third of all the reported child molestations involve homosexual acts, while girls account for about two-thirds of children victimized. Those who practice homosexual acts are at least 12 times more apt to molest a child sexually, and with suitable corrections for bisexuals (who molest both genders), probably at least 16 times more apt to molest a child. A review of recorded cases of teacher-pupil sexual interaction indicated that of the 30 instances detailed in the literature, 24 (80 percent) involved homosexual acts. It appears that teachers who practice homosexual acts are between 90 to 100 times more apt to involve themselves sexually with pupils than teachers who confine themselves to heterosexual acts.”
lil’d is only here to defend his tribe and stick it to the other tribe. Facts don’t matter. Notice how he also fell back on the left wing talking point about sexual abuse in the church. Yes, it exists. So does sexual abuse in schools. As a matter of fact, it’s much more prevalent in schools, and it’s increasing exponentially lately. Why don’t they mention that? Left wing vs. right wing. That’s why.
to Booger Brain
And here is a study done in the same year that completely debunks your study
Are homosexual adults in general sexually attracted to children and are preadolescent children at greater risk of molestation from homosexual adults than from heterosexual adults? There is no reason to believe so. The research to date all points to there being no significant relationship between a homosexual lifestyle and child molestation. There appears to be practically no reportage of sexual molestation of girls by lesbian adults, and the adult male who sexually molests young boys is not likely to be homosexual (Groth & Gary, 1982, p. 147).
In a later literature review, Dr. Nathaniel McConaghy (1998) similarly cautioned against confusing homosexuality with pedophilia.
I will go with the University studies before I would take any credence with a Government study that was probably done by and paid for by homophobic Republicans.
your study is paid for and backed buy the very people (some) who have been been arrested for such sexual abuse of minors and have a vested interest in promoting a study that has been debunked by studies after it.
to dude
“Yes, it exists. So does sexual abuse in schools. As a matter of fact, it’s much more prevalent in schools, and it’s increasing exponentially lately. Why don’t they mention that? Left wing vs. right wing. That’s why.”
You can watch the Libs of Tik-Tok videos. There you will see all the “in the closet” g@y teachers, and their stated plans for small children.
Here’s the problem with your study and why it was debunked – this line “The research to date all points to there being no significant relationship between a homosexual lifestyle and child molestation.”
There is a difference between “a homosexual lifestyle” and a ‘homosexual’ person practicing homosexual acts with children which is not part of a normal ‘homosexual lifestyle’. Your study lumps it all under ‘homosexual lifestyle’ in an attempt to broaden the sample sizes and studies to dilute any incidents below or ~= to a heterosexual comparison. Then it does not figure in acts of bisexual occurrences in a comparison to heterosexual occurrences but rather treats them as heterosexual.
If your study were to be taken literally as you want it to be it would say that child molestation is a normal ‘homosexual lifestyle’, But it was debunked anyway so it doesn’t matter for that literal interpretation you seem to want so badly. And oh by the way, the study I pointed to has not been debunked.
So dacian, whats your personal child victim count so far?
I think my flamethrower would be very effective. Have some suppressing fire from my crew, melt the masks into their faces. Atheist Avenger are you up for that?
I’d like to see these types cast adrift on stormy seas, abandoned and forgotten but I was referring to your continued demands that everyone get a little Jesus in them. Not only is this the wrong venue for that but who are you to tell everyone what they should do and how they should be?
And the protective dyke said
” Dont go near the water”
Ha! Dam dykes…
But did you do like the brave little Dutch boy, and put your finger in the dyke???
Diddling kids, the final frontier.
These are the deviants who commit sex offenses in front of your children.
When did drag morph from theater act to porn show? Granted it’s been several decades since I’ve visited P-Town but this shit today is a might bit removed from some dude doing a Liza impression.
They get off on being shocking and pissing off their detractors. That means, as their behavior becomes normalized, they have to keep pushing the envelope. Things have really escalated recently thanks to social media, which is the main conduit of this movement. Heterosexual and cisgender left wingers have joined the previously tiny minority of people who engage in this behavior. The highest form of virtue signaling is for a hetero couple to trans their child.
The realm of drag queen no longer belongs to gay men and transvestites.
The first amendment protects their right to assemble and the second amendment protects their right to bear arms. The rest is bullshit.
something wicked
this way comes
dont not be ready
when it gets here
This whole thing, the original action(s) and the stories I’ve seen about it, seems like it it can all be nicely placed under the header of “concern trolling”.
But I guess that’s where we are these days, the age of the troll, where the vast majority can no longer discern honest debate from bullshit (if they ever could, which mostly they couldn’t) and huge numbers of people believe that counter-trolling is the answer.
Never forget. An openly armed Society is a much more polite Society.
As I have said before. I believe every law abiding American should be openly carrying machine guns. This way everyone will be forced, through self-preservation, to be much more polite to each other.
I’d agree.
It’s also a good argument for subguns.
