
By Roger Katz

Now I will tell you the answer to my question. It is this. The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power. What pure power means you will understand presently. We are different from the oligarchies of the past in that we know what we are doing. All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were cowards and hypocrites. The German Nazis and the Russian Communists came very close to us in their methods, but they never had the courage to recognize their own motives. They pretended, perhaps they even believed, that they had seized power unwillingly and for a limited time, and that just around the corner there lay a paradise where human beings would be free and equal. We are not like that. We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now you begin to understand me. –  George Orwell, 1984

Engaging in compromise with those who abhor firearms and those who choose to exercise their right to keep and bear arms will serve only to compromise that right, ultimately destroying the Second Amendment.

The American citizenry are a free, powerful, sovereign people living in a free constitutional republic, a Nation that belongs to the entire citizenry, not to a select few and definitely not to the Government.

The government was created to serve the citizenry, not to subjugate and oppress it. The words codified in the Second Amendment make this fundamental truth plain. The exercise of the right of the people to keep and bear arms makes this truth a reality. The new progressive left seeks to erase the words of the Second Amendment from the Constitution.

If these radical left-wing elements succeed in compromising the nation by undercutting the Constitution, then the American people, like the populations of the EU, will face unending misery.

That will manifest itself in the suppression of basic freedoms, constant surveillance, control over thought and conduct, and penury; a sad, oppressive life, nay, something less than life. Mere existence.

Existence in a new political, social, economic, and cultural construct, one that has erased the independence and sovereignty of our nation and of all western nation-states.

But to accomplish their goal, the new progressive left in our country must indoctrinate our children, and reeducate those adults who aren’t so easily susceptible to prolific proselytizing and propagandizing.

They need to convince those adults who aren’t so willing to accept the fiction that our fundamental rights and liberties aren’t rights at all and never had been, but are merely man-made constructs, mere privileges bestowed on the American people by grace of government. And by that same Government authority would those privileges be rescinded.

If the public believes this fiction — that fundamental, immutable, inalienable rights are not, at all, rights preexistent in man, bestowed on man by a loving divine creator, but are mere privileges, granted by Government to men — then the anti-gun left will find it much easier to weaken and ultimately negate the one right that alone serves as the means of preventing subjugation of the American citizenry.

It is that one, fundamental right that most concerns them: the right of the people to keep and bear arms.

The problem for those of us who seek to preserve and strengthen the RKBA is found less in the radical left or the media than it is the growing possibility that the U.S. President and congressional Republicans might actually consider negotiating with Democrats. And in so doing, weaken rather than preserve Second Amendment rights.

We must make plain to both the President and to congressional Republicans that they must not capitulate. We must make clear to Trump and Congress that to cave in to Democrat demands for “muscular new gun control proposals,” is no way to deal with gun grabbers.

Our nation already has more than enough restrictions on gun rights. Still more gun laws will not make this nation safer.

The gun control proposals of Democratic Party candidates target the millions of average, law-abiding gun owners, not the common criminal, the vicious drug cartels, or the occasional lunatic.

We know that…and Democrats know it, too. These “muscular new gun control measures” Democrat candidates are calling for are directed squarely at the millions of law-abiding gun owners, not common criminals, not psychopathic gang members, not psychotic lunatics, all of whom aren’t permitted to own and possess firearms under current law.

This indisputable truth compels one unmistakable, disturbing conclusion: further gun control laws the anti-gun presidential candidates are arguing for aren’t directed to reducing gun violence. Nor, for that matter, are they directed at the reduction of violence of any kind.

Those demanding comprehensive gun control are really calling for comprehensive population control. President Trump and Republicans must not be hesitant in calling these Democrats out.

What they seek is comprehensive citizen disarmament, and with it, removing the incipient threat to the unconstitutional usurpation of Government power and authority. In so doing, civilian disarmament proponents turn the paramount concern of the Founders of our free republic on its head.

An armed citizenry was precisely what the Founders prescribed, for their aim was to deter the rise of tyranny, not to enable it.

Anti-gun democrats aren’t motivated by a safer society. If they were, then they would spend more time campaigning for toughened sentencing for hardened criminals, and institutionalizing dangerous psychotics who have demonstrated a predilection for violence. They would deport illegal aliens who have committed crimes. But we see none of that happening.

We see instead Democrats spending much of their time campaigning for more restrictive gun laws, directed at law-abiding citizens, which, if enacted, would have the perverse result of leaving people defenseless. The need for further restrictive gun laws is, then, again, just a ruse—all directed to one ultimate goal: de facto repeal of the Second Amendment.

Once that happens, the amassing of Government power would accelerate, unconfined by the limitations imposed by the first three Articles of the Constitution, and undeterred by, and no longer concerned with the threat an armed citizenry poses.


This article was originally published at and is reprinted here with permission. 



        • So how many Democrats are you going to kill? How are you going to do it? Just shoot them up, or maybe torture some to death? Let’s hear some more of your big tough talk!

      • Availability and configuration may varry ammo subject to limits etc etc. You are largely right for now but given time and poor decisions a lot can be limited in a hurry. See NY SAFE act and how it was passed with what it cut out of stores for legal options.

  1. Not trying to sound like a broken record but Republicans and dems both see it as a privilege they just disagree on how much of we should get.

    It upsets people for what ever reason to say it but it’s true. You are right that it is the republicans compromising that is the issue. We have to remember though that they don’t believe in rights at all. 2a is 90% infringed.

    There are infringements on most other rights acknowledged in the Constitution as well. We need to turn the republicans into a Constitution party or vote for a 3rd party. If we don’t deal with it now it will just keep getting worse and we will just keep losing more.

    • If he can get an honest to GOD Libertarian candidate in the Televised Presidential Debates then the second amendment MIGHT actually have a chance. If not I fear for America if these
      thinly veiled communist Democrat presidential candidates ever get their way we might just as well rename the United States Of America to North Venezuela.

