“A federal court has sealed all filings in an immigration case against a Mexican man who was wounded in a shooting in which a Border Patrol agent was killed near the Mexican border,” azstarnet.com reports. “Manuel Osorio-Arellanes is charged with re-entering the country after his June 2010 deportation. But a search of publicly available records shows that he hasn’t been charged in the Dec. 14 shooting death of Agent Brian Terry. Authorities say Terry was waiting with other agents in a canyon north of Nogales when a shootout with border bandits erupted. Osorio-Arellanes told the FBI that he raised a weapon at agents, but didn’t fire after he realized who they were . . . His trial on the immigration charge is set for May 10.” You want to read some really scary shit? Click here for background on Terry’s [alleged] killer and his brother.


  1. And here I thought that Mexico’s top export was marijuana. Now I find out that it’s actually criminal scumbags. Who knew?

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