If you’ve ever owned a cat, you know that on occasion it won’t use the box. If you’re careless about cleaning it or don’t have a sufficient number of boxes, cats will often find someplace else to do their business. But, what you’d never consider doing after finding a misplaced poop is torture and kill the animal. Sadly, that’s true for all of us but Douglas Hamlin, the new head of the National Rifle Association.

According to media reports, which are based on court records, Hamlin’s fraternity had a cat named BK living in the frat house. After the cat refused to use the box a number of times, fraternity members took the cat out, cut off his paws, strung him up, and then burned him to death. One of the fraternity members felt guilty afterwards and confessed to friends, who then reported the incident to police, who charged them all with animal cruelty (a misdemeanor in 1979-80). Other reporting and a purported internal NRA e-mail indicates that Hamlin was not directly involved in the torture and killing, but was charged after the fact for participating in an effort to cover the crime up.

While a judge had harsh words for Hamlin, who was the leader of the fraternity, for not stopping the torture and killing and then covering for the killers, even calling it an “unconscionable and heinous” act, the young men had the crimes expunged from their records after performing 200 hours of animal-related community service. Since 1980, animal torture and extreme cruelty have been elevated to felony-level crimes in a growing number of states, so this slap on the wrist would likely not happen today.

But, my goal in writing this article isn’t to take Hamlin to task. He got the punishment the law demanded after committing the crime (or covering up for it if that’s how it really went), and now his career is likely to be threatened if not ended by this disgusting crime coming to light. People who thought they knew him are probably not going to look at him the same way now, and this will have severe social and financial costs in the long run. Nothing I could do here would make his situation any worse than it already is, nor do I want to pile on.

What should concern us is the effect it has on the overall gun rights community. To illustrate that, let’s look a little more at the media reporting on the subject. As is normal practice, writers with The Guardian looked at old newspapers (probably on microfiche) to see who might be able to tell them more. Shelagh Abbs Winter was named in one of these articles as the person who told the police what she had heard.

Today, though, she had no idea that the person she had reported on went on to lead the NRA. When The Guardian contacted her, she said, ”You don’t know how amazing this is to me, because I am a member of Moms Demand Action.” and later added, “Once a creep, always a creep.”

Obviously anti-gun groups are all piling on now that this has come to light. The general idea that gun rights activists are “heartless” gets some support in the public imagination. After all, they say, if we don’t care about the deaths of children, they shouldn’t be surprised that our “leader” would cover for the gruesome killing of a pet. All you have to do now is search for “NRA Cat” on social media to see all of the popular voices making the connection here.

On top of this, many people assume that gun rights is a strictly conservative position. There certainly are more conservatives into guns than independents and “liberals”, so despite the many exceptions people tend to focus on the rule. Because the wider public thinks guns=conservatives or even guns=MAGA, this makes the wider conservative movement look hypocritical after all of the noise about alleged dog and cat eating going on in Ohio.

While I know there are certainly people who think hurting animals is no big deal, or who want to talk about how this happened decades ago, this isn’t the time to defend “our” side. We have to keep in mind that the NRA has had serious problems for decades and has largely dropped the ball on gun rights while other organizations have picked it up.

The NRA’s bad habit of choosing problem leaders isn’t something we’re obligated to reflexively defend. The gun rights movement and the wider conservative world doesn’t owe the NRA a duty to go down with the ship (again). Instead, we should be reminding people that the NRA isn’t us, and doesn’t represent anybody but their members who are a small fraction of gun owners. We should also speak out against evil things like animal cruelty instead of trying to minimize and defend it.


  1. When they give a damn about various illegals cooking cats I will begin to care about isolated incidents that took place before or around the time of my birth.

    • This is nothing more than political expediency. These same people concerned about one cat from 45 years ago can’t even bring themselves to care about HUMANS getting raped, assaulted, and murdered by Kamala’s illegals.

      Pres. Bill Clinton: “…a young woman who’d been killed by an immigrant…”

      “If they (Kamala’s illegals) had all been properly vetted, that probably wouldn’t have happened.”

      Oh really? You mean exactly what Trump has been saying for years?! Even Slick Willie is out there making the MAGA argument.

      • I figured I would start with low expectations as I cannot expect fully human behavior or thinking from commies.

  2. Good idea, Sensiba, let’s once again throw someone under the bus because our enemies dug up something he was involved in as a dumb kid 45 years ago. We don’t need enemies on the left when we’ve got virtue-signaling folks on the right who think that appeasing the left works.

    • Jennifer is right. The NRA leader needs to go immediately. It isn’t like anyone really knew about this. But watch the pinko open border hypocrites make a big stink over it.

      Is this the only guy in the country capable of leading the NRA? He failed before he ever got started.

      • Because if we just choose someone that doesn’t offend them, they’ll finally love us!

        No, they’ll always hate us and always find stuff to make a big stink about. Letting them use the virtue signal veto over NRA appointments is dumb. This will blow over and normal people won’t ever even think about it a year from now.

  3. Yessir. Killing cats is awful.

    Murdering unborn babies is good. Butchering children into new genders is good. Destroying what is left of the black community by importing millions of replacements illegally is good.

    Let’s use fascist left logic on this matter. A couple of guys in college abused an animal. So ban colleges.

  4. Every place I’ve ever lived, since I was a child, has had a Pet Semitary in the back yard. Dogs and cats mostly, but I think I remember my sister having a goldfish. Occasionally, I dispatched an I’ll or injured pet. When I was in highschool there wasn’t a vetnarian in the county. I did it with compassion and regret. This is the first I’ve heard of this story. I’ll reserve opinion until I learn more, but I have to say, I find the story disturbing if true. Sounds like something the media will love though.