        • Since Harry Brown passed away the Libertarian party (not to be confused with libertarians in general) has been hijacked and used as a vehicle by Republicans who couldn’t traction in the Republican party.

        • Yes, Bill Weld (former gub of Massachusetts) ran on the Libertarian ticket in 2016.

          As the gubner of MA, he supported gun control. As a Libertarian candidate, he flip-flopped and declared himself a strong 2A supporter.

          Believe it if you want to.

        • Gary Johnson from NM . also a Libertarian candidate for President, betrayed the 2A when he selected a not so pro-2A VP running mate.

    • Absolutely true. The Republican party isn’t the solution — it’s just a less aggressive source of the same problem.

      Also true, unfortunately, is that at the national level we have no one else to work with.

      • There are plenty of people within the Republican Party that are 2A absolutists.

        We just need to help them win.

      • The Democrat Party + The Republican Party = The UniParty. They see the country as theirs. We are interlopers and are in the way.

    • Don’t any of you clowns remember 1994 or are you too young? Get off of this idiot site and start talking to real people. Sitting around here wringing your hands and crying foul is exactly what the Left and progressives want. Sure, a bunch of the worthies around here will show them- they’ll just drop out of the system and not vote. Yeah- that’ll show ’em. And then, of course, you can throw the blame at NRA as well… Quit bitching, start organizing and stand up for yourself where it will really count.

      • You either didn’t understand what I said or are deliberately trying to twist it. Where did I advocate not voting? Remember 86 machine gun ban? The Republicans didn’t even try to repeal gun control while in full control for 2 years.

        They wait for a tragedy and the dump the pro gun bills. Instead we got a bumpstock ban expanding the power of gov agencies that are not supposed to create new laws out of thin air.

        I am advocating for organization and voting while you are advocating for voting partisan Republicans while calling people who hurt your delicate sensibilities and do not fall in with your dogma whiny bitches.

        Learn to speak like an adult before posting.

        • Going on the 25th. Got a group together.

          Active at state and local level and also with local Republicans where I can have a little influence helping local candidates that are strong 2A supporters and getting out the vote for them.

      • “Get off of this idiot site and start talking to real people.”

        Uuh, uuummmm, i mean, like don’t we totally have to be on this “idiot site” to read your stuff?

  2. Herr Gobbles would be so proud of what passes for media in the U S today and yet the media complains of Fascism.

  3. The Republicans could get a lot more done if not for the R I N O ‘s ,
    The Democrats don’t seem to have the problem with turncoats in their party. Their just all anti Constitution & hate Trump…
    & neither party seems comfortable dealing with the 2A,,,
    Both parties need to do what they swore to do & protect & follow the Constitution, & quit trying to reinterpret it.
    & yes that was a good article.

  4. We all know what the problem is. It’s been stated a thousand times in various forms. So, what is your solution? It’s obviously not going to be a political solution – at least not one that will be settled at the ballot box (that never has really worked, has it.).

    • Look no farther then the statment, A mans God given and natural rights reside in three boxes, the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box, for your answer.

  5. There may be many visiting this blog who did not live through “the ’60s”. Would like to present just a small bit of what was passing for intelligent political thought.

    Ronald Reagan was governor of Californication, which was a right-leaning state at the time. Much was reported and repeated that Reagan was establishing “Big Brother” in America (Reagan was only a governor, not a head of state). The lefties of the day were convinced of two things: George Orwell was writing about right wing fascists in control of society; Leftist ideals had not been properly practiced anywhere in the world, at any time, and that American leftist finally had the right people, with the right education, and the right understanding of how to make things work. Lenin, Stalin, Castro, Che’ all were wrong, and incapable. Only Americans could usher in the worker’s paradise, and keep it running like a fine Swiss watch,

    • It’s the militia that’s supposed to run like a fine Swiss watch.😊

      As I recall, there was a lot more Leftist violence in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Wasn’t there a lot of bombings (like over 2000)?

      • You are correct about the violence being worse back in 60 s. We had many groups like Antifa and they did bombings, bank robberies, murders. The difference was that the media wasn’t in their camp like they are now.

      • “As I recall, there was a lot more Leftist violence in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Wasn’t there a lot of bombings (like over 2000)?”

        Historically true.

        The silliness I was trying to highlight is the ability of the left to use the same language as Big Brother when it comes to why leftist ideas failed in so many places, yet claim they are anti-Big Brother (right wing extremists).

        • I can’t think of anything closer to Mussolini’s Fascism (Corporatism) than the Democrats/Left in bed with the MSM, academia, SJWs, and corporations.

          It really takes audacity to claim anti-Big Brother while getting big corporations to do your bidding.

          The Dems talk Socialism/Communism while being Fascists.

          • I was taught that Wells was warning about the natural development of “socialist” governments. Much commentary about Wells’ “1984” focused on, it seems to me, the abstract of political flow. What is most important of all (and maybe completely overlooked or misunderstood?) is Wells’ focus on language. Controlling language is devastating political power. Never thought my generation would live to see the language warped such as it is today…by leftists, socialists, communists. I think the second important feature of 1984 is the not so obvious, but predictive theme that government will promise safety and ease to those who give up their freedom.

            This is the only serious discussion on Orwell I have found in current broadcast media

  6. I say the true Republicans, Patriots, and Pro 2nd A citizens need to stand up and push back HARD against the anti-gun pinhead.
    With all this BS talk of “weapons of war” being in the hands of US citizens, it time to DEMAND the right to select fire (3rd burst) and full auto (rock n’ roll) be available for purchase (following a NICS check, of course).
    LEOs are just citizens, yet are allowed full auto weapons. The regressive left is always complaining of overbearing LEO agencies, and therefore should EMBRACE this force equalizer.

  7. One’s answer may turn on a simple question: Does White make Right?

    From the founding to the present day, one demographic has held a consistent majority. Those of European descent. As a voting block, they could always out-vote those of other races or ethnic groups to their own advantage; and, to the detriment of minorities. Thus, we might reasonably ask: Does White make Right?