From Jay the Shooter. How to make a Machine Gun for your Every Day carry. video 1 min long
One truck + 50mph=Antiflat
Maybe I missed it somewhere in all this but …
What is the justification for exposing children to men dressed in women clothes at times partially nude dancing provocatively and being vulgar collecting money like strippers while sexualizing minors and being allied with a present heavily armed intentionally threatening show of force known violent far left wing extremist group connected to about 30 murders and numerous acts of violence?
And…., aside from the above… how is it ‘kid friendly’ to expose children to vulgar sexually based activity and intent mixed with an allied heavily armed intentionally threatening show of force known violent far left wing extremist group connected to about 30 murders and numerous acts of violence and known for its ‘membership’ also being composed of pedophiles and child pornographers and convicted felons and rapists?
Nothing to see here. Move along.
It is a private business, if they are OK with Antifa being armed on their property that is the end of the discussion.
Complaining about a private business allowing people they invited to be lawfully armed on their property is against the spirit of the 2nd amendment.
Somehow I don’t think that’s what the real argument is about.
I don’t disagree with you that everyone has the right to be armed and open carry.
I think the bulk of people here stand against grooming children (with the very notable and vocal exceptions of Albert and dacian). And most of us also understand the irony that these guys who hate guns are suddenly desperate to make excuses for their side carrying guns so long as it’s the grooming and hyper sexualization of children.
Kinda shows they’re hypocrites. Sick, child sexualizing hypocrites.
Do the people who were standing outside with guns hate guns? Did the business owner allow their presence hate guns? Do the people who dressed in drag at this event hate guns?
Or did you just assume it?
ANTIFA is a leftist group. The Left in this country want to ban guns. You can see the likes of dacian and Albert throwing in with them. This particular instance was them guarding an event to put on a sexualized display for CHILDREN.
The that you’re trying to point the finger at me instead of addressing what happened here tells me everything I need to know about you as a person.
Rider/Shooter – It seems to be the argument from some here in comment section by those complaining about the fact that the police didn’t arrest the Antifa members for simply carry guns on a private business.
The argument from MOST is to point out the hypocrisy of people who want to disarm you using guns. Not only that, the REASON they want to carry guns is to take children to drag shows.
But I see that you don’t care about that. Can’t have you criticizing the sexualization of children. Or the hypocrisy of folks who would disarm you running armed security to keep protestors from complaining about sexualizing children.
Put your blinders on, look elsewhere. Make sure you don’t criticize the pedos.
None of that changes the fact that there are people on here complaining about a private business having armed Antifa guards on their property and complaining that the police isn’t doing anything about it.
Prove that any number of kids were taken to the drag show by someone other than their parent or legal guardian. If their parent or legal guardian takes them to a drag show that is their business, not yours or mine.
I don’t recall any more than a couple complaining about them not getting (wrongly) arrested. Most are discussing the innapropriateness of bringing young, impressionable children to witness such an obviously skewed and agenda driven display. Some fucking guardians.
This is like playing Where’s Waldo, except it’s to groom children and watch for the pedofiles to run around trying to distract from and make excuses for it.
Well, finding you was a lot easier than finding Waldo in any of those books.
Its not the simply carrying, it was the manner in which they were used as an intimidation threat factor when they bullied people and tried to keep people from the area.
Look, I’ll be really clear here. I don’t care if what your orientation or sexuality is. If you are putting on a sexually charged show for children, then you’re a pedofile. If you are trying to justify pedofiles putting on sexually charged shows for children, then you are literal human garbage. Putting on this show isn’t “pro trans”, it’s child abuse.
Tim In Tx,
I agree.
People who promote the sexualization of children, like 6 year olds, they are groomers.
Or people trying to normalizing “minor attracted persons.” That is a pedofile.
I have friends and family who are gay.
They are great and funny people.
The difference between them and those at the “drag queen show,” they all think exposing children to that kind of thing is wrong.
One thing to talk about sex when they are 13-14 years of age.
6 or 7 year olds? That is just plain wrong. And taking them to a drag show? Just a few years ago that would of been considered child abuse. But hey, this is where the Biden admin brought us.
And, sorry, some of the pics I have seen of the “show,” gives me the creeps.
So this is the main reason, or at least a reason, why homosexuals sued to force the government to allow them to adopt children???
Also it’s nice to know, that there is apparently a large segment of the sexually liberated, who believe it’s okay to take children, to a strip club. I know that parents use to take their kids to cross burnings also.
And I would like to thank you for coming out of the closet supporting bringing children to a strip club.
So this is the main reason, or at least a reason, why h0m0sexu@ls sued to force the government to allow them to adopt children???
Also it’s nice to know, that there is apparently a large segment of the sexually liberated, who believe it’s okay to take children, to a strip club. I know that parents use to take their kids to cross burnings also.
And I would like to thank you for coming out of the closet, supporting bringing children to a strip club.
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