    • Not calling the cops after the fact is one thing, especially in the frat boy environment. IMO, frats are just above ground gangs.

      Being a party to the act as it is occurring something else entirely. Apparently the author here, who has advocated that the NRA cease all lobbying, is accusing Hamlin of just that in her opening paragraph. So, 100% on that media thing, LOL.

  5. The killing of cats is like rape, child slavery/arranged marriage it’s a “cultural” thing thus “ok”, the Democrats said so.

  6. TTAG’s resident childless cat lady is at it again …. at least this time (s)he’s chosen a subject (s)he knows about.

    • The boomers failed at teaching their daughters to be wives, and it cascaded into the mess we have today. This is why over 60% of men 18-29 years of age arent married or in a relationship. I imagine that percentage of men would jump up to 80% if they included 30-50 year olds.

      • Dave, not every Boomer. I’m on the trailing end of Boomers. My daughter married at 28 yoa after her education and only two serious relationships. Her husband is the second. I love him like my own son. They are homeowners and enjoy a comfortable life. I knew Chuck was a good guy when I gave him a Randall knife for Christmas a few years ago. Seems he had two great uncles that worked for Bo Randall on his cattle ranch. My son, well, he lives alone, but has a long time girlfriend. Anna Beth is a little hippie born too late, but a nice young woman. John is an electrician. Specializes in installing and servicing Generac Generators. Guess how busy he’s been in N FL the last couple of weeks. Dave not all of us Boomers dropped the ball. When I divorced my ex-wife my children chose to remain with me. And she lives at the beach. They both enjoy firearms, fishing and the outdoors in general. Don’t confuse them with Fudds. Katherine and Chuck only own what I’ll call defensive firearms. John collects mil-surp, but loves upland birds, so their’s that. He also has some plastic. Tavor, AR, etc, yawn. Anyway, Dave, don’t sell all us Boomers short.

      • Oh, Dave, I don’t know if you’re interested in this kind of thing, but I bought my son a nice German G-43 a few months ago. It’s to be a Christmas present so it’s still in my friend’s safe. He has the combination to all of mine. Lol. Anyway, just a Boomer trying to do the right thing.

  7. The NRA is not nor ever was a 2A rights organization. They even admitted it in their own publication.

    The National Rifle Association has been in support of workable, enforceable
    gun control legislation since its very inception in 1871.”

    — NRA Executive Vice President Franklin L. Orth
    NRA’s American Rifleman Magazine, March 1968, P. 22

    You either have to be wilfully ignorant or living under a rock to see that the NRA is a gun control organization and don’t support your rights.

    • Uh yeah I’m not a fan of cat’s. Allergic to them in my old age. But I never purposely murdered one(even the feral cat who had a kitten under my van. Smelled awful.)Don’t care about NegotiatingRightsAway at all. Or cat’s. Or this “news” article🙄And Dave I’m a Boomer. Your chitty life isn’t my fault. My 50 year son is doing quite well married for 20 years with 3 extremely well behaved daughter’s. Grow up loser.

      • Did every boomer fail to raise the next generation to be functional? No obviously not. Did enough fail to not only be noticable but to be a large problem. Very much seems to be the case. Don’t take it as a personal attack if it doesn’t apply but learn from whether or not it rings true elsewhere. Plenty of similar criticisms of millennials, and zoomers to go around……gen x well they exist I guess 😉

  8. You either have to be wilfully ignorant or living under a rock to not see that gungrabbers, antigunners, and guncontrol freaks hate the NRA above all other opposing groups. It ain’t even close.

    Not a coincidence. They like to pose as ignorant morons, too…

  9. There was A LOT of footage of the usual suspects abusing animals during the BLM riots of 2020. One in particular I remember is a number of gangly looking fellows throwing a Golden Retriever puppy around. The dog was later found stabbed to death.

    It made my blood boil. Consequently, I had and have little sympathy for that movement

    “Diversity” is not known to love animals. Animal welfare has, historically and at present, mainly been an effort by Whites, as has concern for the wider environment. For example, 95+ percent of the plastic garbage the liberal cat ladies complain is choking the ocean actually originates in the Third World, with China, the Philippines, and various nations in Africa the largest sources.

    An inconvenient truth, to be sure. Certainly something that cannot be pointed out in the company of liberal cat ladies who want to ban plastic straws in San Francisco.

    It is also inconvenient to point out that, yes, Haitians do eat cats. If they do it in Haiti, they’re doing it in Ohio. You can take the Haitian out of Haiti, but you can’t take Haiti out of the Haitian.

    America’s dirt is not magic — it does not transform Third World invaders into civilized people just because they step on it.

  10. Rich frat guys do unspeakable things and get away with it.
    Leftist concern troll uses this to go for a scalp.

    “News” so predictable an AI could have written it…

    • Cutting the paws off of a live cat seems like it would be a difficult, painful and noisy process to me. I am thinking the torture was likely postmortem.

      You can count on leftwing media, to include anti-NRA TTAG authors, to ignore that possibility, though.

  11. What we should really be talking about is h!o!mo!se!x!ua!ls grooming and abusing children in public schools. Children are surely more important than cats.

  12. In other news, South Korea is phasing out dog and cat meat with a total ban by 2027.

    Also, who cares about some rando that bought his friends pleading no-contest to something he didn’t do almost 50 years ago? You have two legged animals looking to bomb synagogues, other two legged animals looking to disrupt the election with some form of violence, a large group of two legged animals with no impulse control looking for any excuse to throw a public and fiery “but-mostly-peaceful” tantrum, a terrible non-choice for POTUS, and PR firms using AI to convince us all that everything is fine.

    Put your feminine hygiene napkins in and move past the silly concern troll.


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