    The design of our republic answers, unequivocally: ‘No!’ There exist rights of minorities which are inalienable and inviolate under our system of a written constitution.

    One day, some other demographic might assume the majority. Perhaps it will be Hispanics; or Chinese; or Blacks. We could just as well ask: ‘Does Hispanic [etc.] make Right?’ If we answered ‘No’ to Whites, we would do so for Hispanics or any other ethnic group. Likewise for any other demographic: women vs. men; laborers vs. industrialists; north vs. south; coastal vs. hinterland.

    Is any so-called right worth the parchment it’s written on if a minority – determined to insist upon its place in society – lacks the political power to stake its claim? Chairman Mao put the point succinctly: “Political power emerges from the barrel of a gun.” And, this principle is no better implemented than it is in China (North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, . . . )

    • Does white make right? No, but why is everyone so hung up on the color of our skin, they should back the best person for the job. Many Afro Americans(and liberal Whites) put a man with African roots in as president and they did not agree with what he did. They did not vote the second term and are feeling more out of place in America than they have in their lives.
      Bush brought in the “patriot act” and all that came with it – bankrupted many in the US(which was supposed to happen to the next president), so people wanted a change. They got one – the most divisive presidency we have ever had – even Nixon did not break the country apart as much.
      One day we will all be Americans, not groups fragmenting society the way it has been so far this century.

      • Oh, the “race card”.
        Well played two dimensional thinker.
        Now go lay down by your water bowl.

    • There isn’t anything holding anyone of any race or sex back from exercising their unalienable rights in the United States today.

      Equality of opportunity substantially exists and anyone that doesn’t seize it is not pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps.

      It is the Bill of Rights that is the core that makes E Pluribus Unum. If the Bill of Rights is not embraced as our common bond, there will be no United States of America.

      • “There isn’t anything holding anyone of any race or sex back from exercising their unalienable rights in the United States today.”

        I believe there is an error in your conclusion. The Democrat Party, the birthplace of black suppression and slavery, remains the party of black suppression and dependence (slavery with televisions). The Demoncrat Party is working hard to ensure no ethnic minority in the country can pose an armed threat to Demoncrat privilege. It is the same Democrat party that simply says, “Tsk, tsk” regarding “all those poor blacks in the inner cities that just can’t shed their ancestral heritage of violence and tribal warfare, just killing each other every day. So sad, but what can you expect. It is the White Man’s Burden to save those people from themselves, but we (Democrats) are too busy with being morally correct (while being factual wrong), to really risk ourselves trying to stop natural instincts of a group of dangerous people. Look how long we caring, compassionate Democrats have tried to civilize those people, and still they just act the same. We have much safer success trying to suppress legal gun owners.”

        ” ” – totally made up, but the drift is accurate.

        • Nothing is forcing black people to vote for Democrats.

          They should have paid attention when Malcolm-X said:

          “You put them first and they put you last. ‘Cause you’re a chump. A political chump! … Any time you throw your weight behind a political party that controls two-thirds of the government, and that party can’t keep the promise that it made to you during election time, and you are dumb enough to walk around continuing to identify yourself with that party — you’re not only a chump but you’re a traitor to your race.”

          • “They should have paid attention when Malcolm-X said:”

            Didn’t Kanye get trashed for saying, “When you hear about slavery for 400 years … For 400 years? That sounds like a choice.”??

            There is an interesting sort of parallel between slaves held on plantations, and prisoners in the nazi camps: overwhelming numbers of victims did not overrun their captors, en masse. None of us were there, but is there something common among humans that causes us to ignore the differential in power, and remain imprisoned? Even “the great escape” planned for only 200 escapees (76 got out; three made the UK). Yet, the camp held ~3000 prisoners.

            For whatever reasons, like the plantations and other nazi camps, the 3000 seem to have the numbers to completely swamp the guards, and break for the countryside. Yes, many would be dead, but can we speculate that more than 76 would have been gone from Stalag Luft 3?

            What is it about us that defaults to the position that in the direst of conditions, one more minute of life is better than defiance that may end our lives in the next 30 seconds? Is freedom just an unnatural condition for humans?

    • Hello,

      Was thinking you might be onto something, but after the third re-read, had to reach for another cold Shiner Bock. Still couldn’t track you comment. But I did learn that I need to take more care in my screeds, because sometimes I like to see my writing, too much.

      But, all seriousness aside….

      I would like to follow your thoughts. Would you mind having another go, for clarity?

  8. The left and it’s media is in fact changing conservative politicians decisions. It’s working.
    As more psychopathic mass shootings come again and again in the near future, it will further push congress and Trump to knee jerk react. The bump stock is a good example. It’s almost a guarantee to happen before 2020. The left is relentless and will go as far as committing murder to get their way. The left are committing 3rd and 4th generation warfare where the right is not very strategic with counter solutions.
    I see more forces on the left side than forces on the right making progress in this fight.
    What I want to see is the right start deeper investigations in the Clinton’s, the AOC clan and exposing the left for who they really are. That would be progress at this point.

    • Good points.
      The AOC clan should be arrested for supporting domestic terrorism. The group is actually fundraising to mount a well funded legal defense for arrested antifa scum.

    • “What I want to see is the right start deeper investigations in the Clinton’s, the AOC clan and exposing the left for who they really are.”

      Radio talk show host is musing about the mass Republicrat resignations prior to 2018 mid-terms, and what seems to again be building. Are the radicals doing just what you suggest, then offering Repub politicians a “get out of jail free” card, if the Repubs resign before election time?

      • I think that the Rinos are leaving with all their payoff monies and giving the Senate over to the Democommies just to stop Trump. More deep state assaults on our country.

        • “I think that the Rinos are leaving with all their payoff monies and giving the Senate over to the Democommies just to stop Trump.”

          Would that really be necessary? How often do we see Republicrats stand up and defy the Dimwitocrats in suport of Trump? Where was the outrage from the Republicans during the dossier coup? Trump fought the entire battle essentially alone (among Republicrats), with only his base for support. Even after the publication of the report of the witch hunt, the Repubs remain essentially unfazed, uninterested.

  9. It’s really pathetic how the left managed to take so much control (in the last 5 + decades) by convincing the right to just “be quiet” if they disagreed with the far left views and solutions.
    Here we are over 5 decades later, with the empirical evidence/facts/figures that their views/ideas/solutions are total garbage, and when the right tries to present these facts, they are called racist and told to shut up.
    I guess if the left didn’t operate by double standards, they would have NO standards at all.

    • “and when the right tries to present these facts”…

      Well, the sad fact is that there are very few of us willing to do anything that will “rock the boat”. I work in a public school and the admin and other counselors dislike me at best because I don’t buy into every welfare handout/feel good project that comes along. There are a significant minority of teachers who are conservative minded but rarely if ever speak out because they don’t want (or can’t handle) other’s disapproval. I also tell students that they have a right to defend themselves when bullied and that some risk taking behavior is healthy! I’m a madman!

    • Facts and evidence means exactly nothing to the majority of people. In fact you end up confusing most of them which just annoys them making the facts and evidence less than worthless.

    • ” guess if the left didn’t operate by double standards, they would have NO standards at all.”

      Leftists and Demoncrats don’t have any standards. That is why the joyfully attack people who do, but fail to meet standards 100% of the time. If a group has no standards, how can you criticize them for failing to meet? They can’t be called hypocrites, while persons with standards struggle to be faithful are easy targets for the word.

      • Rules for radicals has something to say about standards. Have none but ruthlessly hold your enemies to their own.

        • “Rules for radicals has something to say about standards. Have none but ruthlessly hold your enemies to their own.”


  10. I used the take action function on their site to send the following to every Republican Congressman and to every Republican Senator in DC by replacing their message with my own:

    I am writing again in opposition to all of the gun control proposals that have been put before you. I am old enough that I can remember all the modern anti-gun legislation they have demanded, each item was always always proceeded by demands to “do something” but nothing ever proposed then or now would fix any of the problems they claim, and they know it. The real fix is completely unpalatable to the left, and that is for young men to be raised in a strong family unit consisting of a mother and a father.

    The Democrat politicians will claim their proposals are popular with the voters, they are not. Between the push-polls, agitprop, and advocacy they would have you believe that over 60% of possible voters support this nonsense. In point of fact, honest poling without the deceptive tricks used by Democrat pollsters would show no more support for their positions than the usual Democrat fan base. Their base would no more vote for a Republican than I would vote for Pocahontas or that ridiculous Socialist from Vermont. The American people deserve better than that!

    When a Democrat says “assault weapon” he wants people to think of an M16 or an M4 which are machine guns, but what he wants to ban is any semiautomatic firearm he can stretch that definition to fit. That leftist will use phrases like “weapons of war in our streets” which is yet another attempt to use elastic phrases to ban anything they can manage. In truth any modern firearm in use today is closely related to one used in a war sometime in the past. That bolt action rifle your dad or brother uses to hunt with is functionally identical to what US soldiers used in WW2; same thing with that pistol or revolver your uncle or sister uses for home defense. All modern firearms are derived from those muskets that the British tried to confiscate at Concord. The AR15 pattern rifle is the most popular rifle sold in America with some 25 to 30 million examples in private hands do you really want to try to confiscate the private property of more than 20 million Americans?

    Okay, so you think you can actually successfully confiscate those rifles. Lets look at where it has been tried: The Australian government tried to confiscate all the semiautomatic rifles in the country the best estimates indicate they collected perhaps twenty to twenty five percent. The New Zealand government is currently trying the same thing and despite the fact they license gun owners they appear to be on track to getting perhaps twelve to fifteen percent. Here in the US registration, which is rightly seen as the precursor to confiscation, has been attempted by Connecticut and New York. They got about ten and seven percent to register respectively. Based on that level of response, does anyone not part of or playing to the left wing of the Democrat party actually claim that confiscation will be successful? Do they actually believe that attempts to force people to give up their arms would happen peacefully? Do the Democrats not understand that any such attempt would be viewed like the British Redcoats marching on Concord in 1775? I fear they either don’t understand or that they simply don’t care how much violence would come from such an attempt to destroy the Constitution.

    >>>> whatever they do, they can’t claim they didn’t hear from us!

    • quote——————The Australian government tried to confiscate all the semiautomatic rifles in the country the best estimates indicate they collected perhaps twenty to twenty five percent. ————–quote

      from the desk of Robert Reich

      Not true. In the years following the mass confiscation of weapons of mass destruction the level of violence was cut in half and never again had they a mass murder the equal of the first horrific one. Even smaller mass shootings fell by 43 per cent over the next 7 years. Their law worked and even after the Liberals were voted out of office over the gun issue , the Conservatives declined to resend the draconian gun law that was passed proving that people in power whether they are Liberal or Conservative want absolute power and neither side is willing to grant weapons to people that they perceive to be a threat to them or to the general populous.

      30 independent studies have shown that more guns equaled more violence in a society. Proving NRA propaganda that says more guns make us safer is a bold face lie.

      • Plus 97 per cent of all of the scientists in the whole world support new gun control laws. It is a proven scientific fact that nobody can shoot anybody with a gun if there are no guns.

        The Australians have imported and sold over 1 million new guns since the buyback but it was so successful there are no guns left in Australia because after the buyback there was negative one million guns. All of this is proven scientfic fact established by studies like that one letter to the editor I read part of in Scientific American.

        • No more guns???
          GAFC, anyone with access to machinery can produce the parts to make a gun. Also the armorys will be targets for theft.
          How do you propose this new “no gun” utopia of which you post Vlad? Do we go back to the stone age, and fight wars with rocks and spears.
          More retarded drivel from Vlad.

        • Thank you for your insightful reply. Your continued support means a lot to me. I will not let you down I will keep copying and pasting until my bedtime.

        • James Campbell:

          I keep trying to tell ’em that firearms, including the AR-15, are 19th Century technology and can be manufactured by anyone with the know how and some metalworking tools.

          I have heard that there are smiths in the Khyber Pass that hand-make AKs from scratch (the parts are hand-fitted and not interchangeable) and I had also heard that the perp that shot the MP in London the day before the Brexit vote did so with a firearm he made from plans & books.

          The gun genie is long out of the bottle…

  11. I believe every gun owner is going to have to get together in some form or fashion to put a stop to all of this “gun control” that’s snowballing out of control. If we all get together and put our vote on something there is no way it could be ignored. That many votes would be enough to win the President seat itself. It would have to be a nonprofit organization with a one time entering fee of no more than a dollar or two, so we could all afford to get onboard.

  12. quote———————-The government was created to serve the citizenry, not to subjugate and oppress it. The words codified in the Second Amendment make this fundamental truth plain. The exercise of the right of the people to keep and bear arms makes this truth a reality. The new progressive left seeks to erase the words of the Second Amendment from the Constitution.—————-quote

    Wrong. This Nation was seized by Greedy Businessmen who enslaved the unwilling majority by creating a revolution that benefited only the filthy rich and denied the people even the right to vote. The Second Amendment was pure propaganda written in the vaguest terms possible so that firearms rights could be taken from the people and that is exactly what the courts have done down through U.S. History.

    quote——————If these radical left-wing elements succeed in compromising the nation by undercutting the Constitution, then the American people, like the populations of the EU, will face unending misery.—————quote
    The E.U. people enjoy a higher standard of living, they do not go bankrupt over health care or go permanently in debt over a college education. They have affordable drugs and do not die like dogs in the street because they cannot afford life saving drugs. They retire earlier and they do not live in a Nation that permits weekly mass murder of its citizens by assault rifles which includes its school children. Their accidental child deaths from firearms are lower and their gun homicides are lower as well.

    quote—————-But to accomplish their goal, the new progressive left in our country must indoctrinate our children, and reeducate those adults who aren’t so easily susceptible to prolific proselytizing and propagandizing.————quote

    Wrong for too long a time Right Wing Radicals hide the sordid truth from children about the mass murder the U.S. committed in its never ending wars of rape, pillage and conquest. Children were once taught that the U.S. was the Master Race and that all other civilizations were inferior and sub-human. We were training our children to be Nazi’s long before the Nazi’s even existed. If anything the Nazi’s learned most of when they believed from us including discrimination and hatred of immigrants. Hitler himself is now known to have studied U.S. laws that discriminated against immigrants.

    quote——————-It is that one, fundamental right that most concerns them: the right of the people to keep and bear arms.————-quote

    The Second Amendment was deliberately written in the most vaguest terms possible so that the Founding Father Swamp Rats, who had already enslaved the general populous. by even denying the the right to vote, could if necessary put draconian restrictions on the ownership of firearms and that is exactly what the courts have done continuously up to the present day including sanctioning all the bans on Assault Rifles and high capacity magazines. The Second Amendment was never meant to be unlimited otherwise everyone could own atomic bombs and poison gas which is believe to be a God Given right by the Far Right Paramilitary Lunatic Fringe.

    quote————–The problem for those of us who seek to preserve and strengthen the RKBA is found less in the radical left or the media than it is the growing possibility that the U.S. President and congressional Republicans might actually consider negotiating with Democrats. And in so doing, weaken rather than preserve Second Amendment rights.————-quote

    More and more level headed Republicans like the Texas Governor are coming to the realization that by not doing the minimal such as passing Universal Background Checks that they are losing out on a big political gain come the elections in 2020 which will result in universal back ground checks being passed anyway by the Democrats. IT WAS REPORTED TODAY THAT 33 REPUBLICANS IN THE HOUSE HELPED THE DEMOCRATS PASS A UNIVERSAL BACK GROUND CHECK BILL NOW ON MOSCOW MITCH MCCONNELL’S DESK and that with Presidential approval would easily pass the Senate if McConnell brought the bill to the floor for a vote.

    Quote—————————–Our nation already has more than enough restrictions on gun rights. Still more gun laws will not make this nation safer.——————quote

    A bald face lie, we have zero controls on the sale of second hand guns which was very evident at the latest mass murder in Texas where a nut case denied by the Brady Bill from a purchase of an AR15 easily bought a weapon of mass destruction in a private sale. The Chicago study found that the majority of guns used in crime were bought second hand and were at least 11 years old and bought with no vetting, only a wink and a nod and cold hard bloody cash on the barrel head.

    quote—————-We know that…and Democrats know it, too. These “muscular new gun control measures” Democrat candidates are calling for are directed squarely at the millions of law-abiding gun owners, not common criminals, not psychopathic gang members, not psychotic lunatics, all of whom aren’t permitted to own and possess firearms under current law.—————-quote

    We have no requirements for taking a mental test before being permitted to buy a firearm which almost all other civilized industrial nations have had for decades. Many States have also been lax or outright refused to enter data on a persons mental health into the data base. Our record keeping must improve. And Yes the Democrats are indeed demanding laws like universal back ground checks and safe storage laws that are indeed aimed right at the criminals and or make it harder for t hem to buy or steal guns.

    quote——————-This indisputable truth compels one unmistakable, disturbing conclusion: further gun control laws the anti-gun presidential candidates are arguing for aren’t directed to reducing gun violence. Nor, for that matter, are they directed at the reduction of violence of any kind.————quote

    The indisputable conclusion proves the exact opposite of your statement because if the Democratic controls were made law it would be effective in reduced violence and gun crime as it has been successful in all other industrialized nations. The Statistics and the History of gun control in other industrialized countries countries have proved your statement wrong.

    Quote———————-An armed citizenry was precisely what the Founders prescribed, for their aim was to deter the rise of tyranny, not to enable it.————–quote

    Wrong again. The Founding Father Swamp rats were indeed Tyrants and they established a corrupt country that put all the power in the hands of the filthy rich and denied democracy to the people down to this very day. The majority of Americans were against the revolution. The arrogant and totally incompetent George Washington even had trouble finding enough “suckers” to fight his war. He was almost captured twice and lost more battles than he won and he was forced to hire a German “has been” mercenary general to train his troops because Washington was too incompetent to do the job himself and he admitted to such. If it had not been for French intervention pouring in arms and millions in cash along with the professional French Army and Navy Washington would have been defeated and hanged by his dirty deceiving balls.

    Quote——————-We see instead Democrats spending much of their time campaigning for more restrictive gun laws, directed at law-abiding citizens, which, if enacted, would have the perverse result of leaving people defenseless. The need for further restrictive gun laws is, then, again, just a ruse—all directed to one ultimate goal: de facto repeal of the Second Amendment.—————quote

    Wrong again. Europe and Canada with their gun laws have countries where it is far, far safer to go shopping , go to a movie, or even for children to go to school than the lawlessness, insanity and mayhem that has now become “the every day norm” just as President Obama predicted would happen when he begged Congress for sane gun control laws before it all got completely out of hand and so history sadly has proved his predictions true.

    As time went on the corruption became even more wildly obscene with the advent of gerrymandering and the Electoral College which threw off all pretense of a democracy by the people and for the people rather it was even more than ever for the rich and by the rich and so it remains to this very day. Total corruption and deceit.

    quote——————–Once that happens, the amassing of Government power would accelerate, unconfined by the limitations imposed by the first three Articles of the Constitution, and undeterred by, and no longer concerned with the threat an armed citizenry poses.—————quote

    Standard Right Wing fantasy ad propaganda. Very few revolutions by the people are successful if not financed by outside sources. Our own ill conceived and disastrous American Revolution would never have been successful without intervention by the French whose money, military, and navy and expertise made it possible. Even without outside intervention the U.S. Military would have to revolt against their own government, a scenario highly unlikely in today’s world of security cameras and listening devices permeating every level of society and of the military. Military coup’s have become highly unlikely as it goes against their own self interest and power.

    The article was meant to appeal to the uneducated, especially people who lack even the smallest vestige of any understanding of the past history of both the U.S. and the World.

    Big changes in gun control are coming soon as the American People are demanding a stop to the every day carnage and total insanity of a Nation who has failed to even protect its most precious commodity , its children. When a society engages in such crass, uncaring and obscene behavior because of a lust for power and blind greed it is headed for total implosion and self destruction. We are standing on the edge of an abyss and a failure to act and act quickly sows the seeds of our own self destruction.

      • “former water walker says:
        September 8, 2019 at 17:21 ”

        It might the right time for you to just relax and let your-self sink and do not try to BREATHE.

      • Yes I am paid by the word but it is in my contract that I do not have to read any of it. I got my new tricked out meth pipe and now I need some meth to put in it so I really need the money. Posting this garbage takes a lot out of me. After all of that copying and pasting my fingers hurt so bad I may have to go on disability.

        • Master Troll Level 93 achieved!

          Well done! You now have the ability to write comments so lengthy, nobody will read them in their entirety due to sheer boredom. Your health is increased +2 and your speed is increased +1.

          Keep playing.

  13. a question for all of you who claim to be constitutionalist.
    if the united states citizens were to repeal the second amendment as is set forth in the constitution for amending the constitution. what then? if it turns out the majority uses their constitutional power to legally change the constitution despite of what we the minority want are you going to then defend the constitution and turn in your guns?
    i am a pro gun retired gunsmith but i believe all this talk of defending the constitution is bull poop! the people that are using this as an argumant are grasping at straws and i doubt most of you know the meaning of the other amendments or how many have been repealed.

    • Only those who have studied and UNDERSTAND the Federalist Papers are in ANY position to respond.
      The 2nd A does not “give” a right to the citizens, it actually DEFINES a natural and GOD GIVEN right.
      How can the Government take away something it NEVER gave???
      The Federalist Papers were the documents defining the conditions/limitations of the Constitution/Bill of Rights, this Federalist Papers were the sales pitch to get the whole deal approved by the citizens and ratified by the states.
      Proceed accordingly gun grabbing political hacks.

      • you have just proved my point! since the gun control act of 1968 pro gun lobbyest have been screaming about the ultimate authority of the 2nd amendment when it comes to firearms issues and legislation.
        when given a possibility the constitution could be changed as laid out by the founding fathers you suddenly change the issue. the 2nd adm is no longer the final say but meaningless as it cant give us what we already have as a god given right.
        in other words if you dont get your way you will take your ball and go home while trying to incite others who believe as you to burn down the rest of the neighborhood.

        • Yes, restrictions that keep “common use” small arms of war out of the hands of responsible citizens are unconstitutional. Shall not be infringed sums it up.
          And it just MAY come to burning it down to resist the assault on citizens rights. The founding fathers were WELL aware of that possible outcome when their system faced tyranny. Glad to break that down for you.

        • They’ll have to repeal the 10th Amendment and the equivalents to the 2nd Amendment in many of the State Constitutions also.

          Pennsylvania has one that’s better than the 2nd Amendment.

          The right to keep and bear arms is unalienable natural right that exists with or without the government.

          Regardless, I think we should keep our hands off of the Constitution because we are too stupid to amend it without screwing it up.

    • “a question for all of you who claim to be constitutionalist. if the united states citizens were to repeal the second amendment as is set forth in the constitution for amending the constitution. what then?”

      You posed a serious dilemma, then ruined it by going a bridge too far in your critique. Indeed, what do we do when the provided mechanism for change, turns radically against us? This should not be a throwaway line/question.

      The constitution was founded upon human rights that devolved from a Creator. No matter one’s religious view, that theme has meaning. If a human right exists since the beginning of the universe, then does a change in law (constitution) effectively supersede the natural, human right? If so, the basic premise of rights granted by a Creator must be re-examined. If not, how is a natural law enforced, without resorting to “the law of the jungle”? Regardless of law and documents, how are rights preexisting any government availed? Or do even preexisting natural rights require raw power of humans in order to remain “rights”? Which brings us to “Law 101″ class: if a law is not, and cannot be enforced, is it really a law, something that can influence human interactions”. Of what value is the assertion of a “right” when there is no means of benefiting? Are we then not engaging in an argument over how many angels can dance on the head of a pin?

    • “if the united states citizens were to repeal the second amendment as is set forth in the constitution for amending the constitution. what then? if it turns out the majority uses their constitutional power to legally change the constitution despite of what we the minority want are you going to then defend the constitution and turn in your guns?”

      Please explain how US citizens can go about repealing a right that SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED?
      That wording CLEARLY states the 2nd A is beyond amending or repeal. A GOD GIVEN, natural right.
      What is it with these morons who think amend/repeal is an option for EVERYTHING in the document?

      • “What is it with these morons who think amend/repeal is an option for EVERYTHING in the document?”

        They are correct in that position.

        The founders clearly understood how they intended their document to function as a control on government, and the emotions of the people of the States (big “S” in those days was significant, unlike today).

        When the mechanism for modifying the constitution (amendment) was created, the founders did not place any restrictions on which statement(s) in the constitution were beyond reach of the amendment process. Then came the BOR, specifically here the second amendment. The Anti-Federalists were hyper sensitive to government becoming abusive. The BOR was a concession to the Anti-Federalists in order to encourage those delegates to the convention to at least agree to take the constitution back to their States for ratification votes.

        While the words of the first two amendments have declarative prohibitions to usurping the rights of the people (and States), neither those amendments, nor any others, declared themselves exempt from amendment/repeal. Amending the constitution to the point of uselessness was possible/permitted, and thus we were served the challenge, “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

        That challenge was not solely about being overtaken by a foreign power, or even just the prevention of the central government from establishing a dictatorship/tyrant. The most important challenge was keeping a Republic all the while the populace clamored for more dependence upon centralized power (politics), including removing all personal freedoms from the constitution and amendments (amendments are not a separate document from the constitution, but an integral part).

        • And if we can’t keep that Republic, the Declaration of Independence has the answer:

          When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

          We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.,”

          It is not the intent of the Founders that a large portion of the citizenry live under the tyranny of the rest of the citizenry.

          Tyranny is when the powers that be (government or otherwise) limit individual liberty; whether that be the unalienable rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights or other rights retained by that citizenry.

          If the 2nd Amendment is repealed, if the 1st Amendment is altered to restrict free speech, if due process rights are reduced; it is time to alter or to abolish the United States.

          This can occur amicably or, more likely, with another revolution.

          • “And if we can’t keep that Republic, the Declaration of Independence has the answer:”

            To which the constitution replies: “To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions”

            Interestingly, it was necessary to create a federal law in about 1807 dealing specifically with “rebellion”. If Congress was authorized to suppress insurrections (which is rebellion), why the need to create a federal statute making rebellion a crime?

            Note that while the constitution was a limit on the federal government (but not the States (with few exceptions), no where does the constitution incorporate the DoI declaration of the need and right of the people to throw off government. The DoI has no legal standing in the court system.

        • Like I said, we can do it the easy way (amicably) or the hard way (revolution).

          The two sides will be too large to suppress rebellion or insurrection.

          At the moment, we have the upper hand.

      • to Cambells soup
        quote————-Please explain how US citizens can go about repealing a right that SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED?———quote

        Scholars have long debated the meaning of 2A but lets skip that and look at reality.

        The people have every right to change the constitution especially when technology makes what is in it obsolete and if it is too difficult to amend it the courts will do what they have always done and simply ignore the Constitution. I could wright pages on that. There were no atomic bombs, poison gas or high capacity assault rifles when 2A was written so the courts simply ignored the constitution and banned the first two items from civilian ownership and soon will ban the latter as well. The assault rifle bans have already been blessed by the courts in more than one state and will be eventually on the Federal level without an amendment to the Constitution, again just as in Atomic bombs and poison gas its called ignoring the Constitution. And in the most corrupt industrialized state in the world its all perfectly legal.

        • Plus the courts will make a new law that says nobody can make any more mean comments about my appalling ignorance of how the US government works.

    • As usual you have got it backwards. You want a site that “is biased” toward unlimited gun rights with absolutely no freedom of speech to present a counter view point. As I have said before the Far Right rant about Second Amendment Rights but boldly declare they wish to immediately destroy the 1st Amendment. You just proved it. Hitler, a paradigm of Right Wing Madness did the same and the world lived happily ever after. (sarcasm)

        • You should show a little respect. I work really hard copying and pasting and drooling on my keyboard and all you ever do is YAWN!

      • As usual I only like it when I get it backwards. Plus the Far Right hates puppies and kittens and wants to put all of the cute bunny rabbits in concentration camps. The Far Right is so mean they complain about paying taxes but the government needs that money so it can give me more free stuff.

        Maybe one of you Far Right geniuses can explain to me what an amendment is. Seriously I do not know what an amendment is but you sure get upset when I attack the 2nd amendment whatever that is.

        • Just look at my old comments you will see I have never used a stupid girly-man picture next to my name. The fake Vlad Tepes with the stupid girly-man picture is trying to take credit for all of my hard work copying and pasting.

  14. Does media realize what might actually be painfully obvious? That absent Second Amendment Rights, their beloved freedom of the press might soon be a memory of something past, but no longer existing. Does it actually care?

    • If you had bothered to study the freedom of the press in Europe say like France they actually have “more freedom of the press” than we do. And yes they have many more gun control laws than we do. With our lawsuits for slander even old line Newspapers despite being very careful are consistently being sued and they often have to “let out” controversial news on subjects that should be discussed more fully.

      • Yeah, the French media is so free, draw a pic of Allah, get your entire operation blown up.
        That’s statement was beyond retarded Vlad, even for you.
        Oh, and nothing is EVER a terrorist act if a person from the Middle East or Africa commits the act, right Vlad?

        • There has never been a statement and there is no statement there will never be any statement that is too retarded for me!

        • quote—————James Campbell says:
          September 8, 2019 at 18:10
          Yeah, the French media is so free, draw a pic of Allah, get your entire operation blown up.
          That’s statement was beyond retarded Vlad, even for you.
          Oh, and nothing is EVER a terrorist act if a person from the Middle East or Africa commits the act, right Vlad?———quote

          Yeah and France lost a few people in a terrorist attack and we lost 3,000 on 9/11. Now who is running their country better. You scorched yourself out on that post.

        • I scorched my fingers on my new meth pipe and got mad and threw it and now it is broken and it is all Trump’s fault.

      • “3000 lost on 9-11”, “which country is being run better?”

        Well Vlad, time for a reality check.
        9-11 was a sneak attack, basically a battle in a war that continues to this day so we cannot define a winner/loser yet.
        Only someone who is smoking crack on a regular basis will claim France is being run better. You have E Macro bending over and spreading his butt cheeks for the pleasure of ANY globalist, open border, or climate change ideas. The French are starting to wake up to this reality, they don’t like the direction the country is going. But I’m sure you think it’s all good because CNN said so.

    • “Does media realize what might actually be painfully obvious? That absent Second Amendment Rights, their beloved freedom of the press might soon be a memory of something past, but no longer existing.”

      No, actually. The leftists (Demoncrats and the like) believe they will/should be in power eternally. Thus, their “rights” are not in danger. Early in the Obama years, some things had happened, and I was amazed (can’t remember the details). The actions were like no aftermath of any previous presidential election. I turned to the commanding officer and said to her, “These people are acting like they will be in power forever. That nobody will ever be able to turn the tables on them.”

      • “You need only reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the struggle for independence.”

        Charles A Beard – Early 20th Century Historian and scholar.

        • “You need only reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the struggle for independence.”

          Indeed. “War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength;”

  15. “That will manifest itself in the suppression of basic freedoms, constant surveillance, control over thought and conduct”

    It already HAS manifested, Mr. Katz!

    We aren’t allowed to think freely and speak freely anymore, at least not if we want a job. In our workplaces and schools, we are subjected to indoctrination in all kinds of nonsensical superstition regarding diversity, inclusion, systemic bias, and denial of biological facts. We are surveilled by cameras and shot-spotter systems in all our major cities, and only a fool believes our internet usage is unmonitored.

    Our “news” media LIES to us, insults us, and suppresses inconvenient truths. Our schools fail utterly in educating students in our history, our civic responsibilities, and even basic subjects like the three R’s. Cities and counties and states DEFY the federal government by giving protections and privileges to NON-CITIZENS over the rights of real citizens. An out-of-control judiciary prevents us even from securing our own borders.

    The horse is already out of the barn, Mr.Katz.

  16. Personally I think the left started at least a few of the past tragedies hopefully creating copies seems that has worked. I just hope they the extreme left does not gain control, he all will loose everything , Including the children that American parents have lost.

  17. We need to get the 2nd paragraph of the Declaration of Independence in letters to the editor and before the public in as many ways as possible and compare the democratic party to Hugo Chavez and the lying BS he fed to the Venezuelan people. And then ask what is disarming a law-abiding populace if not tyrannical?

  18. Seems that the Demoncrats are conflating the “Divine Right” of a monarch with a nonexistent “Divine Right” of government. Otherwise why would they use New Zealand, Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom as examples they want us to emulate. However, those are all Constitutional Monarchies and we are a Democratic Representative Republic. The power of their governments and their rights all derive from the monarch, Queen Elizabeth II. The power of our government rests with the “People.”

    • And why did the US not follow the rest of the Commonwealth and why if the US the orphaned child? Because we believed then and believe now that we have inalienable natural rights which shall not be violated and we saw that the Crown through its Parliament was depriving those in the colonies that went on to form the US of their natural rights.

    • “The power of our government rests with the “People.”” ”

      Uuuhh, ‘scuze me? The power of our government rests only with the right people, not with deplorables. Don’t your read the news, or watch TV?

  19. Here is a link every decent American can use to send a message so easy with a few clicks and a prewritten letter(if needed) to all GOP Senators & Trump to stop this illegal gun control! This week the threat is real and the anti-gun house will likely pass several gun control bills and scream the sky is falling! They will call Trump and the Senate all kinds of names if they don’t pass their commie gun control!

  20. If they don’t like the way America is get the HELL OUT of America this is the land of the free not a grovnment controlled country it’s a 2nd Amendment loving country of what’s right the people. They are what’s wrong they fear the truth so they hide behind lies blaming everyone or anything for their mistakes in place of doing what needs to be done, like stiffer penalties for criminals,putting God back into schools, allowing teachers to keep control of the children, things that matter. To help keep America free strong. That’s what will cut down on crime, anyone with any sense knows guns don’t harm anything it’s the person or person’s don’t charge the weapon get the cause, eye for eye for murder, a pet on the back for self-defense in a need be I ncounter .home, family, protection.

  21. I’ve been a Democrat all my life for the most part, but if this shit keeps up with the Radical Left trying to ram this warped disarmament agenda down our throats then I will *absolutely* be switching to the Republican side (along with lots of other folks). And I am not a Trump fan by any stretch of the imagination.

    The Democratic Party is losing its collective mind. Look at some of the politicians crawling out of the woodwork now. Like that young girl with the crazy eyes from New York. AOC I think are her initials.

    In the meantime, buy yourself another long rifle or two, and *lots* of extra ammo now. 5,000 rounds is a good base. And a couple dozen 15/20/25/30 capacity magazines. (Max your credit cards out if you have to.) It can’t hurt. Spend more time at the range honing your skills. And of course *stay frosty*.

    • It is going to continue so you might as well commit now. Btw, do you live in or near a major metro area, or out here in flyover country? No need to be more specific than that. 🙂

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